
  • Meat price;the price of meat
  1. 这个星期肉价已降了下来。

    The price of meat has come down this week .

  2. 肉商几个星期内将提高肉价。

    The butchers will raise the price of meat in a few weeks .

  3. 肉价与上月一样高。

    The meat prices keep up to last month 's level .

  4. 图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。

    The chart shows an up trend of meat prices .

  5. 但是同样也意味着肉价更高。

    but this kind of farming also means higher prices .

  6. 消费者抱怨肉价上涨。

    The consumers complained about the increase in the price of meat .

  7. 消费者欢迎削减肉价。

    The consumers welcomed the slash in meat prices .

  8. 肉价上涨也促使了中国的通货膨胀率达到多年来的最高。

    The prices have contributed to China 's highest inflation rate in years .

  9. 不加控制,短缺会引起肉价上涨。

    If uncontrolled , the shortage would set off a new rise in meat prices .

  10. 如果不加控制,这种短缺会引起肉价的再次上涨。

    If uncontrolled , the shortage would set off a new rise in meat price .

  11. 分析人士指出,由于肉类供不应求,导致肉价上涨。

    The price of the meat is going up because it is in short supply , analysts say .

  12. 在多布莱镇饲养牲口的花费,比这些牲口所值的肉价还高。

    The cost of feeding livestock in Dobley is actually higher than the meat of the animals themselves .

  13. 在过去的半年,全国内的平均肉价上涨了近五成,这引起了人们的惊慌和激烈抗议。

    A50 % rise in the average nationwide price over the past year is causing squeals of alarm .

  14. 政策制定者抑制肉价能力的真正制约在于中国养猪场有限的繁殖能力。

    The real constraint on policymakers " ability to rein in prices is the limited breeding capacity of China 's hog farms .

  15. 嘿,说到储备,你知道政府储存了大量的冻肉来应对肉价上涨吗?

    Hey , speaking of stockpiling , did you know the government kept tons of frozen meat in case of a price hike ?

  16. 报导称,中国国内猪肉价格进一步下跌,并警告称养猪激励措施不断减少可能会导致今年晚些时候肉价飙升。

    Reporting a further drop in domestic pork prices and warning against diminishing hog-breeding incentives that could lead to a spike in prices later in the year .

  17. 但业内高管、交易员与分析师均表示,肉价的上涨并非因为热钱的流入,而是由于供求因素。

    But industry executives , traders and analysts said the increase in prices was not due to the inflows of hot money , but rather supply and demand factors .

  18. 与此同时,美国也将购买价值1亿美元的猪肉和5000万美元的鸡肉,以帮助本国养殖农户摆脱饲料成本高、但肉价较低的困境。

    Washington , meanwhile , is buying $ 100m of pork and $ 50m of chicken to help domestic farmers struggling with high feed costs and low meat prices .

  19. 即便在北京方面本周承诺将部分储备冻猪肉投放市场以平抑肉价之后,中国猪肉价格仍处于创纪录水平。猪肉是中国人摄取蛋白质的主要来源之一。

    Pork prices in China are at record levels even after Beijing pledged to decant some of its reserves on to the market this week in an attempt to tamp down the cost of the staple protein .

  20. 由于新兴国家需求强劲、加之美国和澳大利亚等出口国产量下滑,全球肉价已触及20年来的高点,从而加剧了有关食品通胀正在抬头的担忧。

    Global meat prices have hit a 20-year high as robust demand from emerging countries has coincided with a drop in production by exporters such as the US and Australia , fuelling concerns about rising food inflation .

  21. 由于牲畜养殖户遭遇了从澳洲与拉美的严重干旱,到本世纪初肉价走低与饲养成本达到历史高位的一系列灾难,主要出口国家的肉类生产均陷入停滞。

    Meat production has stagnated in top exporting countries as livestock farmers suffered a series of misfortunes from severe droughts in Australia and Latin America , to low prices in the early 2000s and record high feeding costs .