
  • 网络Management Review;management audit
  1. 管理审核科〔入境事务处〕每年由财务总监和工程总监审核保养合同。

    Management Audit Division [ Immigration Department ] Maintenance contracts are reviewed yearly by Controller and DOE .

  2. 随后,本文从高级生产能力计划和供应商物料管理审核方面提出了交货管理优化策略。

    After that , this thesis discussed optimization strategies for delivery management from suppliers advanced capacity planning and suppliers materials management audit aspects .

  3. 管理审核有维持记录?

    Are records maintained of these management reviews ?

  4. 所有货船营运公司都需接受审核,由认可船级社的国际安全管理审核人员负责,海事处参与了这些货船营运公司审核。

    Companies operating the cargo ships are required to be audited by the recognised classification society ISM auditor , the department has participated in all such audits .

  5. 该程序无需审核,但验船师需检查船上是拥有该程序,同时,国际安全管理审核人员也会检查此程序,作为国际安全管理审核的一个项目进行核准。

    The procedure does not need to be approved , but an attending surveyor will check that it is in place and an ISM auditor may examine it as a part of an ISM audit .

  6. 1995年4月欧共体开始实施EMAS(欧洲环境管理和审核体系),它较ISO14000系列标准要早。

    In1995 April started the implementation of EMAS EC ( European environmental management and audit system ), it is a series of ISO14000 standards to early .

  7. 论述了施工质量管理体系审核对体系运行过程监视和测量的重要作用,从做好审核的策划和准备、采用PDCA循环原理审核等方面,提出了提高建筑施工项目部审核质量的几点意见。

    The important roles of the audit of construction quality management system acted in construction procedure monitoring and measuring are elaborated . Several opinions are proposed from audit planning , adoption PDCA circulation principle and other aspects to improve audit quality for construction quality .

  8. GB/T24011-1996环境审核指南审核程序环境管理体系审核

    Guidelines for environmental auditing Audit procedures Auditing of environmental management systems

  9. 环境管理体系审核合规性评价条款解读

    Interpretation of the clause of compliance evaluation in EMS assessment

  10. 浅谈标准化管理体系审核对企业生产管理的导向作用

    On orienting effects of standardized management system audit on production management in enterprises

  11. B:准备好了,就等管理层审核了。

    B : It is ready . We just need the management to review .

  12. 环境管理体系审核认证的一般程序

    General Procedure of EMS Audit & Certification

  13. 《信息安全管理体系审核认证机构的要求》标准解读

    Introduce of " Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems "

  14. 信息安全管理体系审核指南国际标准提案进展

    The Developing Process of Guidelines for Information Security Management Systems Auditing and its Progress of International Standard Proposal

  15. 本文简要介绍环境管理体系审核认证的一般程序和基本做法。

    This paper briefly introduces the general procedure and basic methods of environment management system audit & Certification .

  16. 譬如,ISO/IEC17021:2006这份标准对这些提供质量管理体系审核和认证服务的机构规定了各种要求。

    For example , ISO / IEC17021:2006 specifies the requirements for bodies providing auditing and certification of management systems .

  17. 近日,安徽建工学院建筑设计院通过质量管理体系审核,并取得认证证书。

    Recently , Anhui Institute of Technology Institute of architectural design through quality management system audit , and obtain the certificate .

  18. 总和供应计划是基于产品族的月份计划,由整合的企业管理流程审核通过。

    Aggregate Supply Plan is the monthly supply plan by product family , as authorized through the Integrated Business Management process .

  19. 伪造、变造船舶所有人、经营人安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明;

    Forging or altering the certificates of conformity with safe operations and with the pollution prevention system of the vessel owner or operator ;

  20. 文章论述了质量管理体系审核风险的概念、影响因素、特点,以及评定和控制固有审核风险的方法。

    This essay discusses the concept , affecting factors , and characters of auditing risk of quality management system and avoiding and controlling methods of connatural auditing risk .

  21. 已在中国境内投资的外商,经外汇管理部门审核后,也可用投资所得人民币利润支付。

    Foreign investors that have already invested in the Chinese territory may , after checked and ratified by SAFE offices , pay with renminbi profits obtained from their investment .

  22. 除跟踪定单和管理内部审核所需的工作流程之外,通过外部的供应商,该系统还可以自动地发现服务、招标以及下定单。

    In addition to tracking orders and managing the workflow needed for internal approvals , this system could automatically discover , solicit bids , and place orders through external suppliers .

  23. 但主管机关对航运公司安全管理体系审核后,从五年的审核实践看,很难从整体上定量评价公司安全管理体系的运行效果。

    However , from the safety management system audit practices for recent five years , it is difficult for the competent authority to evaluate the SMS effectiveness of a company as a whole with quantitative methods .

  24. 主要通过一些案例来说明,在标准化管理体系审核过程中,由于审核员专业知识的局限性和个人素质等方面的因素,给受审核企业带来的一些误导。

    Some cases are used to show that in the process of standardized management system audit , some factors including the limited professional knowledge of some auditors and individual quality may mislead enterprises audited to some extent .

  25. 本论文对F公司质量管理体系内部审核具有较高的实用价值,为质量管理体系其它过程的改进提供了经验,也为需要对质量管理体系内部审核进行改进的企业提供了参考。

    Providing experiences for improving other proeesses of quality management system , also providing a reference to the enterprise that needs to improve its quality management system internal auditing .

  26. HSE管理体系的审核向标准化迈进,HSE管理体系与质量管理体系逐步一体化。

    The auditing the HSE management system is standardizing . And the HSE management system is incorporating the quality management system .

  27. 整合管理体系的审核&试论一体化审核

    The Scope of An Integrated Management SystemAudit & onIntegrated Audit

  28. 质量管理体系现场审核控制要点

    The outline of field auditing by using quality management system

  29. 企业质量管理体系内部审核增值探析

    Research on Adding Value by Inner Auditing for Enterprise Quality Management System

  30. 如何实施增值的质量管理体系认证审核

    How to Implement Value Added Quality Management System Certification Audit