
  • 网络special fund;Specialist Funds;specialty fund
  1. 可如今,大型风投公司基本上都有自己的种子基金、早期基金、成长基金、中国基金、印度基金和专门基金(如移动、数据)等等。

    Now it is not uncommon for the largest firms to have their seed fund , their early stage fund , their growth fund , their China fund , their India Fund , their specialty Fund [ mobile , data , etc. ] and on and on .

  2. 包括部门,如技术,金融,生物科技或专门基金。

    Includes sector specialist funds such as technology , banking , or biotechnology .

  3. 她知道,交给蔡尔德斯昆廷去处理蒙太奇案件的现有专门基金已经快用光了。

    She had been aware for some time that the existing reserve fund being used by Childers Quentin for Montagne settlements was almost exhausted .

  4. 政府应该专门设立基金来提高农民的生活水平。

    They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improving peasants'living standard .

  5. (一)设有专门的基金托管部;

    Has a specific fund custody department ;

  6. 例如,政府制定了一些专门的基金来帮助农民避免遭受突发性的损失。

    For example , the government formulated some special funds to help farmers avoid from sudden loss .

  7. 他把部门的管理工作委托给助手了。(一)设有专门的基金托管部;

    He depute the running of the department to an assistant . ( 1 ) Has a specific fund custody department ;

  8. 《证券投资基金》采用证券从业资格考试教材。它是专门培养基金管理人才的课程。

    " Securities Investment Fund " which specializes in training fund management talent uses the textbook of the securities qualification examination as its teaching material .

  9. 这个专门养老基金管理机构是养老基金投资的受托人;劳动和社会保障部门代表政府和工作人员利益是委托人;退休人员是受益人。

    This specialized pension fund management institution is the trustee , the government Labor and Social Security agencies are trustor representing government and workers , and retirees are beneficiaries .

  10. 新的《科技进步法》要求企业界更多参与创新研究活动,政府将建立专门的基金来支持中小企业的创新。

    Under the amended law , industry will be more involved in innovative research activities and the government will set up funds to support innovation in small and medium enterprises .

  11. 这家银行将这些钱投入旗下专门投资对冲基金的基金orbitaglobalopportunities,在全球范围内投资于25只到30只基金。

    The bank places the money in orbita global opportunities , its own fund of hedge funds which invests in an array of 25 to 30 funds around the world .

  12. 但他们大多倾向于将在华国际NGO作为一个整体进行研究,而鲜有专门针对境外基金会的研究。

    However , most of them tend to research on the international NGOs in China as a whole , while few of them specifically focus on the foreign foundations .

  13. 我们有20个人专门负责外部基金产品,而且这是个非常详尽的程序。

    We have 20 people focusing on external funds and it 's a very detailed process .

  14. 在联合国及其各专门机构、基金和方案之间加强协调以支持千年发展目标;

    That coordination be strengthened between the UN and its agencies , funds and programmes to support the MDGs ;

  15. 专门投资于基金的基金平均管理费率与去年同期相比下降了3个基点。

    Average management fees at fund of funds declined by three basis points since the same quarter last year .

  16. 知情人士称,汇丰的大部分风险敞口来自其向有意与马多夫共同投资的机构客户所提供的贷款,这些客户主要是专门投资于基金的对冲基金。

    People close to the situation said most of HSBC 's exposure stemmed from loans it provided to institutional clients , mainly hedge funds of funds , that wanted to invest with Mr Madoff .

  17. 这些交易是由牵头的银行私下协商的,买主往往是专门的对冲基金或大型机构,可以与银行协商交易条款。

    The buyers in these deals , which are negotiated privately by the banks that put the transactions together , tend to be specialized hedge funds or big institutions that can negotiate terms with the bankers .

  18. Nexar将寻找机会收购专门投资于基金的基金业务在金融危机的冲击下,高净值客户进行了大规模赎回,使得许多此类基金近月来步履维艰。

    The company will be looking for opportunities to acquire fund of funds businesses many of which have struggled in recent months after massive investor redemptions from high net worth clients damaged by the financial crisis .

  19. 生息银两制度是由政府拨出一定的专门款项作为基金,交给政府官员或者商人负责营运,政府只收取一分至二分不等的利息,所取息银主要用来支付政府的特定支出。

    Interest generating institute generated by the government to allocate certain special payments as the foundation to government officials or merchant to operate , the government charged only ten to twenty percent of the principal every year to used to pay for government spending specified .

  20. 今年春,国会专门为超巨额基金召开了听证会。

    And this spring Congress has been conducting hearings on Superfund .

  21. 毕竟,一只专门投资中国的基金仍很不寻常。

    A specialist China fund is still pretty exotic after all .

  22. 专门投资越南的基金带着大笔刚刚募集的资金,竞相投资于有前途的项目。

    Vietnam-dedicated funds are flush with newly-raised cash to invest in promising ventures .

  23. 并未设立其他任何专门或单独的基金来确保本计划中的支付。

    There is no special or separate fund set aside to assure payments under the Plan .

  24. 菲利浦斯表示,托管人的保守作风,意味着许多“职业资金购买计划”只提供有限的基金选择,其中不包括专门的新兴市场基金。

    Phillips said conservatism among trustees meant that many occupational money purchase schemes only offered limited fund choices , which did not include a specialist emerging markets option .

  25. 对冲基金2009年第一季度平均管理费率为1.57%,而专门投资于对冲基金的基金管理费率平均为1.25%。

    The average management fee charged by hedge funds in the first quarter of 2009 was 1.57 per cent , while funds of hedge funds charged an average of 1.25 per cent .