
  1. 但是,我国服务业结构优势还主要集中于传统服务业,新兴服务业竞争力不强,FDI流向的服务业行业结构还有待完善。

    However , the advantage of our service industry is mainly on the traditional services , new services develop slowly , the flow of foreign investment to the service industry structure has yet to be , perfect .

  2. 运用超效率DEA的两阶段法,对我国一些省、市、地区第三产业、传统服务业和新兴服务业的发展状况进行了评价,进一步分析了影响服务业发展的深层因素。

    The two-stage method of super-efficient DEA was applied to evaluating the competing ability of provincial service industry and the factors influencing the development of service industry and the factors influencing the development of service industry were also analyzed .

  3. 我国新兴服务业发展的总体思路

    The Overall Strategy on the Rising Service Industry in China

  4. 专业服务业是新兴服务业中最具代表性的行业,也是目前国际市场上最活跃的分子之一。

    Professional service is the typical and active sector in new service .

  5. 三是鼓励发展新兴服务业。

    Third , encourage the development of new service industries .

  6. 基于物流服务的航运企业业务流程再造研究新兴服务业与企业法

    Research on Logistics-based Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) of Shipping Enterprise

  7. 物流企业作为国民经济中的一个新兴服务业,正在全球范围内飞快的发展。

    Logistics enterprises are developing fast worldwide as a new industry branch of national economy .

  8. 咨询、物流、连锁经营、社区服务等新兴服务业方兴未艾。

    New services such as consulting , logistics , chain management and community service are booming .

  9. 大力发展第三产业,尤其是新兴服务业;

    The newly arising service industry ;

  10. 新兴服务业与企业法

    Pioneer Services and Enterprises Ordinance

  11. 但与此相关的新兴服务业在近年来变得尤其受欢迎:艺妓妆容。

    But there are relatively newservices that have become especially popular in recent years : geisha makeover .

  12. 结论是,今后我国第三产业是吸纳劳动力的主要产业,而第三产业中的新兴服务业成为吸纳就业的主力。

    It argues that the tertiary industry will be the main employment-absorbing sector , with the rising service industry as the backbone forces .

  13. 实施正确的产业政策,扶持资本密集和技术密集型服务业和新兴服务业,促进第三产业升级;

    Implement proper industrial policy , support capital-intensive and technology-intensive service business , new and expanding service business , to promote the upgrading of tertiary industry ;

  14. 但是第三产业总量偏低,新兴服务业产值和附加值过低,第二产业内部的现有支柱产业附加值偏低。

    But the third industry volume is low and service industry value and add-ons are low . Key industry value of the internal second industry is low .

  15. 高技术服务业是现代服务业与高新技术产业相互融合发展的产物,是以网络和信息技术等高新技术为支撑,提供高技术含量和高附加值服务的新兴服务业。

    It is supported by high and new technology such as network and information technology . It is the emerging service industry , providing high technical content and high value-added services .

  16. 作为知识型新兴服务业,培训业由于利润率高,资金壁垒和技术壁垒低、吸引了大批的创业者和企业进入其中淘金。

    As a new services industry which is knowledge-based , the training industry has attracted so many entrepreneurs for its high profit margin , the low barrier of capital and technology .

  17. 大力发展新兴服务业,鼓励更多的女性向高层次的第三产业流动,不断完善社会保障体系,为女性解除后顾之忧;

    Promote the newly emerging service trades , encourage women to shift to high-level trades in the tertiary industry , and continuously improve the social security system to free women of their worries ;

  18. 此外,在发展新型服务业方面,南京应引入必要的国际资本和管理模式,重点发展资讯服务、物流、会展、咨询、电子商务等新兴服务业,以提高南京服务业的层次结构。

    Besides , through introducing international capital and technology , Nanjing will have good opportunity on developing the new city industries including information service , consulting , E - commerce and exhibition economy .

  19. 尽管我国第三产业发展过程中表现出一定的传统服务业向现代服务业的转轨特征,通过国际比较,第三产业传统服务业就业比重过低、新兴服务业就业比重不突出的特征明显。

    Despite the characteristic that the traditional service industry transfers to modern service industry , both our traditional service industry proportion and that of rising service industry are too low compared with other countries .

  20. 提出今后西安服务业应加大投资力度,优先发展优势服务业和新兴服务业,逐渐形成现代服务产业。

    It points out that the investment in the service industry in Xi'an should be strengthened , with advantageous and newly emerging service industry taking the priority , thus forming modern service industry gradually .

  21. 加快新兴服务业发展,提高第三产业核心竞争力,是推动产业转型升级,以及占领国际服务贸易竞争制高点的重要方面。

    To speed up the development of emerging service industry and improve the core competitive power of the tertiary industry is an important aspect to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and occupy the commanding height of international service and trading competition .

  22. 除关系国家安全和必须由国家实行垄断的领域外,基础设施和基础产业领域、高科技及高新技术产业领域以及新兴服务业等领域都应允许民间投资进入;

    Except the fields that concern the national safety and that must be monopolized by the nation , the fields of infrastructure and basic industries , high technology , advanced and new technology and new service should be permitted to enter .

  23. 目前沈阳服务业主要集中在商贸、餐饮、仓储等传统服务业上,金融、电信、房地产等新兴服务业发展不完善,导致服务业处于低层次结构水平。

    Nowadays , in Shenyang , the proportion of conventional service industry such as Business , Catering Service and Storage is high in the whole service industry , while modern service industry such as Finance , Telecommunication and Real Estate develop incompletely .

  24. 其服务结构不平衡是引起贸易赤字情况加重的原因,它们贸易以旅游、运输等传统行业为主,而像能创造高附加值的金融服务等新兴服务业发展十分的落后。

    Their structures of trade in service are dominated by the traditional industries , such as tourism , transportation , but emerging service industries which can create highly added value lag far behind , so unbalanced structure results in the worse deficit situation .

  25. 我国新兴信息服务业的现状、问题及发展对策

    The Present Condition and Problems of the Developing Information Service Industry in China and Its Development Strategy

  26. 在发达国家,这种被誉为企业的第三利润源新兴的服务业已经成为国家经济的重要支柱。

    In developed countries , it is known as the Third Profit to corporations , and has become the essential national economy pillar .

  27. 信息技术、市场经济、新兴信息服务业是推进图书情报机构变革的基本决定力量。

    Information technology , market economy and the emerging information service industries is three crucial factors that drive the development of library and information organization .

  28. 建模结果表明,资本投入与技术水平对制造业与服务业地区集聚水平均存在正向影响,且它们对战略性新兴产业服务业的影响强于制造业。

    The modeling results show that the gathering capital input and the technical level both have a positive impact on the agglomeration level of manufacturing and service industry , and the impact on strategic emerging industries of service industries is stronger than manufacturing industry .

  29. 我国的投资银行作为一种新兴的金融服务业,从80年代初发行和承销债券开始,发展到股票的发行、承销及证券经纪业务。

    The investment banking business of China saw its beginning at the early 1980s .

  30. 从新兴的知识服务业的内涵及其在大都市经济发展的重要性入手,详细分析了知识服务业在沈阳老工业基地振兴和发展过程中的作用。

    This paper firstly analyzes the importance and obstacle of knowledge sharing based on the features of knowledge-based service industry in terms of knowledge management .