
  • 网络royal carriage
  1. 皇家马车正载着女王和她的丈夫。

    The royal carriage is bearing the queen and her consort .

  2. 皇家马车掉进河里摔碎了。

    The royal carriage fell in the river and was destroyed .

  3. 世爵的渊源可以追溯到1875年的前荷兰皇家马车制造商,如今部分为conversbankinggroup所有,而后者的掌控者是俄罗斯大亨弗拉基米尔安东诺夫(vladimirantonov)

    Spyker , whose roots go back to 1875 as the former coach builder for the Dutch Royal family , is part-owned by the convers banking group , which is controlled by Vladimir Antonov , a Russian tycoon .

  4. 我将安排一辆皇家马车送你一程。

    I am pleased to put a royal carriage at your disposal .

  5. 这是个标志性形象:女王伊丽莎白戴着优雅得体的手套,坐在皇家马车上轻轻地挥着手。

    It is an iconic image : Queen Elizabeth in her royal carriage , gently waving a graceful gloved hand .

  6. 皇室家族成员通常在重要的场合乘坐皇家马车,例如加冕礼和皇室婚礼。

    The royal state couch is often used but the royal family member on ceremonial occasions such as coronations or royal weddings .

  7. 皇家马车由塞缪尔o巴特勒在1762年建成,如今因为不经常使用,也不那么著名了。

    Built in 1762 by Samuel Butler , the carriage has seen less of action and reduced popularity among the royals today .

  8. 来看看这世界,它很像华丽的皇家马车:愚人被它迷惑了、但是,有智慧的人却对它无动于中。

    Come , behold this world , how it resembles an ornamented royal chariot , in which fools flounder , but for the wise there is no attachment to it .

  9. 皇家大马车将用几匹马拉?

    How many horses will draw the Royal coach ?