
  • 网络salt balance
  1. 研究结果表明,从水分利用效率大小、年内盐分平衡以及作物需水规律综合考虑,小麦生育期适宜灌溉定额为120m3/667m2。

    The results indicated that the suitable quota of saline water irrigation was 120 m ~ 3 / 667 m ~ 2 considering the water use efficiency , salt balance and crop water requirement as a whole .

  2. 本文阐明了江苏海涂土壤有盐分平衡、积盐和脱盐的地带,并分析了这三个盐分地带与潮间带沉积规律以及地面景观之间的关系。

    An attempt has been made to elucidate the zones of salt balance , salification and desalinization existing in marine coastal soil of Jiangsu Province and analyse the relationship between three salt zones and deposit regularity of tidal zones as well as the landscopes .

  3. 咸水灌溉下塔里木沙漠公路防护林盐分平衡及盐分运移

    Salt balance and movement of Tarim Desert Highway Shelterbelt irrigated by saline water

  4. 灌区盐分平衡状态的分析与计算是灌区工程环境影响评价工作中的重要内容之一。

    The analyses and calculation of salinity balance are very important contents of environmental impact assessment of irrigation project .

  5. 生态土壤水包括与植被生长繁育紧密相关的土壤水量平衡、盐分平衡和热量平衡三个方面。

    Ecological soil water includes the balance of water quantity , salinity and heat quantity , which is closely related to vegetation growth .

  6. 对灌区的水盐平衡问题进行了研究,包括灌区总体上、灌区内不同地区、土壤剖面的不同层次上的盐分平衡问题。

    The problems of water_and_ salt balance is studied from irrigation district integer , and water_and_ salt balance problem at different regions , different levels of soil profiles .

  7. 棉花膜下滴灌盐分动态及平衡研究

    Study on Dynamic and Balance of Salt for Cotton under Plastic Mulch in South Xinjiang

  8. 某些食品公司已证明愿意妥协他们食品的盐分含量,平衡对味觉消费需求与医疗和联邦的忧虑。

    Certain food companies have proved willing to compromise on the salt content of their foods , balancing consumer demand for taste with medical and federal concerns about salt .

  9. 种稻期间土壤盐分随排灌措施而波动,多次灌溉后盐分大致达到平衡,在0.15&0.30%之间。

    After frequent irrigation , the salt content of soil is equilibrated at0.15-0.30 % .