
  • 网络management guru
  1. 管理大师汤姆彼得斯(TomPeters)研究这一问题已有一段时间了。

    Tom Peters , the management guru , has been on to this for some time .

  2. 管理大师汤姆·彼得斯(TomPeters)曾经说过:企业或事业唯一真正的资源是人。

    The management guru Tom Peters once said ' human being is the only real resource of enterprises or businesses ' .

  3. 半个世纪前,管理大师彼得德鲁克(peterdrucker)基于同样的思维,将管理人员和行政人员区分开来。

    Half a century ago , Peter Drucker distinguished managers from administrators with exactly the same idea in mind !

  4. 目睹丰田慢动作的连环事故,就像在看1990年日本公司(JapanInc)撞车事件的续集。曾被管理大师们誉为战无不胜的经济模式从悬崖边缘一跃而下。

    Watching Toyota 's slow-motion pile-up is like witnessing the sequel to Japan Inc 's own car crash in 1990 when an economic model , hailed as invincible by management gurus , plunged over a cliff .

  5. 但是最近管理大师迈克??波特(MichaelPorter)却提出公司应该寻求而不是创造同时对自己和社会都有利的“共享价值”,这一论点引起了一番争议。

    But Michael Porter , a management guru , recently caused a stir by arguing that firms should seek instead to create " shared value " that simultaneously benefits both the firm and society .

  6. 著名质量管理大师约瑟夫·朱兰(JosephM.Juran)博士在在美国质量管理年会上发表讲话:认为过去的二十世纪是生产率的世纪,二十一世纪是质量的世纪。

    The famous master of quality management Joseph M. Juran gave speech at American quality management annual meeting , he said : " In the past twentieth century is the century of productivity , the twenty-first century is the century of quality " .

  7. 管理大师潘卡基•格玛沃特(PankajGhemawat)称“文献资料显示,浸入式体验至少需要2-3周的时间且需要课堂时间的配合。”这样,哈佛商学院学生的课堂准备将必须非常充分,以弥补他们实地体验期的短暂。

    Pankaj Ghemawat , a management guru , says " the literature suggests that an immersion experience needs to be at least 2-3 weeks and be backed up with time in the classroom . " The HBS students " classroom preparation will have to be pretty thorough , then , to make up for the brevity of their field trips .

  8. 西方管理大师们非常喜欢建议公司专注于核心业务。

    Western management gurus love to advise companies to stick to their knitting .

  9. 世界管理大师的十大思想工具

    The Top Ten Thinking Tools of World Management Masters

  10. 管理大师杜拉克

    Drucker : the Master of Management

  11. 管理大师彼得·德鲁克曾说:不创新,就死亡。

    Peter Drucker , the management master , once said , " Innovate or Die " .

  12. 读再多的书也成不了管理大师;只有经验才最重要。

    Reading 500-some rather educational pages does not make a management guru ; nothing compares to experience .

  13. 管理大师彼得•德鲁克曾问一些企业家:是否真正想要创建一个比自己存活得更久的企业。

    Peter Drucker asked entrepreneurs if they really wanted to build an institution that would outlive them .

  14. 一些管理大师的秘方听起来非常像那些20世纪60年代的教育改革者。

    The nostrums of some management gurus sound remarkably like those of the progressive educationalists of the 1960s .

  15. 一些管理大师认为,在形成持久的公司结构方面,中国的家族式资本主义模式无法充当稳固的基石。

    Some management gurus believe China 's model of family-based capitalism is a shaky foundation for enduring corporate structures .

  16. 如今,管理大师会告诉任何一个方案,它必须做到“聪明”

    Now , any management guru will tell us that for a plan to succeed it must be " smart "

  17. 在商业洞察力方面,管理大师们所占据的领域远不及达尔文理论那么恰当,其中包括高尔夫和莎士比亚的戏剧。

    Management pundits have plundered far less appropriate fields than Darwinian theory for business insights , including golf and Shakespearian drama .

  18. 其他的管理大师会鼓励公司分裂开来(美其名“改革”),借此机会使公司更井井有条。

    Other gurus who encourage companies to tear themselves apart in the name of " transformation " have caused terrible harm .

  19. 人力资源的概念最早是由美国管理大师德鲁克提出并明确加以界定的。

    The concept of human resources was first put forward by the American management guru Peter Drucker , and be clearly defined .

  20. 著名人力资源管理大师德斯勒曾经指出:所有人力资源活动都有激励的含义。

    The renowned expert on human resource management , Dessler , once pointed out that all activities of human resource management involves motivate .

  21. 在管理大师层出不穷的西方社会,格林利夫以其对管理独特而深入的理解赢得了广泛的尊重。

    In western society where managerial masters emerge in endlessly , Greenleaf win extensive respect by his unique and in-depth understanding of management .

  22. 忽然想起管理大师德鲁克在传记中提到当年时代公司的老板鲁斯。

    Luce , the fabulously wealthy boss of Time Inc in his times mentioned in biography of Druncker , the management master comes cross my mind .

  23. 谈到商业模式,引用管理大师德鲁克的那句名言:当今企业间的竞争,不是产品的竞争,而是商业模式的竞争。

    Just as Drucker has once said , nowadays the competition among enterprises is not the competition of products , but the competition of business models .

  24. 我现在在学习的课题很多都是美国管理大师提出来的,真希望我有这样的表达能力能与你探讨这些课题。

    Many of my present subjects are established by US Masters of management . I do hope I will be capable of discussing them with you .

  25. 俞敏洪并不满足于做一位管理大师,他还希望成为志向更为远大的新一代中国人的精神领袖。

    Not content with being a management guru , he hopes to become a spiritual leader ' ' for a new and more ambitious generation of Chinese .

  26. 白领试着按照管理大师的说法去做了,她在公车上浪费的时间也节约了大部分下来。

    The white-collar did it according to the management of the master demandings , and she save the most time which she used to waste it in the bus .

  27. 但斯里兰卡和东帝汶两国总统打来的紧急电话打断了他的工作&这是这位微观管理大师在国际上地位上升的信号。

    But he was interrupted by urgent phone calls from the presidents of Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste – a sign that this master of micromanagement is moving up in the world .

  28. 美国著名企业管理大师史考特·派瑞博士曾尖锐地指出:未来市场中的稀缺资源不再是资本,而是优秀的人才。

    Dr. Scott Perry , American famous Master of Business Management , pointed out sharply , in the future market , outstanding talents rather than capital shall become the rare resources .

  29. 正如美国企业管理大师杜拉克所说的那样,多元化是一种战略,它本身并无好坏之分,但是多元化有运用得正确与错误之分。

    Just as what Drucker ( the world-famous American business management master ) once said , diversification is only a strategy which is not intrinsically good or bad itself , but might be exercised correctly or not .

  30. 世界著名的管理大师帕雷托建立的二八法则认为,在原因和结果,投入和产出以及努力和报酬之间,存在着某种不平衡性。

    The 80-20 rule , which is introduced by Pareto , the world 's great master in management , believes that there exists a certain imbalance between cause and effect , input and output , and effort and reward .