
  • 网络Berry;Barry
  1. 哈利贝瑞确认了她会回归《X战警:未来昔日》。

    Halle Berry has confirmed her return for X-Men : Days of Future Past .

  2. 第一资本金融公司(CapitalOne)的代言人是演艺明星亚历克斯•鲍德温,露华浓(Revlon)的“品牌大使”则是哈莉•贝瑞。

    Celebrity endorsements are commonplace , from capital one pitchman Alec Baldwin to Revlon " brand ambassador " Halle Berry .

  3. 基于贝瑞隆模型的ATP仿真误差分析

    Error analysis of ATP simulation based on Bergeron model

  4. 今天早些时候,阿曼达·贝瑞(AmandaBerry)已经到了她姐姐的家中。

    Earlier today , Amanda Berry arrived at her sister 's home .

  5. 比赛的结果公布于与赛场仅有一路之隔的贝瑞兄弟(BerryBro)的酒窖,最终牛津队以689比677的成绩战胜了剑桥队。

    In the end Oxford won by a dribble , 689 to 677 marks .

  6. 流体标样适合于贝瑞砂岩、陆相沉积分选好、泥质含量低的砂岩NMR孔隙度的标定;

    Fluid pattern is suitable for NMR porosity calibration in Berea sandstone as well as terrestrial sediment sand with little shale content and well sorted .

  7. 签名造型:影片Frankie&Alice《弗兰基与爱丽丝》的女主角贝瑞对性感,凸显迷人身段的礼服情有独钟。这类礼服能展现出她惊艳的身材。

    Signature Style : The Frankie & Alice star favors sexy , body-conscious dresses that enhance her amazing curves .

  8. 例如,所谓的贝瑞修正案(berryamendment)就阻止五角大楼购买食品、服装、织物和特殊金属。

    The so-called berry amendment , for example , prevents the Pentagon from buying food , clothing , fabrics , and speciality metals .

  9. OPM总监贝瑞(JohnBerry)7月份在一次会议上说,我们必须招募和招聘最优秀人才的时候到了。

    ' Now is the time we must recruit and hire the best , 'OPM Director John Berry said at a conference in July .

  10. 史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格担任担任监制,奥斯卡影后哈莉•贝瑞担任主演,光凭这两个人名就足以使CBS暑期档科幻新剧《传世》成为一部必追之作。

    The names of Steven Spielberg and Halle Berry alone would make Extant , CBS " new summer sci-fi drama , a must-watch .

  11. 未知预测:Berry(贝瑞)有足够的自信(和完美的身材)来展示这款蓝绿色的Versace(范思哲)va-va-voom礼服。

    Wild Card : Berry has the confidence ( and the body ! ) to wear this va-va-voom turquoise Versace number .

  12. 英国惠特贝瑞公司(WhitbreadPLC)负责酒店与餐饮部门的执行董事登普西(PatrickDempsey)说,私营部门确实需要进一步努力。

    The private sector does need to step up , ' said Patrick Dempsey , managing director of U.K. hospitality firm Whitbread PLC 's hotels and restaurants division

  13. 盖柏瑞•欧布莱深灰色法国加拿大混血模特3月16日在加州Studio城放学后接送着4岁含苞的潮女儿Nahla(妈妈是哈莉•贝瑞)。

    The smoldering French-Canadian model gives his budding fashionista Nahla ( mom is Halle Berry ) , 4 , an afterschool pick-me-up March 16 in Studio City , Calif.

  14. 安全预测:ElieSaab(艾莉·萨博)不愧是一流的主力设计师之一。他设计的这款白色礼服像是为贝瑞量身定做的一样。

    Safe Bet : Elie Saab is one of the A-lister 's go-to designers and this white dress looks like it was made just for her .

  15. 虽贵为奥斯卡影后,但哈利-贝瑞称抚养女儿Nahla让自己更加脚踏实地。

    Halle Berry may be an Oscar-winning actress , but raising her daughter Nahla helps her stay grounded .

  16. 很多商家在此地开启了业务,其中包括声名在外的英国酒商贝瑞兄弟与鲁德(BerryBrothers&Rudd),它的历史可以追溯到1698年,以及致力于专业领域、专门销售由法国小型葡萄酒庄园生产的天然葡萄酒的公司LaCabane。

    Dozens of merchants have opened operations , including famous players like the British company Berry Brothers & Rudd , which traces its roots to 1698 , and niche establishments like La Cabane , which sells natural wines from small vineyards in France .

  17. 比如惠特贝瑞曾承诺今年50%的空缺岗位用年轻人填补,手机和宽带提供商O2将增加带薪见习生的数量,星巴克(StarbucksCorp.)的英国子公司在今年2月启动了一个为期12月的见习计划,乐购(TescoPLC)

    For instance , Whitbread has pledged to fill 50 % of its job openings this year with young people ; mobile phone and broadband provider O2 is increasing the number of paid apprenticeships ; Starbucks Corp. 's U.K. business launched a 12-month apprenticeship scheme in February ;

  18. 2个女人,贝瑞和德斯回家了。

    Two of the women , Berry and DeJesus went home .

  19. 特高压输电线基于贝瑞隆模型的距离保护

    Distance protection based on Bergeron model for UHV transmission lines

  20. 用贝瑞隆法作行波继电保护的计算及其程序设计

    Bergeron Method for Calculating Travelling Wave Protection and Its Programming

  21. 基于贝瑞隆模型的线路差动保护实用判据

    Applied criterion of current differential protection based on Bergeron model

  22. .恩,那张哈利贝瑞的海报让我不舒服。

    That poster of Halle Berry is a little unnerving

  23. 哈莉.贝瑞.她从头到脚都无比完美。

    M : Halle Berry . She 's perfect from head to toe .

  24. 多年来,贝瑞?克里佛一直试图解开一个有三百年历史的谜语。

    For years , Barry Clifford has been trying to solve a300-year-old riddle .

  25. 无论是饱和油的贝瑞砂岩或是饱和油的碳酸盐岩,其核磁共振横向弛豫时间都随温度升高而增大。

    The T2 relaxation times for both oil-saturated sandstone and carbonate increase with temperature .

  26. 它们有点害羞,你别放在心上,贝瑞。

    They 're a little shy . don 't take it personally , barry .

  27. 当终于轮到我讲的时候,我和贝瑞相互核对了不可思议的细节。

    When I was finally able to speak , we examined the amazing evidence .

  28. 下面是第一信托投资组合的布莱恩·韦斯贝瑞的看法。

    Comes Brian Wesberry with First Trust Portfolios .

  29. 贝瑞先生,您做的已经比我多的多了。

    Mr barrie , it 's more than I 've been able to achieve .

  30. 贝瑞的6岁的女儿情况很好。

    Berry 's 6-year-old daughter is well .