
  • 网络pipe filter;Strainer;PIPE AND FILTERS
  1. 管道过滤器在运行过程中必须定期停车清洗、排污,往往影响系统设备长周期运行。

    The pipe filter must be shut down for cleaning and drainage regularly during its operation , and this usually interferes with the long-period operation of the equipment in the system .

  2. 新型在线管道过滤器能实现物料连续过滤并具有反冲洗滤渣的功能,运行安全、平稳,操作简单,为系统长周期运行创造了条件。

    The new type of on-line pipe filter is able to carry out the continuous filtration of the material and has the function of backwashing the filter residue ; its operation is safe , smooth and steady , and simple , thereby creating conditions for long-period running of the system .

  3. 新型在线管道过滤器的设计与应用

    Design and Use of New Type of On-Line Pipe Filter

  4. 检查系统是否有任何反应、泄露、大量流动的变化或通过管道过滤器的传输压力的变化的迹象。

    Inspect the system for any indications of reaction , leaks , changes in mass flow , or changes in delivery pressure across line filters .

  5. 管道、过滤器和MVC软件体系模式在J2EE中的应用

    Application of System Architecture Named Pipe , Filter and MVC in J2EE

  6. 而目前正在被广泛应用的Web服务系统是以XML技术为基础,基于Web的服务系统,适合由XML-管道-过滤器结构来实现。

    The current popular Web Services systems are just based on XML technology and Web , so they can be implemented by XML-Pipe-Filter architecture .

  7. 利用这种XML-管道-过滤器结构,可以取代SOAP/RPC结构来建立新的过滤器样式的Web服务,并保持对原有SOAP/RPC样式Web服务的兼容性。

    We can build a new filter styled Web Services using this structure instead fo SOAP / RPC structure and keep the compatibility with the old Web Services using SOAP / RPC .

  8. Gregor利用“管道和过滤器(PipesandFilters)”模式,使用YahooPipes充实了携带地理数据的数据流。

    Gregor used the " Pipes and Filters " pattern to enrich the data stream with geo data using Yahoo Pipes .

  9. 研究了管道式过滤器的顺序问题,提出了基于贪婪思想自适应算法AFO;

    Third , providing an adaptive algorithm named AFO which based on the idea of greed given in pipelined filters ' order problem .

  10. 将HPGeγ谱仪应用于评估放射性管道内过滤器滞留量,需要知道探测器对过滤器内γ辐射的绝对效率。

    In order to apply HPGe gamma spectroscopy to estimate hold-up in radioactive waste pipes , it is necessary to study absolute efficiencies of the detector for known source distribution .

  11. 本实用新型是一种成品油管道的过滤器。

    The utility model relates to a finished oil pipeline filter ;

  12. 管道-过滤器软件体系结构风格的形式化通风器出气管滤气器

    FORMALIZATION OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE STYLE ventilator outlet pipe air cleaner

  13. 管道-过滤器模式是一种面向数据流的软件体系结构。

    Pipe-Filter Model is one of software architectures which deal with data-stream problems .

  14. 管道和过滤器模式是面向模式的结构体系中的一种。

    Pipes and filters patterns are a kind of the pattern-oriented software architecture .

  15. 基于管道-过滤器体系结构的编译器设计

    Compiler Design Based on Pipe-filter Architecture

  16. 管道-过滤器模式的软件体系结构及其设计

    Pipe-Filter Software Architecture and its Design

  17. 这种风格包含一系列的过滤器,能够提供数据转换,并且管道与过滤器是相互连接的。

    This style comprises a series of filters , which provide data transformation , and pipes that connect the filters .

  18. 为建立一个可供多用户、多功能的示波器软件,本文提供一个可供修正的管道与过滤器模型。

    To construct software of more users and more functions for oscilloscopes , the paper will provide a modified pipe-and-filter model as reference .

  19. 然而生物柴油凝点和冷滤点很高,低温情况下容易结晶析出,堵塞发动机的管道和过滤器而无法正常使用。

    Biodiesel is easy to crystallize under low-temperature because of high solidification point ( SP ) and high cold filter plugging point ( CFPP ) .

  20. 架构风格的例子包括分布式的风格,管道和过滤器风格,数据中心风格,基于规则的风格等。

    Examples of architectural styles include a distributed style , a pipe-and-filter style , a data-centered style , a rule-based style , and so on .

  21. 举个例子,一个已编制的体系结构式样是管道和过滤器样式,它包含了将管道作为连接器来关联过滤器的独立的要素。

    As an example , a documented architectural style is the " pipe and filter " style consisting of independent elements that use pipes as connectors to relate the filters together .

  22. 目前已经有的一些公用的体系结构模型,如管道/过滤器模型,客户机/服务器(C/S)模型等,这些体系结构模型通常被组合起来定义更大的系统。

    There have been several public SA model such as pipe / filter model , client / server ( C / S ) model and so on . These SA models usually are composed to define the larger system .

  23. 在运行中,酸侧、水侧压力降明显上涨,在酸入口管道安装过滤器、冷却水进口管安装电子水处理仪后,压力降基本稳定。

    The pressure drop on acid side and water side increased obviously at the beginning , but became stable after a filter was installed in the inlet pipe of acid and an electronic water treater in the inlet pipe of water .

  24. awk可以在管道中作为过滤器,如果没有指定文件,它也可以从键盘(标准输入)中接收输入。

    Awk can act as a filter in a pipeline or take input from the keyboard ( standard input ) if no file or files are specified .

  25. 而对于系统的硬件,主要论述了使用替代工质对制冷剂管道、干燥过滤器、仪器仪表以及润滑油的影响,指出了在使用替代工质时所需要注意的问题。

    For the hardware of the system , the influence to the pipe , dry-filter , meters and lubricant oil by using substitute refrigerant were discussed and the problems needing to care using substitute refrigerant were point out .

  26. 最后通过模糊评价方法来综合评价装配式洁净室的整体性能,比较得出装管道式静电吸附过滤器的新系统比传统的三级过滤系统的整体性能好的多。

    Finally , the synthesis performance of new system with electrostatic filter is higher than three-class filter system by fuzzy appraisement method .

  27. 只要的原则,在密闭的燃烧区域,连接管道,并在过滤器其次是单位的形式,形状和装配方法并不重要。

    As long as the principle of airtightness in the combustion regions , in the connecting piping , and in the filter units is followed , the form , shape , and method of assembly is not important .