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  • 网络watermelon seeds;Melon seed;water melon seeds
  1. CO2激光对西瓜种子最佳辐射剂量的筛选及其数学模拟

    Selection of the Best Dose of CO_2 Laser Irradiation Effect on Watermelon Seeds and the Mathematics Simulation

  2. 研究认为西瓜种子可以在超低温下保存。

    It was suggested that watermelon seeds be cryopreserved in LN .

  3. 在0-72h之间,浸种时间对三倍体西瓜种子萌发无明显影响;浸种96h时种子发芽率略有降低。

    Significant effect of seed socking time up to 72 hours on germination of triploid watermelon was not found , however the decrease of germination percentage were observed in 96 hours after socking .

  4. 贮存时间对西瓜种子活力的影响

    The Effect of Different Storage - time on Watermelon Seed Viability

  5. 不同浓度赤霉素处理对西瓜种子发芽的影响

    Influences of Different Percentage Gibberellin Treatments on Budding in Watermelon Seeds

  6. 甲醛处理在西瓜种子室内发芽中的应用

    Application of CH_3Cho Treatment on the Indoor Germination of Watermelon Seeds

  7. 几种方法对提高无籽西瓜种子发芽的对比研究

    Comparison of Several Methods for Improving Germination of Triploid Watermelon Seeds

  8. 西瓜种子千粒重性状的遗传及选择效果初探

    Preliminary Research on Inheritance of Thousand-seed-weight Character of Watermelon and Selection Effect

  9. 三倍体西瓜种子发芽障碍及改善发芽状况的研究进展

    Progress of Study on Germination Inhibitions and Methods Improving Germination In Triploid Watermelons

  10. 无籽西瓜种子的饱和吸水量为108.5%。

    The saturation of water - absorbing capacity of triploid seed was 108.5 % .

  11. 植物生长调节剂浸种对无籽西瓜种子活力的影响

    Effects of seed soaking with plant growth regulators on seed vitality of seedless watermelon

  12. 苯甲酸和对-羟基苯甲酸对西瓜种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of Benzoic Acid and ρ - Hydroxybenzoic Acid on Watermelon Seed Germination and Seedling Growth

  13. 内蒙古地区籽用西瓜种子大小与其商品性状的关系

    Relationship between seed size and its commodity character of seed - using watermelon in Inner Mongolia

  14. 不同引发剂处理对西瓜种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响

    Effect of Different Materials Priming on Seed Germination and Seedlings ' Physiological Characteristics of Watermelon Seed

  15. 西瓜种子发育和萌发过程中子叶细胞超微结构的变化

    Ultrastructure of protein bodies and lipid bodies in cotyledon of watermelon during seed development and germination

  16. 表明苯甲酸、对-羟基苯甲酸对西瓜种子发芽和幼苗生长均具有自毒作用。

    The results indicated that the benzoic acid and ρ - hydroxybenzoic acid had autotoxicity effects on watermelon seed germination and seedling growth .

  17. 试验结果表明,从低温到高温的变温处理,可提高西瓜种子的发芽率,反之则不能;

    The result showed that the treatment with from lower temperature to higher can improve the germination of watermelon seed , but the opposite is not .

  18. 试验结果表明,水浸泡引发对三倍体西瓜种子活力和幼苗生长的影响效果显著低于毛巾引发和珍珠岩引发。

    The result of experimentation showed that the effect of hydro-priming on triploid watermelon seed vigor and seeding growth significantly lower than towel priming and perlite priming .

  19. 通过喂丛林中的生物以食物,比如红辣椒、西瓜种子和大蒜来消灭它们,否则你就是它们的食物了!

    Through the jungle to feed the bio-food , such as red pepper , garlic and watermelon seeds to eliminate them , or else you are a food they !

  20. 测定了15%·霜·福种衣剂包衣西瓜种子后种子的发芽率及幼苗生长发育的几项指标。

    To examine the effect of the15 % Hymexazol-Metalaxyl-Thiram seed coating formulation on watermelon seeds , this study was done on their germination , growth and development of the seedlings .

  21. 取得以下结论:1、毛巾和珍珠岩引发可以提高三倍体西瓜种子发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数。

    The results of this study were as follows . 1 . Towel priming and perlite priming enhanced triploid watermelon seed germination energy , germination rate , germination index and vigor index .

  22. 然而大部分三倍体西瓜种子由于其特殊的种子结构,不同程度的存在萌发障碍,如果不作处理,发芽率一般在30%左右。

    Different levels of germination obstacles exist in most of the seed-cases because they have special structures . Usually the germination rates are just about 30 percent if the seeds are not treated .

  23. 说明种衣剂处理西瓜种子后发芽安全,并能促进幼苗生长,提高抗病性相关酶的活性。

    It is concluded that the germination of watermelon seeds treated by the chemical was safe , the growth and development of seedlings were promoted and the activity of disease resistance-related enzymes was also increased after being treated .

  24. 测定了有效成分为咯菌腈的2.5%适乐时悬浮种衣剂包衣处理西瓜种子后对种子发芽、幼苗生长及其植株体内抗病性相关酶活性的影响。

    Effects of 2 . 5 % Celest seed coating formulation ( a. i. fludioxonil ) were examined on the germination , growth and development of watermelon seedlings and the activity of disease resistance-related enzymes in watermelon seedlings .

  25. 西瓜杂交种子纯度鉴定方法的现状及研究进展

    Advances of identification method for purity of watermelon hybrid seeds

  26. 红色籽用西瓜果实与种子经济性状相关与回归分析

    Correlation and Regression Analysis of Economic Characters of Fruit and Seed in Red-seed-using Watermelon

  27. 和几乎所有水果一样,西瓜是由种子而来的,但它的根源可以追溯到南瓜,南瓜属植物,以及黄瓜。

    Like almost all fruits , watermelon comes from seeds but its roots can be traced to pumpkins , squash , and cucumbers .

  28. 而三倍体西瓜的杂交种子主要是通过以四倍体为母本,正常二倍体为父本进行杂交获得的,因此获得四倍体西瓜是三倍体无籽西瓜育种的关键。

    However , triploid hybrid watermelon seed was mainly that tetraploid as female parent cross the normal diploid as male parent to obtain .

  29. 研究了西瓜皮水浸提液对西瓜种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。

    The effects of water extract of watermelon peel on seed germination and seedling growth were investigated .

  30. 结果表明,西瓜皮水浸提液对西瓜种子的发芽率和幼苗生长均有不同程度的抑制作用;

    The results showed that the water extract of watermelon peel had some inhibiting effects on seed germination and seedling growth ;