
  • 网络mix-fry with brine;stir-bake with saltwater
  1. 目的:优化牛膝盐炙工艺,为中药饮片的标准化和现代化提供依据。

    Objective To optimize a stir-bake with saltwater technology of processing Achyranthes bidentata Bl.

  2. 正交法优选盐炙泽泻的最佳炮制工艺天麻最佳炮制工艺的综合评分法研究

    Optimum Stir-bake with Saltwater Technology on Rhizoma Alismatis by Orthogonal Experimental Design Optimization of the Processed Techniques in Rhizoma Gastrodiae by Colligation Score

  3. 结果:1.确定盐炙巴戟天最佳炮制工艺,即100g巴戟天在2%盐溶液100mL闷润5h后蒸制1h,放凉,干燥。

    Sunburn Morinda determine the best salt processing technology , that is , 100 g officinalis 2 % salt solution in 100 mL after the steam moistening 5h 1h , cool and dry .

  4. 补骨脂盐炙对实验动物止泻作用影响的研究

    The Effect of Fructus Psoraleae Processing with Salt in Treating Diarrhea

  5. 电位滴定法测定盐炙补骨脂中氯化钠含量

    Determine the Contents of Sodium Chloride in the Fructus Psoraleae

  6. 目的筛选盐炙怀牛膝的最佳炮制工艺。

    Objective To optimize the processing technology of Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae prepared with salt .

  7. 盐炙胡芦巴炮制工艺及质量标准初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Processing Technology and Quality Standards of Stir-heated Semen Trigonellae with Salt Solution

  8. 砂仁盐炙前后缩尿作用比较研究

    The Comparison of Polyuria Effect of Amomum Villosum Lour Fructus before and after Stir-heating with Salt Solution

  9. 益智仁盐炙对豚鼠膀胱逼尿肌活动影响的研究

    Study of the Stir-heated Alpiniae oxyphyllae Fructus on Contractile Activity of Isolated Bladder Detrusor Muscle of Guinea Pigs

  10. 益智仁温脾止泻作用及盐炙对其影响的研究

    Studies on the Anti-diarrhea Effect of Seed Alpiniae Oxyphyllae and the Influence of Stir-heating with Salt Solution on It

  11. 补骨脂盐炙前后药理研究及不同品种盐盐炙对化学成分影响

    Psoralen Pharmacology Studies before and after Salt Sunburn and Different Varieties of Salt on the Chemical Composition of Salt Affected

  12. 结果酒炙品、醋炙品、盐炙品中大黄素含量与生品相比有不同程度的增加。

    Results The contents of emodin significantly increased in samples fried with rice wine , vinegar and salt compared with the crude .

  13. 目的测定盐炙补骨脂中氯化钠含量,探索建立盐炙饮片中辅料盐的质量控制方法。

    Objective To determination the contents of sodium chloride in the Fructus Psoraleae and establish the quality examination method about sodium chloride .

  14. 结果杜仲炮制以盐炙法为主流方法,但炮制方法及条件尚需进一步深入全面的考察。

    Result : The main method of preparation of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver was Stir-bake with salt , but further studies on the method and condition of preparation will be executed .

  15. 创新点1初步阐明盐炙、酒炙和炒制三种炮制方法对韭菜子温补肾阳作用的影响。

    Preliminary clarified the influence to Warmly Invigorate Kidney-Yang effect of CSAT by three kinds of processing method which are stir-baking with salt solution stir-baking with wine solution and stir-frying solution . 2 .

  16. 结论:1.盐炙巴戟天最佳炮制工艺经过实验室放大实验,测试结果与初试结果基本一致,证明盐炙巴戟天的炮制方法稳定可行。

    Sunburn officinalis best salt processing technology through laboratory experiments to enlarge the test results was consistent with the first test to prove that salt processing methods Morinda Sunburn stable and feasible . 2 .

  17. 巴戟天生品、盐炙品、甘草水炙品均具有一定的补益作用和抗应激能力,且炮制品的作用强于生品。

    Morinda natural products , salt-broiled product , licorice water broiled product , all have a certain role and anti-stress tonic , and the processed products was more effective than raw materials . 5 .

  18. 以耐斯糖为指标制定的巴戟天、盐炙巴戟天及甘草水炙巴戟天的质量标准稳定可行,可用于评价、控制巴戟天的质量。

    Nice sugar as an indicator for the development of Morinda officinalis , Morinda and licorice salt water Sunburn Sunburn Morinda viable and stable quality standards can be used to evaluate and control the quality of Morinda officinalis .

  19. 通过测定灌胃小鼠的肝脏、肾脏和脾脏的重量,认为盐炙和甘草水炙巴戟天的补益作用均有所增强;通过测定小鼠耐缺氧时间,认为巴戟天炮制后其抗应激能力有所增强。

    Fed mice by measuring the liver , kidney and spleen weight , that the salt water Sunburn Sunburn and licorice tonic effect of Morinda officinalis How has the increase ; hypoxia by measuring the time that the anti Processed Morinda Stress capacity has been enhanced . 6 .