
guǎn xiá
  • government;administer;have jurisdiction over;command;dominion
管辖 [guǎn xiá]
  • [government;administer;have jurisdiction over] 管理;统辖[人员、事务、区域、案件等]

  • 这伪联合村公所,管辖着康家寨、 望春崖、 桃花庄等几个村子。-- 马烽、 西戎《吕梁英雄传》

管辖[guǎn xiá]
  1. 行政法院是管辖行政诉讼和税务诉讼的法院。

    It is the court which shall have jurisdiction over administrative and tax cases .

  2. 诉中的行为保全原则上由本案法院管辖。情况紧急的,也可以由行为履行地的法院管辖。

    The court should be entitled to have jurisdiction over conduct preservation applied for .

  3. 这样的事情不受法律的管辖。

    Such matters are beyond the reach of the law .

  4. 她现在管辖着过去是她上司的那些人。

    She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses .

  5. 有1200人由他管辖。

    He has command of 1 200 men .

  6. 这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。

    This case falls outside my jurisdiction .

  7. 外国银行账户不在英国警方的管辖权限之内。

    The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts .

  8. 以前他们被人忽视是因为不受国防部管辖。

    They were neglected before because they did not come under the Ministry of Defence .

  9. 家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。

    More freedom and choice will be given to parents , and the school opt-outs will be stepped up .

  10. 谋杀案发生在英国司法管辖范围外,故国防部无须对其负责。

    As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction , the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable .

  11. 学校归校长管辖。

    A school is a principal 's jurisdiction .

  12. 这些岛屿一向属中国管辖,这是众所周知的。

    These islands have always been under Chinese jurisdiction . This is known to all .

  13. 财政不在这个部门的管辖范围之内。

    Finance is not within the compass of this department .

  14. 分支机构的经理在共管辖范围内有充分的自主权。

    Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas .

  15. 陆海空三军均由国防部管辖。

    The army , navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of defence .

  16. 仲裁不实行级别管辖和地域管辖。

    The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration .

  17. 在这些物质压力之下,年轻人觉得尽快同居是一种离开父母管辖,又能省钱的经济方法。

    Given these money worries , young people may see economic benefits of moving in together as soon as possible , to get out of the parental home and to save money .

  18. 受这样的人管辖真是使人恼火

    It rubs to be presided over by such a man .

  19. 联邦法院是有限管辖权法院,这是首要原则。

    It is a principle of first importance that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction .

  20. 他们俩还常常在浑沌管辖的中央地区会面,受到浑沌的热情款待。

    They often met in the central area under Hun Dun 's rule and received his warm hospitality .

  21. 第三十四条下列案件,由本条规定的人民法院专属管辖:

    Article 34 The following cases shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the people 's courts herein specified :

  22. 今日,指示性管辖权[制订法律的能力]能够基于国籍和于领土以外执行

    Today , prescriptive jurisdiction ( capacity to make law ) can be based on nationality and exercised extra-territorially .

  23. 原告提起民事诉讼,首先要找到对该案件有管辖权的适当的法院。

    To start a civil suit the plaintiff first picks the proper court , one that has jurisdiction in the case .

  24. 协议选择管辖权不得违反法律关于专属管辖的规定。

    The choice of jurisdiction of a court by agreement shall not violate the provisions of exclusive jurisdiction under the law .

  25. 第十九条中级人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:

    Article 19 The intermediate people 's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following civil cases :

  26. 管辖权决定了什么样的法院体系适合审判某一类案件。准司法机构,例如行政机构等也会出现管辖权问题。

    Jurisdiction determines which court system should properly adjudicate a case . Questions of jurisdiction also arise regarding quasi-judicial bodies , such as administrative agencies .

  27. 第二百零五条企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。

    Article 205 The debt repayment of a bankrupt legal person enterprise shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the legal person enterprise is located .

  28. 第二十四条因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖。

    Article 24 A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed .

  29. (四)属于人民法院受理民事诉讼的范围和受诉人民法院管辖。

    and ( 4 ) the suit must be within the scope of acceptance for civil actions by the people 's court and under the jurisdiction of the people 's court where the suit is entertained .

  30. 市、县或者市、县以下人民政府管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由市、县人民政府决定。

    For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of a people 's government at or below the city or county level , such decision shall be made by the people 's government of the city or county .