
xīn shè huì
  • the new society
新社会[xīn shè huì]
  1. 新社会不兴这一套了。

    We don 't go in for that sort of thing in the new society .

  2. 在新社会职业有保障。

    In the new society jobs are secure .

  3. 旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人。

    The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society .

  4. 革命和工业创造着一个新社会,在这样的社会里旧的传统的价值观不再具有支配力量。

    Revolution and industrialism were creating a new kind of society , in which the old traditional values no longer held sway .

  5. 人的全面发展:社会主义新社会的本质要求

    All-round Development of Mankind : Essential Demand of New Society in Socialist Context

  6. 试析新社会阶层的共同特征

    On the Common Characteristics of the New Classes

  7. 从《新社会·地理》和《理科》教材中各选取了4个案例。

    I chose four cases from textbook " Social Geography " and " Science " .

  8. 新社会组织通过对社会资源进行有机整合,开创了一种全新的社会管理模式。

    NSO has established a new social management model through successful integrations of social resources .

  9. 亚政治与新社会运动

    Sub-Politics and the New Social Movement

  10. 新社会阶层的优秀分子入党带来的问题及对策思考

    Problem and Countermeasure of Admitting the Advanced persons of the New Social Status into the Party

  11. 深入思考新社会运动对德国绿党的影响将给我们有益的启示。

    It will bring us many reflections to have a deep understanding of new social movement .

  12. 我们没有时间学习,但是我们学得快。资产阶级专家是通往社会主义新社会的桥梁,并且代表最大限度地管理效率。

    Capitalist experts represent the " optimum managing efficiency " and are " bridges to new socialist society " .

  13. 这种新社会是国家权力高度扩张,国家社会合为一体的社会。

    This new society was like that state power was highly expanded , the state and society were combined .

  14. 20世纪90年代末在国际社会掀起的反全球化运动与60年代末兴起的新社会运动颇为相似。

    There is great similarity between anti-globalization movements at the end of 1990s and that of at the end of 1960s .

  15. 当今各国出现了恢复性司法或是事不过三法、新社会防卫论等理论及实践。

    Nowadays the restorative justice , the three strikes law , and new social defense theory have emerged in many countries .

  16. 得出新社会阶层虽然对我国社会产生了一些不利影响,但是其产生的有利影响却是占据主导地位的。

    It comes to a conclusion that the new social stratum produces some bad influences in china but the good influences dominate .

  17. 作为改革开放的产物,新社会阶层已成为我国公民中的重要社会群体。

    As the product of reform and opening up , new social stratum has become the important social groups in our citizens .

  18. 保持党的先进性必须加强新社会阶层党员队伍建设;

    To keep the Party 's progressiveness , we must enhance the construction of Party members ' troops in new social class .

  19. 先进的信息和通信技术正将我们带入一个崭新的信息时代,全球范围浮现的是一种信息化、全球化与网络化的新社会。

    With rapid advances in information and telecommunication technologies ( ICTs ), human beings have increasingly been brought into an information-networked global society .

  20. 加强新社会阶层党员队伍建设直接关系到党的先进性的具体保持与体现。

    Strengthening the Construction of the members ' troops in new social class is closely related to the maintaining and embodiment of the Party 's progressiveness .

  21. 但是法国当代的刑事政策已经走出新社会防卫运动的影响而呈现新的面貌。

    Although the new society defense movement has great influence , modern criminal policy of France had walked out range of the movement and shown visage .

  22. 当代中国的新社会阶层是伴随着新的经济形式、新的产业的兴起而从其他基本阶层分化出来的。

    New social stratum of contemporary China is social benefit group separated from other basic social stratum , accompanying with new economic styles and new properties emerging .

  23. 山东作家以齐鲁文化的忠义观念写新社会英雄,根源于创作主体的文化心理结构。

    Shandong writers wrote heroes of new society by loyalty and chivalry of Qi Lu culture , which had stemmed from the cultural mental structure of creative subjects .

  24. 从学习西方开始,以《新社会》作者群为典型的青年知识分子们迈开了探索救世之道的第一步。

    From learning from west world , the young intellectuals in " The New Society " took their first step on the road to save the people and the country .

  25. 由互联网所营造的这种新社会空间所引起的社会结构和社会经验的变化,首先体现在随互联网兴起而产生的一个新的特殊社会群体――网民身上。

    The change of the society structure and society experience caused by the new society space , the Internet , first showed on a special new group & people on line .

  26. 反全球化运动是新社会运动在新的国际背景下的一种体现,但它也在一定程度上赋予新社会运动理论以新的内容。

    It argues that anti-globalization movement is an embodiment of New Social Movements under new international background , and to some extent , contributes new ideas to New Social Movement theory .

  27. 在新社会形势下,重视和加强党课教育对于提高党对意识形态的领导力是十分重要的。

    In the new situation , it is very important to attach importance to strengthening the Party class education for improving the Party 's leadership skill in the sphere of ideology .

  28. 人道主义的发展为刑罚轻缓化创造了良好的文化氛围。启蒙思想家和刑事古典学派、刑事实证学派和新社会防卫论等的刑罚轻缓思想,使刑罚轻缓化具备了深厚的理论支持。

    The initiation thinkers and the criminal classical school , the criminal real diagnosis school of thought and the new social defense discusses and so on provide penalty mitigation with deep rationale .

  29. 一方面,当代资本主义已经暴露出向新社会转变的历史过渡性质,另一方面,这种历史过渡将是一个相当长的历史过程。

    On the one hand , modern capitalism appeared historical transition nature to a new society , on the other hand , this kind of transition would be a quite long historical process .

  30. 马克思有没有关于未来新社会的商品经济和市场经济思想,或者中国社会主义初级阶段市场经济理论是否渊源于马克思,这是一个有争议的问题。

    It is always disputed whether Marx has the thoughts of market economy and the merchandise economy about future society , or the elementary stage theory of Chinese socialism market economy roots in Marx .