
  • 网络Salt Industry History Research
  1. 盐课在中国古代是一项重要的财政收入,盐政是重要的经济政策,因而盐业史研究是中国古代经济史研究的重要内容。

    The Salt tax is an important public finance income in China in ancient times . The salt policy is an important economic policy as a result the salt industry history research is an important aspect of the research in Chinese economic history .

  2. 因此盐业史研究成为古代经济史中一个重要研究领域。

    Therefore , study on the salt industry history is an important area of research in ancient economic history .

  3. 但是,对中国盐业发展史研究而言,这显然是一个不可或缺的部分。

    However , it is obviously an indispensable part in the studies of the history of the Chinese salt business .

  4. 唐代盐业取得前所未有的进步,故唐代盐业史研究内涵丰富。

    Salt made unprecedented progress in the Tang Dynasty , so salt industry of Tang Dynasty is rich in content .