
  • 网络take my hand;Hold my hand
  1. 碧昂斯身穿半透明的白衣,在挥手致意的伴唱团陪伴下,演唱了福音赞美歌曲《亲爱的主,拉住我的手》(PreciousLord,TakeMyHand)。

    Beyonc é sang the gospel hymn " Precious Lord , Take My Hand , " dressed in diaphanous white and surrounded by a company with outstretched hands .

  2. 奥康娜与InTuaNua合作创作了乐队的第一支单曲《拉住我的手》后离开寄宿学校,以便集中精力发展她的音乐事业。

    After co-writing the first In Tua Nua single ," Take My Hand ", O'Connor left boarding school in order to focus on a career in music .

  3. “拉住我的手,”他父亲说,“站起来。

    Take mine , 'said his father ; ` stand on your feet .

  4. 卡尔,快拉住我的手。

    Please , cal , hold my hand .

  5. 快过来拉住我的手。

    Come here and hold my hand .

  6. 当她拉住我的手,我的信任感油然而生,立刻就把自己完全托付给她。

    When she took my hand , I gave myself over toher completely , feeling instant trust and affection .

  7. 爱德华为我打开门,拉住我的手,把我拽进他的臂弯所筑起的堡垒之中。

    Edward opened my door and took my hand , then drew me into the protecting enclosure of his arm .

  8. 她拉住我的手好一阵,仰头看着我的脸,好象在说这世界上再没有比我更想见到的人了。

    She held my hand for a moment , looking up into my face , promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see .

  9. 我悄悄地走上台阶,推门进去。一个女人急步走过来拉住我的手。我用灯照着她,她很美。

    Without a sound , I went up the steps , pushed open the door and went in . A woman hurried over to me and took me by the hand . I turned my lamp on her.She was beautiful .

  10. 我那位从未在大庭广众之下流露感情的丈夫这时拉住了我的手,我非常高兴。

    My husband , who never displays affection in public , took my hand . I has delighted .

  11. 我一直等待着你,如果你来拉住了我的手,我们就再也不松开,无论何时何地,何种境遇!

    I have been waiting for you , if you come to grab my hand , we no longer let go , no matter when and where , what kind of situation !