
  • 网络Certificate;Professional certificate;Professional Certification;PCLL;trade certificate
  1. 近年来,江苏省高等专业证书教育发展迅速。

    In recent years , Jiangsu education of higher professional certificate develops rapidly .

  2. 1988年,国家教育委员会与人事部联合印发了《关于成人高等教育试行专业证书制度的若干规定》,随后成人高等教育专业证书制度正式诞生。

    In 1988 , the National Education Committee and Ministry of Personnel jointly issued several provisions of the implementation of the professional certificate system of adult higher education .

  3. 我连一个专业证书都不需要我就可以当一个教师了!

    I don 't even need a qualification for this .

  4. 目前,仅有300万俄罗斯人拥有工业专业证书,而1200万人并无相关资格。

    Only 3m Russians had specialist industrial qualifications , while 12m were unqualified .

  5. 大家会看到,通过网络远程学习,很多人都能获得专业证书。

    You can easily see professional certifications happening via remote learning over the Internet .

  6. 假如您有爱好,请将您的简历连同专业证书发电子邮件给本公司,并标明期望薪金。

    The persons who have interest please send your resume to us with professional certification and desired salary .

  7. 外科住院医师基本训练内容的探讨美国泌尿外科住院医师的培养及专业证书准入制度

    The Basic Content for Surgical Resident Training Cultivation and Special Certificate Enters the System of Resident Surgeon in American

  8. 宏利及香港中文大学合办专为宏利代理人而设的理财策划与管理专业证书课程。

    Manulife and the Chinese University of Hong Kong jointly offer a certificate program in financial planning and management for Manulife agents .

  9. 任何能够连接到因特网的人,如果想要学习这些课程,可以访问这些名校名课,并在课程结束时获得专业证书。

    Anybody who has an Internet connection and the will to learn can access these great courses from excellent universities and get a credential at the end of it .

  10. 如果我有一份长期稳定的工作,父母会少担心很多。远藤说。他表示正计划考些专业证书以找到一份更好的工作。

    If I were a full employee , my parents would be less worried , said Endo , who plans to take professional tests to help improve her job status .

  11. 自愿参加一门培训课程拓展相关技能或考取一门专业证书,不仅可以让你有能力去完成不熟悉的新任务,也可以证明你为公司稳定发展所作出的贡献。

    Volunteering to take a course to boost certain skills or gain a specialized certification can both ease your ability to complete unfamiliar chores and demonstrate your commitment to your company 's stability .

  12. 构建证券与期货专业双证书人才培养模式

    Establishing a Talents Training Mode with Double Certificates in Stock and Futures Specialty

  13. 高职商务英语专业多证书人才培养模式探析

    Analyzing the Multi-Certificate Talents Training Mode of Business English Major in Higher Vocational Colleges

  14. 基于模具设计与制造专业双证书课程的研究与实践

    The Research and Practice Based on the Double-Certificate Project of the Mould Design and Manufacture Major

  15. 高职国际贸易类专业双证书制度的实施路径

    The Practice of " Dual Certificate " System for International Trade Specialities of Higher Vocational Education

  16. 没有专业资格证书的从业者更多地使用交互分析和音乐疗法这两种方法。

    Practitioners who had no professional certificates were more inclined to adopt interaction analysis therapy and musical therapy .

  17. 高职院校视光眼镜技术专业双证书教育体系的构建

    The Construction of " Double Certificate " Education System in the Department of Optic and Optometry in High Professional Colleges

  18. 通过对生产过程自动化技术专业学历证书教育与职业资格证书教育进行对比分析,找出结合点,设计教学方案。

    Find out the combination order between the education of certificate of automate profession educational background and the occupation qualifications certificate to design the teaching project .

  19. 结论:以学历达标、取得文凭或专业合格证书为目的的在职教育,在现阶段是中、小学体育教师教育一个必然的、补课的过程;

    The result shows that obtain diploma and qualified certificate are the main purpose of on-job education for primary and middle school teachers at present stage .

  20. 有意者,请提供中英文简历,并付推荐信和其它证明文件(身份证,学历和专业资格证书)。

    Please provide full resume ( curriculum vitae ) both in Chinese and English with references and other supportive documents ( ID , education , professional certificate ) .

  21. 要获得此类专业的证书,学生必须能够利用电脑设计系统绘制二维和三维的机械产品草图。

    In order to receive a certificate in this field , the student must learn how to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawings of mechanical objects using computer design equipment .

  22. 3分数将仅仅给予成功地已经完成课程并且被公认的机构授予职业或专业的证书。

    Points will only be awarded where evidence is provided that the individual has completed the course successfully and been awarded the relevant academic or professional qualification from an accredited institution .

  23. 但是它确实适用于某些人(除了一些学位即专业性证书的领域,比如工程师或是医生)。

    But he does believe that it could work for some people ( just not those who need their degrees to function as technical certifications or licenses , like engineers or doctors ) .

  24. 大专或以上学历。至少两到三年采购工作经验。持有专业的证书或专业采购组织或机构成员优先。

    Educated to at least College level or above . 2 ~ 3 experience minimum in purchasing function . Preferred candidate will have professional qualifications or membership of a professional purchasing organisation or institution .

  25. 所谓专家是指具有专门知识或专门技能,依法取得国家认可的专业资格证书和职业证书、向公众提供专业服务的人。

    Refers to the so-called experts with specialized knowledge or specialized skills , according to the law authorized the State to obtain a certificate of professional qualifications and professional certificates , to provide the public with professional services .

  26. 大法庭里的每个推事,都从本案中混到一份资历证明书。有意者,请提供中英文简历,并付推荐信和其它证明文件(身份证,学历和专业资格证书)。

    Every master in Chancery has had a reference out of the cause . Please provide full resume ( curriculum vitae ) both in Chinese and English with references and other supportive documents ( ID , education , professional certificate ) .

  27. 软件方面:苏南城市健身俱乐部的教练员年龄结构呈年轻化,指导经验欠缺,教练员文化层次较低,只有少数具有专业指导证书,多数为无证经营;

    Software respect : The age composition of the coach in the urban health club of southern Jiangsu is younger , instructing experience to be deficient , coach 's cultural level is relatively low , only minority have specialized guidance certificates , the majority is " unlicensed business activity ";

  28. 该项目对考试合格者将颁发全国高新专业人才技能证书。

    This certificate can be verified by website of National Project for Accreditation of High-Tech and New Industry Professionals .

  29. 照顾孩子是一个伟大的职业,但我猜肯定没有人意识到会有人特意因此去上大学并拿到职业保姆专业的学位证书。

    Taking care of children is a noble profession , of course , but we 're going to go ahead and guess that you never realized people can actually go to college and get a degree in being Mary Poppins 。

  30. 经济低迷及其影响突显出了金融业从业人员接受正式金融培训的重要性。随着机构提高准入要求,那些希望加入这一潜在回报巨大的行业的人将会发现,专业学术资格证书正变得越来越必要。

    The economic downturn and its consequences brought into sharp focus the importance of formal training in finance for professionals in that sector . As institutions toughen up their entry requirements , those hoping to join this potentially lucrative world will find that specialised academic qualifications are increasingly necessary .