
  1. 高丽大学商学院(koreauniversitybusinessschool)的emba课程是另一个新晋前25名的新秀。

    The Korea University Business School EMBA is the other debutant in the top 25 .

  2. 也许有一天,托这些新晋科学家的福,我们有可能有足够的知识而比较精确地在品鉴辞中使用矿物质(mineral)这个词汇。

    One day , thanks to our new scientists , we may know enough to use the tasting term mineral with some precision .

  3. 也许有一天,托这些新晋科学家的福,我们有可能有足够的知识而比较精确地在品鉴辞中使用“矿物质(mineral)”这个词汇。

    One day , thanks to our new scientists , we may know enough to use the tasting term " mineral " with some precision .

  4. 不说别的,就只说新晋的公司,只占美国GDP的投资的0.02%,却带来了17.8%的产出。

    Among other things , because startup companies are . 02 percent of U.S. GDP investmentm and they 're about 17.8 percent of output .

  5. 但德国的一些医生警告新晋爸妈们,通过Facebook等社交网站私下获取母乳有很大风险。

    But today doctors in Germany warned new parents against privately obtaining their baby 's food through social networks such as Facebook .

  6. 第三家新晋IPO公司是中西部农业及建筑设备零售商TitanMachineryInc.。

    A third offering , from Midwestern agricultural-and construction-equipment retailer Titan Machinery Inc. , priced within its range and began trading on Nasdaq .

  7. 本周,新晋饶舌歌手A$APRocky发布了他的第一张录音专辑《Long.Live.A$AP》。

    This week , rapper A $ AP Rocky released his first studio album , called Long . Live . A $ AP .

  8. 孕妈妈、新晋妈妈使用育儿SNS获得满足程度最高的是获得社会威信和满足感。

    The highest gratification of pregnant mothers and new mothers is to gain social prestige and satisfaction through the use of child rearing SNS .

  9. 不过,对于喜欢波特粉来说,根本不是问题。他们对小雀斑饰演神奇生物学家NewtScamander和新晋演员JudeLaw来饰演年轻的邓布利多还是很受欢迎的。

    That didn 't seem to bother Potterheads , who welcomed the return of Eddie Redmayne as magizoologist Newt Scamander and newcomer Jude Law as a young Albus Dumbledore .

  10. 扮演主角福尔摩斯(Holmes)和华生医生(Dr.Watson)的分别是本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)和马丁·弗里曼(MartinFreeman),他们现在都是中国年轻人心目中的新晋男神。

    The actors portraying the protagonists , Holmes and Dr. Watson , Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman , have become new favorites for young people .

  11. 总部位于加州圣塔克拉拉的SVB金融集团(SVBFinancialGroup)是唯一的新晋成员,排在第50位,资产为237亿美元。

    Santa Clara , Calif. - based SVB Financial Group was the lone new entry coming in at # 50 with $ 23.7 billion in assets .

  12. 松丁的办公室摆满了纪念物,从《BorntoRun》风靡之时布鲁斯•斯普林斯汀(BruceSpringsteen)的照片,到他旗下新晋明星DJ艾维奇(Avicii)的金唱片,不一而足。

    His office is strewn with memorabilia , from a picture of a " Born to Run " - era Bruce Springsteen to gold records of his latest star , the DJ Avicii .

  13. Pink以5200万美元的收入排名第四,而“新晋影星”LadyGaga凭借《一个明星的诞生》,以5000万美元的收入挤进前五名。

    Pink came in fourth place with $ 52 million and newly proclaimed movie star Lady Gaga , thanks to A Star Is Born , filled out the top five with $ 50 million .

  14. 这家新晋运营商为MotoX提供四种服务套餐。第一种是每月5美元(约合人民币31元),无限通话、短信与上网,但只能通过Wi-Fi。

    The upstart carrier offers four service plans for the Moto X. The first is just $ 5 a month , for unlimited calls , text and data over Wi-Fi only .

  15. 我想要取笑作为新晋父亲的自己。Engledow说道。

    I wanted to make fun of myself as a new father , Engledow said .

  16. 作为主动采取措施的企业的又一个例子,他提及Netflix,该公司近日宣布将为新晋为父母的员工提供长达1年的假期。

    He points to this week 's announcement by Netflix that it will allow up to a year 's leave to new parents as another example of companies taking the initiative .

  17. 当时,26岁的King是蒙哥马利市DexterAvenueBaptistChurch的传教士,28岁的Belafonte则是新晋的“美国黑人白天音乐会偶像”。

    King was then 26 , and a preacher at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery , while Mr Belafonte was 28 and newly crowned " America 's Negro matin é e idol . "

  18. (美国当红流行歌手)LadyGaga位列排行榜第四,她凭借高收入和全球曝光度在新晋上榜的名人中位列第一,一举超过了麦当娜(第10)和U2乐队(排名第7)等老牌明星。

    Lady Gaga is the highest newcomer in the Forbes list , based on earnings and global exposure , and has surpassed stars like Madonna ( number 10 ) and U2 ( seven ) to claim fourth place .

  19. 那些最时髦的经营场所——SohoRooms、Krysha还有备受新晋银行家青睐的Siberia——实施着单方面严格的入场政策(在当地称为“看脸入场”),举办的派对足以让拉斯维加斯的舞台表演相形失色。

    The fanciest - Soho Rooms , Krysha and the newer banker favorite Siberia - impose capriciously rigorous door policies ( known here as " face control " ) and hold parties that would make a Las Vegas stage show look discreet .

  20. 根据该杂志的报道,这位自称是诗人、模特兼新晋艺人的帅哥Omar称,在生日当天早上有个小伙子敲开了他的房门,说有份快递让他签收一下,然后把车钥匙递给了他。

    The magazine said the self-described poet and model , and now an upcoming film star , woke up on his birthday recently with a knock on his door and greeted by a man with keys in his hands and a paper for him to sign on .

  21. K11艺术基金会是在香港注册的一个非营利组织,它在香港和上海开设了两个K11购物艺术中心,分别展示了中国新晋艺术家和世界艺术大师们的约20件作品。

    K11 Art Foundation , a nonprofit organization registered in Hong Kong , showcases around 20 works by emerging Chinese artists and blue-chip staples at each of its two K11 Art Malls in Hong Kong and Shanghai , along with holding regular exhibitions .

  22. 最佳新晋喜剧最受欢迎电视喜剧

    Best new Comedy . Best , favorite new TV comedy .

  23. 卡尔-安东尼-唐斯则成为了明尼苏达森林狼的新晋状元。

    Karl-Anthony Towns went No. 1 to the Minnesota Timberwolves .

  24. “小皮”并不是新晋走红网络的。

    Xiao Pi is not a new sensation on internet .

  25. 如果可能的话,你也可以试着成为新晋同事的良师益友。

    If possible , be a mentor to newer or younger colleagues .

  26. 詹姆斯?布朗特。英国新晋民谣摇滚歌手现场演唱会。

    James blunt & chasing time the bedlam sessions .

  27. 华尔街新晋权贵开始粉墨登场。

    There are a bunch of new butts to kiss on Wall Street .

  28. 尽管世界富豪前三位与去年并没有发生变化,然而,新晋富豪榜的人并不是来自美国或西欧,而是来自俄罗斯和亚太地区。

    Although the world 's top three earners are unchanged from last year , the

  29. 与新晋传媒大亨丹尼尔.格雷森

    and budding media mogul Daniel Grayson ...

  30. 为这位新墨西哥州的新晋律师小小地庆祝一下

    Just a little celebration on behalf of New Mexico 's newest attorney . I heard .