
  • 网络Egg Yolk Oil;Egg oil
  1. 结果表明,在室温下上层蛋黄油具有良好的流动性、较高透明度、色泽金黄并有一定的蛋香味,其主要成分是甘油三酸酯,脂肪酸组成中不饱和脂肪酸含量达到了71.73%。

    The results indicated that the main component of up layer egg yolk oil by enzymatic extraction was mainly triglyceride , which was golden with good mobility and thick yolk flavor and the content of unsaturated fatty acids was 71.73 % .

  2. 超临界二氧化碳萃取蛋黄油实验研究酶法提取蛋黄油的工艺

    Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Yolk Oil Enzymatic Extraction of Egg Yolk Oil

  3. 本文对鸭蛋腌制过程中pH值、含水量及蛋黄油量和游离脂肪酸含量的变化规律进行了初步研究。

    In this experiment , some parameters ( albumen , yolk pH and water , yolk oil and free fat acid contents ) were determined .

  4. 酶法提取蛋黄油的工艺

    Enzymatic Extraction of Egg Yolk Oil

  5. 结果表明,加入少量的夹带剂之后不仅可以明显的提高蛋黄油的萃取率,并且随着夹带剂用量的增加,蛋黄油的萃取率增加。

    The experiment results indicated the rate of extraction of yolk oil can be improved distinctly after adding litter cosolvent , and the rate of extraction of yolk oil increased as the cosolvent increased in certain range .

  6. 产品的包装上显示沙拉不含奶黄酱,但成分列表中却标明食品配料含有蛋黄,油和白葡萄酒醋&这些正是制作奶黄酱的原料。

    The label specified that it had no mayonnaise but the ingredients list revealed that it contained egg yolk , oil and white wine vinegar & which are all used to make mayonnaise .

  7. 鸡蛋的蛋黄、食用油和醋。

    Egg yolks and oil and vinegar .

  8. 饲用复合酶对蛋用种鸡生产性能和日粮磷利用率的影响鸡蛋的蛋黄、食用油和醋。

    Effects of Feed Enzyme Preparation on the Production Performance and Phosphorus Availability in Laying Breeder Hens ; egg yolks and oil and vinegar .

  9. 涂抹蛋黄酱或食用油让焦油分解和变松。

    Apply mayonnaise or cooking oil to break down and loosen the tar .

  10. 另用一个盆盛两个蛋黄、牛奶和油,搅拌;

    In a separate bowl , whisk egg yolks , milk and oil together .

  11. 2.使用蛋黄酱或食用油

    Step 2 Use mayonnaise or cooking oil