
  1. 论新疆活动构造特征与地震的关系(4)

    Relation between characteristic of activity structure and earthquake in xinjiang ( 4 )

  2. 第二部分:东北抗日义勇军在新疆的活动。

    Part II : the activities of Anti-Japanese Volunteer in Xinjiang .

  3. 从板块碰撞看新疆地震活动的迁移

    A study on migration of earthquakes in Xinjiang region from plate collision

  4. 新疆地震活动分期及活动特征的分析

    Division of seismic periods and analysis of seismicity features in Xinjiang region

  5. 系统分析了新疆地震活动的平静现象,认为新疆中强震前地震活动以平静为主要特征。

    The seismic quiescent phenomena in Xinjiang is analyzed systemically .

  6. 新疆火山活动强烈,火山岩类型多,出露广泛。

    Strong volcanic activities , and diversified and extensively-outcropping volcanics appear in Xinjiang .

  7. 新疆强震活动的迁移特征

    The migration characteristics of strong earthquake activity in Xinjiang

  8. 新疆强震活动特点及规律的初步研究

    The preliminary study on characteristics and laws of the strong earthquakes activities in Xinjiang

  9. 帕米尔强震活动对新疆地震活动的影响

    Xinjiang seismicity influenced by Pamirs strong earthquake activity

  10. 1990年新疆地震活动综述

    Summary of Xinjiang earthquake activity in 1990

  11. 综述东北抗日义勇军入疆人数、军事、经济、文化的活动,全面反映他们在新疆主要活动的内容。

    This part introduces the number of soldiers of Anti-Japanese Volunteer which came into Xinjiang and the activities they had done on military , economy and culture , showing the contents of these activities .

  12. 因此,研究新疆地区活动断裂及其对公路工程的危害具有重大的理论意义和一定的实际意义。然而对新疆地区活动断裂的研究较少,而且以局部地区为主。

    So , the research on active faults and its harm on the highway project in xinjiang region is of great theoretical and a practical significance . However , the reasearch of active faults in xinjiang region is very less and mainly to some areas .

  13. 新疆强震成组活动与前兆异常的演化特征

    Grouped Strong earthquake activity and evolution feature of precursor anomalies in Xinjiang

  14. 对新疆宏观地震活动模式的初步探讨

    Preliminary research on macroscopic seismic activity model in Xinjiang

  15. 东北和新疆地区地震活动的相关性;

    Between northeast region of China and Xinjiang region ;

  16. 新疆北部火山活动与铜铅锌成矿

    Volcanic activities and minerogenesis of copper , lead and Zine in the northern Xinjiang

  17. 利用几种综合分析方法研究了前兆群体异常与新疆区域地震活动的关系;

    By using several techniques of synthetic analysis , we studied the relation between the precursory anomaly and regional level of seismic activity in Xinjiang region .

  18. 那么国共美苏这三国四方在新疆是如何活动以及政策是如何变化的。

    Then the Communist Soviet Union in Xinjiang , the three countries of how the activities of the Quartet , as well as how the policy is changing .

  19. 针对警局和其他政府办公大楼的此类攻击,是新疆多年叛乱活动的一个特征。叛乱去年导致逾100人丧生。

    Such assaults on police stations and other government buildings have been a regular feature of the long-running insurgency in Xinjiang , which claimed more than 100 lives last year .

  20. 本文通过对近年来新疆非法宗教活动特别是非法教学经活动进行深入调研,分析了近年来非法教学经活动的现状、特点和原因,在此基础上提出了工作对策和建议。

    The thesis makes a thorough research on the illegal religion especially the illegal teaching and learning activities of the Scripture in Xinjiang , and analyzes its current situation , features and causes , based on which raises suggestions of counter measures .

  21. 近代西方传教士在新疆的慈善救助活动

    Study on the Religious Social Relief of the Western Missionaries in Xinjiang

  22. 新疆强震前地震活动增强研究

    Research on seismicity increasing before strong earthquake in Xinjiang

  23. 周边地区强震对新疆境内中强地震活动的影响分析

    Influences of Surrounding Strong Earthquakes on Moderate to Strong Earthquake Activities within Xinjiang

  24. 新疆成组中强地震活动前后地震活动图像的时空演化特征

    The time-space evolution of seismicity pattern before and after group medium-strong earthquakes in Xinjiang region

  25. 目前新疆的基督教传播活动呈现出无序蔓延和快速发展之势。

    At present , the spread of Christianity in Xinjiang is in a unordered pervasion and rapid development .

  26. 新疆克孜尔震群活动与水库蓄水关系研究

    Study on the relation between earthquake swarm activity and water storage of reservoir in Xinjiang kezi ' er area

  27. 在地震活跃期内新疆境内强震主体活动区域分析;

    The analyse of the mainly activity areas of strong earthquakes during the activity period of earthquakes in Xinjiang ;

  28. 本文通过时新疆城市居民体育活动自然环境分析表明:新疆城市的煤烟型污染,沙尘污染和汽车尾气污染严重地影响了体育活动者的身体健康。

    This paper analyzed the natural environment of urban resident 's sport activity in Xinjiang . The result showed that the pollution of coal dust , sand storm and waste gas by vehicle was seriously influence the physical health of exercisers .

  29. 作为首任新疆巡抚的刘锦棠在新疆活动14年,为新疆的开发和建设作出了重大贡献。

    Liu Jintang , the first governor assigned to Xinjiang , made great contributions to the development and construction of Xinjiang .

  30. 因此,清代水利事业的发展变化与清政府在新疆的政治、军事、农业开发活动息息相关,清政府经营新疆活动的盛衰直接影响着水利事业的兴废。

    Therefore , the change of water development has tight tie with the politics 、 military and agriculture activity in Xinjiang .