
  1. 一个警察看到一个小孩儿在路口站了很长时间,但是一直没有过马路。

    A policeman saw a child standing at an intersection for a long time but didn 't cross the street .

  2. 他们得到命令去疏散一群闲逛的人,于是他们开车去了那条街,看到路口站着一群人。

    A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loitering . The officers drove to the street and observed a small crowd standing on a corner .

  3. 一些败类抢了在路口的加油站。

    Some bastards robbed that gas station on an intersection .

  4. 在三岔路口,五六个人站在栅子跟前,仰起头读墙上贴的告示。觉新们也把告示读了。当你到了道路的岔口时,向左拐。

    Beside a barrier at a fork in the road , they came upon half a dozen men reading an announcement posted on the wall . When you get to the fork in the road , go left .