
  • 网络roadbed and pavement engineering
  1. 《路基路面工程》课程教学改革初探

    On Teaching Reform for Roadbed and Pavement Engineering

  2. 公路路基路面工程质量控制方法研究

    Method to Control Quality of the Subgrade and Road Surface of Highway

  3. 路基路面工程质量管理系统的研究

    On the Subgrade - pavement Construction Quality Management System

  4. 工业废料磷石膏在路基路面工程中的应用研究

    Application of Phosphogypsum to Road Base Course Construction

  5. 无机结合料在路基路面工程应用中压实质量控制试验研究

    Study on Compaction Quality Control of Inorganic Binder in the Subgrade and Pavement Engineering

  6. 讨论式教学方法在路基路面工程教学中的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on the Discussion Teaching Method in the Course of Subgrade and Pavement Engineering

  7. 道路碾压混凝土在我国路基路面工程中具有较好的应用前景。

    Roller compacted concrete has a bright application future in the subgrade and pavement works in China .

  8. 路基路面工程教学中学生文献追踪能力的培养工业废料磷石膏在路基路面工程中的应用研究

    Talking about the Cultivation of College Students ' Literature-tracking Ability in the Teaching of the Roadbed and Pavement Engineering

  9. 对工科高校实验课程教学效果的调查分析&以路基路面工程为例

    Investigation and Analysis on the Teaching Effect of Experiment Course in Engineering Colleges Taking " Road Engineering " as an Example

  10. 该项目是目前仍是在建项目,其工程包括公路路基路面工程和桥梁工程,工程期限为两年。

    The project is currently still under construction , the project includes highway and bridge engineering Pavement engineering , engineering for a period of two years .

  11. 压实度是路基路面工程施工中的主要控制指标之一,了解和认识影响压实的因素是提高压实度的关键,对影响压实度的主要因素及施工控制作了叙述。

    Compactness is one of the primary control indices of subbase and pavement construction . The key of enhancing compactness is realizing and understanding factors of influencing compactness .

  12. 通过非圆形轮冲击压实机械首次在修复旧水泥砼路面工程中用于打碎旧面板、稳固路基路面的工程实例,分析冲击压实机理及压实效果。

    For the first time , impact compactor with polygon roller for breaking up and compacting old cement concrete pavement slab in rehabilitating engineering of old cement concrete pavement .

  13. 结合路基工程、路面工程、桥涵工程、隧道工程、绿化工程、环保单项工程等施工过程中环境监理的实施,为将来制定公路施工期环境监理实施细则,或编写环境监理规范提供基础资料。

    Environment-Supervision is applied to all single projects , such as road bed project , road surface projects , bridge - culvert projects , tunnel projects , virescence projects . which provide basal information for establishing Road Environment-Supervision criterion and enchiridion .

  14. 山区由于地形地质条件的限制和公路线形的制约,高填深挖路基十分普遍,路基路面工程设计、施工、管理困难,产生的费用明显高于同等规模的平原区高速公路。

    Mountains because of the terrain geologic conditions and road alignment constraints , dig deep , high fill embankment root out is widespread , engineering design , construction and management are very difficult , result in the obviously higher cost than the same scale plain highway .