
  • 网络New Hire Training;New Employee Training;orientation;new employee orientation
  1. 我们为什么需要进行新员工培训?

    Why we need new hire orientation ?

  2. 你知道,我们公司最近讨论关于正式的新员工培训计划。

    You see , our company are currently discussing about a formal orientation program for new staff .

  3. 大多数大型投资银行会将新员工培训外包给一家名为TrainingTheStreet的培训公司,它会提供为期两周至两周半的培训课程,重点培训财务能力。

    Most major investment banks outsource a chunk of their new employee training to a company called training the street , which runs two - to two-and-a-half-week programs emphasizing financial skills .

  4. 负责该区域新员工培训及认证;

    Take charge of newcomer training and certification ;

  5. 中小生产企业新员工培训低效的成因及对策

    The Cause of the Inefficiency of the Middle and Small Company 's Stuff Training and Solutions

  6. 根据以上分析结果,文中提出了该公司的员工培训方案的设计思路,分别对该公司的新员工培训方案和在职员工培训方案进行了整体设计。

    According to the results of analysis , the paper designs newcomers ' training plan and on-duty-employee training plan respectively .

  7. 中小生产企业受自身规模、管理经验及管理水平的限制,在新员工培训上多表现为效率低、效果差。

    Limited by the scale , managing experience and level , the middle and small companies are inefficient in training new employees .

  8. 人事部或办公厅等其他部门也会安排他协助组织新员工培训。

    Other departments , such as the HR office or the general office , order Zhang to help organize orientation and training sessions .

  9. 现在,是我负责给新员工培训,但是你老是提出你的方法,凌驾在我的权利之上。

    Now , I am responsible for training new staff , but you keep overriding my authority by trying to pose your methods .

  10. 新员工培训是帮助新员工尽快适应新环境、融入新组织的关键的第一步。

    Orientation of new employees is a good way to help the new employees to be involved in the new environment and the new organization quickly .

  11. 愿把它作为这篇论文的立意,阐述我对新员工培训体系建设的看法和观点。

    The wish be used ases the subject , form of this thesis my viewpoint to train system developments to new employee its with the standpoint .

  12. 在国内外组织社会化的众多研究领域中,较少有将该理论融入新员工培训实践中。

    In the domestic and foreign organization researches about organizational socialization , there are few researches that put the theory into the practice of the newcomer training .

  13. 但组织结构、成本、新员工培训挑战、以及缺乏协调性等因素带来了麻烦&这些问题将随着组织规模的增长而成倍增长。

    But organizational structure , costs , onboarding challenges , and lack of coordination get in the way & and the problems multiply with the size of the organization .

  14. 然后从培训预算控制、培训课程开发、新员工培训等角度对公司的员工培训体系进行了再设计。

    Then , from the control training budget , training new staff , training course designing and some other aspects to redesign the employee training system of the company .

  15. 本文在相关研究综述基础上,构建了基于组织社会化策略的新员工培训管理(简称社会化培训)研究模型,并通过实证研究方法加以验证。

    In this dissertation , Newcomer Training Management based on Organizational Socialization Tactics (" Socialization Training " for short ) research model has been set up , and then examined through empirical analyses .

  16. 我最期待的是七月将举行的新员工培训,到时我将会见到来自全国各地的新同事,和他们一起学习一起玩乐。

    What I expect most , is the " P & G Orientation Meeting ", at which I can meet all the new hires from all over the country and play with them .

  17. 企业新员工E-learning培训设计

    Designing of E - learning for Beginner in Enterprises

  18. 有,贵公司对新员工有培训计划吗?

    Yes , do you have a training program for new employees ?

  19. 有足够的时间和资源,决定提供适当的培训以及为新员工提供培训都是非常重要的。

    It 's critical that adequate time and resources and dedicated to providing proper training and improving the skills of new staff members .

  20. 连锁餐厅LePainQuotidien也为新员工提供大量培训。

    Restaurant chain Le Pain Quotidien also trains new hires extensively .

  21. 协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训。

    Organize orientation / induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager .

  22. 送新员工去海外培训在我们这儿一点儿都不足为奇。

    In Cooper , it 's not news that we send new employees abroad .

  23. 其他失败源于处理方面的问题,比如对新雇佣员工的培训不足。

    Other failures stem from process problems , like inadequate training for newly-hired employees .

  24. 所有新进人员必须参加公司要求的新员工入厂培训,通过考试合格后方可正式上岗试用。

    All new employees are required to attend the induction training , and must pass the exam before starting working .

  25. 通过分析现阶段我国企业员工培训行为及新时代对员工培训的新要求,研究探讨了员工培训模式的基本架构及其关键环节。

    The essay explored and researched fundamental frame and critical segment by analyzing new era 's new requirement on faculties for enterprises in the current stage .

  26. 安排并执行培训计划,设计新、老员工培训规划,及时推动这些规划得到有效的实施。

    Arranging and carrying out the training plan , designing the new and old employee 's training programming and pushing it to be implemented effectively in time .

  27. 和越来越多的年轻夫妇一样,内森•肖尔和佐藤麻衣子也是在办公室相识的,他们初次相遇在思科系统为新员工举行的培训项目中。

    Like a growing number of young couples , Nathan Shaw and Maiko Sato met at the office , in a Cisco Systems training program for new recruits .

  28. 2010年,联合航空录制了弗拉纳根普通的一天,并将其制作成面向所有新晋员工的培训视频。

    In 2010 , the airline filmed Flanagan , following him around on a typical day , and turned it into a training video shown to all new hires .

  29. 经营管理机构设总经理一人,副总经理若干人。副总经理协助总经理工作。协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训。

    The management structure shall have one president and several vice-presidents , who shall assist the president in his work . Organize orientation / induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager .

  30. 由于大多数小公司缺少像大公司那样对新员工进行严格培训的组织结构,金融或商业专业的毕业生可能比英语或历史专业的毕业生更受青睐,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院职业服务中心高级副主任休伊特表示。

    Since most of the small firms lack the infrastructure to train new hires as intensely as their larger rivals , finance or business majors could be more attractive than an English or history concentration , says Barbara Hewitt , senior associate director of the career services center of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania .