
  • 网络Professional investigation;professional survey;speciality survey
  1. 详细介绍Delphi法在护理专业调查性研究中的具体应用。

    This article introduced the concrete application of Delphi method in the investigational study of nursing in detail .

  2. 如今看起来,希拉里曾是一项不专业调查的受害者,而特朗普正在伸张正义。

    Now , apparently , Mrs Clinton was the victim of an unprofessional probe and Mr Trump is setting things straight .

  3. 此外,为了进行案例分析,搜集了一些统计资料和调查研究的材料,其来源分为三种:一是公司的研究报告,二是公司的统计报表,三是专业调查公司的调查报告。

    The analysis is based on statistics data and investigated materials , which come from company study reports , company statistics reports , and investigation reports from professional company .

  4. 调查涉及6个专业,调查学生181名,调查内容为学生使用公共英语II(1)《形成性考核及学习档案》(以下简称形成性考核册)的基本情况。

    The survey involves six majors with 181 students . The questionnaire contains the basic situations where students use the prepared assessment book for General English II ( 1 ) .

  5. 铜仁地区农村英语教师专业素质调查与研究

    English Teachers ' Teaching Situation in Rural Areas of Tongren Prefecture

  6. 基于主动服务构件的智能专业设置调查系统

    The Intelligent Investigation System of Speciality Provision Based on Active Service Component

  7. 农村初中数学教师专业知识调查研究

    The Investigation Research on Professional Knowledge of Rural Junior Middle School Teachers

  8. 专业的调查者运用他们自己的策略。

    Professional res & # 173 ; earchers deploy their own strategies .

  9. 对沈阳工程学院物业管理专业毕业生调查结果的分析

    Analyzing and thinking about investigation results for property management specialty graduates of SIE

  10. 高职会计电算化专业问卷调查结果分析与课程体系改革设想&以粤东地区为例

    The analyzing result of questionnaire survey and course system reformation of Accounting computerization

  11. 中国大学生专业选择调查之基本分析

    A Survey on the Major Choice of Chinese Undergraduates

  12. 民族地区农村小学英语教师专业素质调查

    A Survey of Primary School English Teachers ′ Accomplishments in the Ethnic Rural Areas

  13. 护理本科生专业观调查

    Investigation of Major Viewpoint of Nursing Undergraduate Students

  14. 心理学毕业生专业技能调查及其对专业改革的启示

    An Investigation on Professional Skill of Psychological Graduates and its Inspiration on Instructional Reform

  15. 第四章,辅导员专业化调查分析。

    The fourth part is the investigation .

  16. 高校大学生转专业现状调查研究&以漳州师范学院为例

    Investigation into the college students ' transfer of specialty & Taking Zhangzhou Normal Institute for example

  17. 中等职业学校工业分析与检验专业师资调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Teaching Staff of the Industrial Analysis and Test Speciality of Vocational Schools

  18. 英语护理本科生专业态度调查分析在外科教学中使用英语授课的实践

    Survey on the Attitude of the Undergraduate Nurse Students on English Training Program Towards Their Major The Experience of Bilingual Teaching in Surgery

  19. 加强高等农业院校学生知识产权教育农村初中数学教师专业知识调查研究

    An Approach to Strengthen Education of Intellectual Property in Agricultural Colleges and Universities ; The Investigation Research on Professional Knowledge of Rural Junior Middle School Teachers

  20. 南京阳益调查公司有着一支年轻专业的调查团队,他们是来自各行业的精英人才,他们热爱调查,忠于职守。

    We are a young investigation team , the team members have various background , we have passion for investigation , and are dedicated to our job .

  21. 后发院校广告学专业教育调查&以武汉科技学院广告学专业为个案大卫学到了很多广告业上的专门词语。

    The Investigation on Advertising Speciality Education of Later University ; David learns a number of new expressions which have a particular meaning in the world of advertising .

  22. 他强调应支持联合国方面就有关指控加快开展独立、公正、客观、专业的调查。

    He stressed the need to support UN inspectors in facilitating their independent , just , objective and professional investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria .

  23. 有利于整合地学及其相关专业的调查资料:增强了地震数据库的可用性;另外,也为其他专业数据库的设计提供了参考。

    It is beneficial for integrating the investigation data of geosciences and that of its correlative specialty . In addition , it also provides references for the design of other special databases .

  24. 第二种类型是通过更多的个性化服务,专业的调查都有自己的调查方法,分析了目前你的数据、图表和详细的评论报告。

    The second type is to go through more individualized professional survey services that have their own survey methods and present you with analyzed data , charts , graphs and detailed comment reports .

  25. 本论文正是基于这一形势,在对河南省安阳市农民专业合作社调查研究的基础上,围绕农民专业合作社内部制度进行了系统的研究。

    This paper is based on this situation , having systematically studied the internal system of the farmer specialized cooperatives based on the study of specialized cooperatives of Anyang City of Henan Province .

  26. 开展高职院校学生评价专业课程调查是获取一手资料的有效途径,为此设计了调查问卷,并采用专家咨询法确定各级指标的权重。

    The first-hand information of the survey is an effective way for the student evaluation of professional courses . So , the questionnaire was designed for it , and the expert consultation is determined for the weight of indicators at all levels .

  27. 无论叙利亚任何一方使用化学武器,中方均坚决反对。他表示,中方支持联合国秘书处依据联合国有关决议对使用化武问题的指称展开独立、客观、公正、专业的调查。

    No matter which side in Syria uses chemical weapons , China resolutely opposes it . He said China supports the UN Secretariat to carry out an independent , objective , impartial and professional investigation with regards to the allegation in accordance with relevant UN resolutions .

  28. 智库z/yengroup每年发布两次对全球75个城市的排名,其依据是对金融专业人士的调查和一些客观因素,如办公室租金、机场满意度及交通运输。

    The twice-yearly ranking of 75 world cities by Z / yen group , the think-tank , is based on surveys of industry professionals and objective factors such as office rental rates , airport satisfaction and transport .

  29. 采用《客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)学生问卷调查表》,对部分参加此次OSCE考试的临床专业学生进行调查和分析,数据处理采用SPSS13.0软件。

    Part students taking part in OSCE examinations were investigated by " objective structured clinical examination ( OSCE ) student questionnaire " and SPSS 13.0 was used for data-processing . Result : 1 .

  30. FDM对100位人力资源专业人士的调查发现,73%的人承认,他们并非执行IT人才招聘的最佳人选,有17%的人无力识别他们应当在IT候选人那里发现的任何重要资质。

    Its survey of 100 human resources professionals found 73 per cent admitting they were not the best person to carry out recruitment of IT candidates , while 17 per cent were unable to identify any important qualifications they should be looking for from IT candidates .