
  • 网络Balance sheet;trial balance
  1. 利用两天(清洁日和污染日)MODIS的红、蓝和近红外通道表观反射率资料,通过查算表反演了水面上空的气溶胶光学厚度和几何平均质量粒径;

    The aerosol optical depth and particle geometrical mean mass radius over water was retrieved with a LUT using two day ′ s MODIS data .

  2. ⑶研究了多项式凸组合的Hurwitz稳定性判别方法,讨论了凸组合稳定性判别的三种基本方法:正多项式对的方法、Routh算表的方法和结式的方法。

    ⑶ The Hurwitz stability criteria for the convex combinations of polynomials are studied . Three basic methods the positive polynomial pairs , the Routh table and the resultant are discussed .

  3. 数值试验结果表明,查算表对大陆性气溶胶尺度分布有反演能力,但拟合误差sεl值随着气溶胶光学厚度的增加而增加。

    The numerical experiments show that the LUT has its inversion ability to the continental aerosol model , but the fitting error ε _ ( sl ) is increased with the increase of the aerosol optical depth .

  4. 运动员作业稳定性、灵活性、适应性和耐力采用内田克列别林加算表测定

    Stability , Flexibility , Adaptability and Durability of Tasks Performed by Players

  5. 木瓜煤矿导线电算表的开发与应用

    Development and Application on Zooming Form of Wirework in Mugua Coal Mine

  6. 介绍一种新编制的环境试验用相对湿度查算表

    A New Relative Humidity Table for Environmental Test

  7. 山西省94县可能蒸散量查算表的建立

    Establishment of the consult table of possible evapotranspiration of 94 counties in Shanxi Province

  8. GB/T2541-1981石油产品粘度指数算表

    Petroleum products & Computation table for viscosity indices

  9. GB/T6999-1986环境试验用相对湿度查算表

    Relative humidity tables for environmental test

  10. 该模型由两部分组成:(1)矿床对象权查算表;

    The model consists of two parts : ( 1 ) the consulting table of object weight of deposit ;

  11. 该查算表中对风速与大气压的修正方法有与其他查算表不同的特点,它对提高相对湿度测量(查算)精度有一定的作用。

    The table has special characteristics in the calibration of wind velocity and atmospheric pressure , thus improving the accuracy of humidity measurement .

  12. 本方法简便、准确,如计算结果四舍五入保留整数,则与湿度查算表数值完全吻合。

    This calculation method is not only simple but also accurate in calculation and if a calculation result is rounded it will equal to the result obtained from the humidity table .

  13. 通过对湿度查算表湿度、干球温度、干湿球温差数据间关系的分析研究,提出一种根据湿度基准值进行二次线性插值求得湿度测量值的计算方法。

    Based on Benchmark data , a calculation method for relative air humidity using linear insertion method was put forward , through analyzing the relations among humidity , dry-bulb temperature and damp bulb temperature contrast .

  14. 以产业生态学意义上的产品概念为基础,通过工业代谢分析建立了某钛白粉生产企业的物料衡算表,分析了该企业的生态效率现状。

    Based on the concept of product from the industrial ecological point of view , the input-output balance sheet of a titanium white plant is worked out via industrial metabolism to analyze the eco-efficiency of the plant .

  15. 计及调零影响,算欧姆表表尺最佳段范围

    The best measuring range of ohmmeter considering the influence of zeroing

  16. 数据库分区的数量不算是表设计方面的考虑。

    The number of database partitions is not primarily a table design consideration .

  17. 神经网络解算射表的方法

    Calculating Shoot Parameter by Neural Net

  18. 一种简算工件表面积的方法

    Quick Calculation of Workpiece Surface

  19. 后台收集处的义工在大会安排的公证人监察下,复查所有报名表已由两名见证人签署及点算报名表数目。

    Sealed envelops opened by the backstage counting staffs , who then counted the registration forms in front of the assigned Notary .

  20. 相对于传统的手算查表方式,该方法可在很大程度上提高我国筒仓结构设计工作的效率和质量。

    Relative to traditional method , this approach will considerably enhance the efficiency and quality of silo structure design in our country .

  21. 篮球比赛得分算胜率统计表。

    Basketball game winning score statistics count-Basketball game winning score count statistics .

  22. 3D节目的创作、播放和收看均成本高昂,而要想填满并不算紧凑的节目表,维系消费者的兴趣,将需要多得多的节目。

    Far more programming , which is costly to create , deliver and watch , will be required to fill even modest viewing schedules and sustain interest .

  23. 并运用数值分析方法对大量数据进行电算,制作成表,供人工手算时使用。

    Through numerical analysis method , a great number of data is treated on computer to form a table , for manual calculation .