
  • 网络Frontiers of Management
  1. 政府绩效评价是公共管理的前沿课题。

    Performance evaluation of government is the frontier topic in public management .

  2. 支撑城市规划与建设的资源平台&城市信息管理的前沿探索

    Resource Platform that Supports Urban Planning and Construction & Forefront Study of Urban Information Management

  3. 软件成熟度模型是软件工程和质量管理的前沿课题。

    Software capability maturity model is a frontier in researching on software engineering and quality management .

  4. 首先,本论文从内容上看属于银行管理的前沿方向。

    Viewing from the contents of the papers , it is belonging to the forward direction of bank management .

  5. 生态系统方法作为当今国内外海岸带管理的前沿与热点,为海岸带综合管理提供了一种新方法和新思路。

    As the frontier research issue , the ecosystem approach provides a new approach for the integrated coastal zone management ( ICM ) .

  6. 她说:你需要在管理的前沿和中心,为百货商店献计使他们保持竞争优势。

    You need to be front and center with management , giving them suggestions for how they can remain competitive , she said .

  7. 政府绩效评价是现代政府管理的前沿课题,也是我国政府近年来研究的热门课题。

    Government Performance Evaluation is the forward topic of modern government management as well as a hot research subject of government in recent years .

  8. 临床路径是现代医院管理的前沿技术之一,对于提高医疗服务质量和降低医疗费用具有现实意义。

    Clinical Pathways ( CP ) is one of the latest technical methods in hospital management field and is good for clinical quality and cost control .

  9. 本文以人力资本理论为依据,结合现代人力资源开发与管理的前沿思想以及企业培训工作的最新实践成果,对企业培训评估工作及其存在的问题做了较为全面、深入的分析和研究。

    This article is based on labor economy and management theory , and along with newest practice outcome , analyze and study the training evaluation deeply .

  10. 企业技术创新风险评价是企业管理的前沿和热点问题,是一项多学科交叉的边缘性研究课题,难度较大。

    The risk evaluation for enterprise technology innovation is a hotspot problem and the forward position of enterprise management , is a much subject overlapping edge research program , it is very difficult to research this problem .

  11. 工业是现代经济发展的核心,如何提高工业技术效率是工业经济管理的前沿课题之一。

    Industry is the core of modern economic development , how to improve the efficiency of industrial technology is one of the topics at the forefront of the industrial economy management . Yunnan is in the middle stage of industrialization .

  12. 流程重组(BusinessProcessReengineering)涉足企业管理发展的前沿问题。

    Business process reengineering ( BPR ) touches forward problems of the development of enterprise management . In the course of reorganizing business process of enterprise , a slight move in one part may affect the whole situation .

  13. 公共领导问题是近年来公共管理领域的前沿问题,定量分析方法提供给我们一个考察公共领导问题的较好的研究视角。

    Public leadership is a recent topic in the public administration field recent years .

  14. 物流中心的选址研究也成为管理学的前沿问题。

    The location of logistics centers has become a frontier problem of management too .

  15. 农业经济管理研究的前沿问题与资助方向

    Research frontiers of Agricultural Economics and management

  16. 韬睿惠悦一直以来都处于全球保险业风险管理发展的前沿。

    Towers Watson has been at the forefront of risk management development in the insurance industry globally .

  17. 近年来智能交通系统(ITS)已成为道路交通管理研究的前沿热点方向。

    Recently Intelligence Transportation System ( ITS ) has become a hot research topic for the road traffic administration .

  18. 山东高速集团作为国有大型企业,一直处在企业信息化管理探索的前沿阵地。

    As state-owned major industry , ShanDong Hi-Speed Group has occupied the advanced position in exploring the management of enterprise informationization .

  19. 地方政府政府绩效评估产生于二十世纪70年代末,是行政管理领域的前沿课题。

    Local government performance evaluation system from the start in the late twentieth century , is the administrative area of topics at the forefront .

  20. 动态能力理论是企业战略管理理论的前沿理论,是核心竞争力理论的进一步发展。

    The theory of dynamic capabilities is not only the frontier of enterprise strategic management theory , but also the further development of the core-competitiveness theory .

  21. 近年来,房地产市场波动的度量、分析已成为当今房地产经营与管理研究的前沿课题。

    In the field of real estate , measurement and analysis of the fluctuation of the real estate market has become very much a pioneering research issue .

  22. 这些矛盾和冲突的,使得对新生代员工问题的研究,尤其是对新生代员工成长环境与机制的研究必将成为中国人力资源管理研究的前沿和热点问题。

    Because of contradictions and conflicts the research of the new generation employees , especially the research of new generation employees growth environment and mechanism has the frontiers and focuses of the research about China human resource management .

  23. 目前,动态能力理论还是企业战略管理理论的前沿,有关动态能力的研究还处于初级阶段,其中动态能力的衡量是该理论中急需研究的重要课题。

    The theory of dynamic capabilities is now the academic frontier of the theory of the enterprise strategic management . Research on it is still in its infancy , among which the measure of dynamic capabilities deserves discussing .

  24. 乡镇政府作为我国基层行政机关,是实施行政管理的最前沿,乡镇政府的行政控制力如何,直接关系到我国政权的稳定与发展。

    The township government as our country basic unit administrative organs and administrative management is the forefront of villages and towns government administrative control of , how to , directly relates to the political power of the stability and development .

  25. 全文由七部分组成:第一章绪论,介绍了文章的研究背景意义及研究内容、思路和方法;第二章对大型活动志愿者组织管理的研究前沿进行综述。

    First comes introduction , which covers the context , significance , contents , main ideas and approaches of the research . The second chapter gives a literature review of the previous researches on the organization and regulation of volunteering in big events .

  26. 因此,水体纳污能力计算和污染负荷削减分配研究已成为流域水环境管理科学的前沿领域和研究热点之一。

    Thus the calculation and allocation of water assimilative capacity has become one of the focuses of the water environmental management science at present . In order to study water assimilative capacity and allocate pollution of watershed , taking Lan River watershed in Lanxi City as an example .

  27. 伴随着信息化与全球化,虚拟团队理论的研究成为管理学的前沿课题;深入地研究虚拟团队的组织与管理问题,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    With information and economy intensified and globalized , studies of the theory of virtual team have become a frontier topic in the area of management and business . It is very important both in theory and application to make a thorough study of the management issues of virtual team .

  28. 服务生产率问题是服务管理理论的研究前沿。

    Service productivity is a front topic in service management theory .

  29. 我们必须始终走在管理教育创新的前沿。

    We must remain at the forefront of innovation in executive education .

  30. 它是目前国际上项目管理的一个前沿研究课题,在大型建筑工程项目、国防、航空航天、核电能源等的领域中,都有着很重要的实用价值。

    In large construction projects and the fields such as national defense , aeronautics and astronautics , and nuclear power etc , risk project management has magnificent practical value .