
  • 网络audit
  1. 中国CPA审计制度目前存在的四大问题

    Four Problems in the Audit System of China 's CPA

  2. 希望本文的研究能为ABC烟草公司内部审计制度的完善提供思路和参考,同时希望能为健全烟草行业内部审计制度提供参考和借鉴。

    I hope this research can provide ideas and information to the ABC tobacco company for its improvement of internal audit system , and I also hope that it can provide reference to the improvement of the tobacco industry internal audit system .

  3. 最后,从完善MDA审计制度与加大MDA信息披露的监管力度两个方面提出了建议。

    At last , the thesis suggests that supervisory authority should consummate the auditing system of MD A and strengthen the management of MD A information disclosure .

  4. 包括:确认MBO主体,建立标准企业价值评估体系,建立专项审计制度与完善法律法规等等。

    The suggestions Include confirming the MBO main body , establishing the standard enterprise ' value appraisal system , establishing special auditing system and consummation of laws and regulations and so on .

  5. 建立健全经济责任审计制度;

    To establish and perfect the system of economical responsibility audit ;

  6. (七)财务、会计、审计制度的原则;

    The principles governing the financial , accounting and auditing systems ;

  7. 论我国商业银行外部审计制度和模式的创新

    On External Auditing System and Model Innovation by Our Commercial Banks

  8. 财务总监制度与内部审计制度的比较

    Comparison between the systems of chief financial officer and internal auditor

  9. 公司财务管理中的道德审计制度设计

    Design of the Morals Audit System in Company 's Financial Management

  10. 关于建立军队资金管理审计制度的构想

    Idea of establishing the management and auditing system of troops funds

  11. 论企业集团内部审计制度的建立

    On the Building of Internal Audit System in Enterprise Groups

  12. 注册会计师行为与独立审计制度

    Behaviour of the Certified Accountant and the Independent Audition System

  13. 建立我国道路安全审计制度研究

    The Research to Establish the Road Safety Auditing System of Our Country

  14. 国家审计制度是一项重要的经济监督制度。

    National auditing system is an important economic supervisory system .

  15. 关于污染物总量控制中设立审计制度的探讨

    Establishment of Audit System for Total Amount Control of Pollutants

  16. 论反洗钱监管引入独立审计制度的必要性

    The Necessity of Introducing Independent Audit into Anti Money Laundering

  17. 中国审计制度恢复以来,一直关注绩效问题。

    Performance has been paying attention from resuming of Chinese audit system .

  18. 公司制度经数百年的制度演进已经形成了一系列复杂的以克服代理问题为中心的制度体系,财会、审计制度就是其中的基本制度。

    The accounting and audit system is basic system of the company .

  19. 企业契约、信息不对称与独立审计制度

    Enterprise Contract , Information Asymmetry and Independent Audit System

  20. 秦汉财务审计制度的发展

    Development of Financial Audit in Qin and Han Dynasties

  21. 外因即从不完善的市场环境和会计审计制度角度分析;补充了审计技术落后对审计失败的影响。

    External causes that are analyzing it from big environment and audit system .

  22. 基本建设审计制度初探

    The Preliminary Research on the Audit Systemof Capital Construction

  23. 评国有企业年报注册会计师审计制度

    Comments on the CPA Audit System of State-owned Enterprises

  24. 因此,探究政府审计制度是切实必要的。

    Therefore , we have to trace back to the government auditing system .

  25. 二,会计审计制度。

    Second , the accounting and auditing system .

  26. 中央苏区审计制度述评

    On Audit System in the Central Soviet Area

  27. 上市公司外部审计制度变革

    Transformation of Exterior Auditing System in Listed Companies

  28. 审计制度作为一种上层建筑,是社会制度的一个重要组成部分。

    As a superstructure of the social system , audit system is an important component .

  29. 民国时期政府审计制度的发展与启迪

    The Enlightenment and Development of Government Audit System during the Period of Republic of China

  30. 具体体现为投资审计制度创新,观念创新,工作思路创新以及审计方法创新。

    It particularly reflects on concept innovation , innovation of investment audit and auditing methods .