
  • 网络professional market;Specialized market;Special Markets
  1. 这项市场研究由外包专业市场研究公司和bgs资料研究部负责实施。

    This market research should be conducted by outsourced professional market research company and bgs 's information research section .

  2. 从两宋诗歌探析宋代专业市场

    Analysis on the Professional Market by Commercial Poems in Sung Dynasty

  3. 先进的电池步出专业市场,潜入主流,标志着电动汽车和屋顶太阳能电池板等前瞻性技术达到了引爆点。

    Advanced batteries are moving out of specialized markets and creeping into the mainstream , signaling a tipping point for forward-looking technologies such as electric cars and rooftop solar panels .

  4. 果品专业市场ERP系统的设计和开发

    Design and development of professional fruit-marketplace 's ERP system

  5. 以果品专业市场为背景,分析了当前发展形式下在果品专业市场开发和实施ERP系统的必要性。

    Based on the professional fruit - marketplace , the necessity to actualize the ERP system was analyzed .

  6. E-business背景下专业市场的演进

    Special Market Evolution on E - business Background

  7. Parker还提供阀门和风力发电专业市场,如航空航天,太阳能,石油,天然气。

    Parker also offers valves for specialty markets such as Aerospace and Solar , Oil , Gas and wind generation .

  8. Yu跟我谈到一家备受顾客称赞的钢琴制造企业,该公司财务状况显得很好,似乎很有潜力发展成为这个专业市场上的顶尖企业。

    Yu tells me about a piano-manufacturing business that had been winning rave reviews from its customers . The numbers looked good and the company appeared to have the potential to grow into a top player in this specialised market .

  9. 斜一点的专业市场,如玛丽Meyer和小枝玩具公司将只是少数,这将导致在这一类的增长。

    Skewed a bit more to the specialty market , Companies like Mary Meyer and Sprig toys will be just a few that will lead the growth in this category .

  10. 本文首先根据SERVQUAL量表,并结合钢材专业市场管理服务的实际情况,设计出了用于钢材专业市场管理服务质量测评的指标体系。

    First , this thesis designs a set of service quality index system for steel specialized market based on the SERVQUAL scale and the actual conditions of the management service in steel specialized market .

  11. 专业市场调研团体Ledbury计算得出,历史上,年通胀率在6%,不过对于年收入高于10万英镑(合19.5万美元)的群体来说,则接近8%-10%。

    Ledbury , the specialist market research group , calculates it has historically run at 6 per cent a year , but can be nearer 8 to 10 per cent for people earning more than 100,000 ( $ 195,000 ) a year .

  12. “零利润”大战“负利润”摊位制专业市场求得生存

    " The profits of zero " war " negative profits "

  13. 我国纺织专业市场的发展阶段研究

    Study on the Development Stages of Specialized Textile Markets in China

  14. 浙江省专业市场现代化策略研究

    Study on Strategy of Modernization of Specialized Market in Zhejiang Province

  15. 技术创新、交易效率与专业市场制度演化

    Technology Innovation , Trade Efficiency and Specialized Market System Evolvement

  16. 提出要更好地保持客户忠诚度,必需:建立专业市场电子商务系统;

    To establish an E-commerce system for the professional market ;

  17. 杭州服装专业市场的快速成长等四个方面。

    Quick growing of the special clothing market in hangzhou .

  18. 所以,专业市场必须开展信息化改造和建设。

    So , specialty market must be reconstructed based on information technology .

  19. 专业市场对区域产业先导作用的实证研究

    The Empirical Study in Leading Role of Professional Market for Regional Industry

  20. 产业集群和专业市场

    Industrial Clusters and Specialized Markets Real estate of textile market

  21. 中国的专业市场自20世纪80年代创办以来发展迅速。

    Specialized market in china since the origin of 1980s develops rapidly .

  22. 专业市场是我国广泛存在的一种商业形态。

    In China , specialized market is a widely existing commercial conformation .

  23. 基于双边网络效应的电子商务平台介入专业市场的定价模型

    Pricing Model of E-Commerce Platform Based Two-Sided Network Effects Entering into Specialized Market

  24. 传统专业市场采纳电子商务技术的经济学分析

    The Adoption of Electronic Commerce by Traditional Specialized Markers : An Economic Analysis

  25. 会计专业市场需求调查及对会计人才培养的启示

    Research on the Market Needs of Accounting Talents and Enlightenment on Accounting Talents'Raising

  26. 浙江构建网上食用菌专业市场的探索与思考

    Exploration and consideration on constructing online professional market of edible fungi in Zhejiang

  27. 2专业市场人员帮助培训经销商员工。

    2 professional market personnel offer training to dealers .

  28. 联想可以开拓其目标市场,而不仅仅是专业市场。

    Lenovo can expand its target market and not just the professional market .

  29. 一些市镇形成颇具特色的手工业和专业市场。

    Some market towns possessed characteristic handicrafts and markets .

  30. 专业市场电子商务应用的影响因素分析

    Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-commerce in Special Markets