
  • 网络Audit content;the content of audit
  1. 经济责任审计的历史沿革说明,审计从产生开始,其审计内容就蕴含着经济责任的雏形,这也耦合了审计产生的本源目的。

    The history of the economic responsibility audit has expounded that the embryonic form of economic responsibility has been implicated in the content of audit from the beginning , which have a coupling of the origin purpose of audit .

  2. 审计内容包括经济性审计、效率性审计和效果性审计;

    The content includes auditing of economy , efficiency and effectiveness .

  3. 企业技术创新能力审计内容及审计基准

    The Audit Contents and Benchmark of Enterprises Technology Innovation Capability

  4. 文章重点阐述了无形资产审计内容。

    The article discussed contents of auditing for invisible assets .

  5. 再次,论述了预警审计内容之二的廉政专项审计的具体内容。

    Then , dissertate the detailed content of special integrity audit , another one of alarm audit contents .

  6. 从总结工程决算审计内容,规范工程决算审计方法入手,较全面地探讨了工程决算审计的重点和技巧。

    The article generalizes contents of audit of returns of college capital construction , standardizes its focal points and techniques .

  7. 我国国家审计内容正由真实合法审计为主向真实合法审计与效益审计并重转变。

    China national audit is committing to pay equal attention to performance audit while giving priority to reality and compliance audit .

  8. 通过对营销审计内容的提炼和整理,相信本文的营销审计指标可以反映可口可乐公司的营销审计重点。

    Through refinement and sorting the marketing audit content , I believe the marketing audit index can reflect the Coca-Cola Company marketing audit emphasis .

  9. 审计内容具有广泛性和综合性,要注意采用其他审计特有的方法;

    The audit coverage are comprehensive and extensive , which means that the procedures applicable to other audit types should be properly introduced into the accountability audit .

  10. 但目前经济责任审计内容未形成统一认识,在审计评价方面又缺乏科学规范的方法,从而直接影响了审计监控的效果,所以本文对企业经济责任审计及评价作了深入的研究。

    However , there are still many inconsistent contents on the economic responsibility audit . The audit evaluation lack scientific and standardized methods , which directly influence the effect of audit supervision .

  11. 其次,论述了预警审计内容之一的腐败因子测试方法。具体阐述了权利滥用测试、腐败动机分析、腐败机会测试、腐败控制力测试。

    Then , dissertate the corruption factors testing method , one of the alarm audit contents , expatiating right abuse test , corruption motive test , corruption opportunity test and corruption control ability test .

  12. 文章分别就建设项目决策阶段、实施阶段、竣工验收阶段、试运行阶段、建设单位财务收支等方面的跟踪审计内容和方法进行了阐述,并提出了跟踪审计应注意的三个问题。

    It elaborates the content and method relating follow-up auditing from the stage of division , implementation , completion and check acceptance , trial operation and financial revenue and expenditure and three points for attention .

  13. 根据审计内容的不同,给出了具体的评价指标和测算方法,从而有针对性的对街道办事处党政领导干部经济责任的履行情况进行审计评价。

    According to different audit items , we work out specific evaluation indexes and measurement methods , and thus carry out the audit of implementation of economic liabilities shouldered by Party and government officials in sub-district offices .

  14. 本文通过对国外相关文献的分析研究,经过企业技术创新领域的学者和企业技术主管人员的评价之后,提出了企业技术创新能力的审计内容。

    The paper analyses some relevant foreign references about innovation audit and proposes the audit contents of Chinese enterprises ' innovation capability after evaluating by some scholars in the technology innovation area and some enterprises ' technology managers .

  15. 论述了我国国有经济快速增长、国有资产数额不断增加、国有企业深化改革、审计内容和方法与时俱进,不断更新改进。

    Discussion has been made on the rapid development of state economy and the increasing amount of state assets , the deepening reform of state enterprises as well as the advancing and updating contents and methods of government audit .

  16. 环境风险、预测风险、决策风险、招聘培训风险、配置使用风险、代理风险、流失风险等审计内容的构想;

    The design on the content of environmental risk , forecast risk , decision-making risk , the risk of inviting application for a job and training , the risk of allocating and using , agent risk , losing risk ;

  17. 企业环境审计内容主要是反映、监督和评价环境活动信息,它包括两大信息系统:企业环境会计核算信息系统和企业环境管理控制信息系统。

    To audit the enterprise environment is mainly to reflect , supervise and assess the information of the environment and activities , including the two informational systems-the informational system of business accounting audit and the informational system of administration .

  18. 通过介绍企业道德审计内容的理论框架,按照企业道德定位的不同,对我国企业道德审计的机构、内容和标准等提出操作性建议。

    By introducing the theoretical framework of corporate ethics auditing and according to the different orientations of the corporate ethics , the author puts forward some operative suggestions about the mechanism , contents and standards of the corporate ethics auditing .

  19. 从审计内容、审计目标、审计方法、审计风险、审计依据、审计程序、审计报告等方面阐述了它们的联系与区别。

    There is relation as well as difference between them , This paper states their relation and difference from the angles of audit , content , audit aim , audit ways , audit risk , audit evidence , audit procedures and audit report .

  20. 论依法审计的内容要求及保证措施

    On requirement of audit contents according to law and guarantee measures

  21. 探析企业核心竞争力审计的内容和方法

    Content and Methods of Enterprise Core Competency Audit

  22. 经济效益审计的内容与方法

    Content and Methods of Audit of Economy Return

  23. 论经济责任审计的内容

    Talking about the Content of Economy Responsibility Audit

  24. 高校绩效审计的内容包括高等学校事业计划和预算编制及其执行情况审计;

    The contents include the audit of the university project planning and budget establishment as well as its implementation ;

  25. 这是因为此应用程序需要能够验证通过此名称空间才能审计其内容。

    This is because the application needs to be able to authenticate to the namespace in order to audit its contents .

  26. 探讨了工程招投标过程中应注意的事项及工程竣工审计的内容。

    The items being paid attention to in the public bidding of a project and the content of audit for a finished project is discussed .

  27. 在市场经济的环境和条件下,企业内部审计的内容不断地丰富并延伸到企业经营的各个方面。

    In the conditions of market economy , the scope of firm 's internal auditing is ever expanded and even covers the firm 's operation .

  28. 从工程项目战略策划着手,分析了工程项目战略审计的内容、审计的目标、审计的步骤和绩效评价;

    In the study of construction strategic audit , the contents , objects , process and performance appraisal are analyzed from the beginning of construction strategic audit plotting .

  29. 国家建设项目审计具有内容多、客体广、审计方法灵活和审计贯穿于建设项目全过程的特点。

    The state audit of the construction project has the characteristics of numerous contents , wide objects , flexible audit methods and audit running through the whole construction process .

  30. 越来越多的企业正在经历着从传统商务活动到电子商务活动的变革,而电子商务活动对企业审计的内容和方法又提出了新的要求。

    More and more companies are going through the conversion form traditional commercial activities to electronic commercial activities , but electronic commerce requires auditing of new contents and methods .