
  • 网络ability of professional competition
  1. 中美图书馆学毕业生职业竞争力比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Career Competitiveness of Librarians Between China and USA

  2. 图书情报学毕业生的职业竞争力分析

    The Analysis of Graduate 's Professional Competitive Power in Library and Information Science

  3. 提升图书馆员职业竞争力的对策研究

    Study on Promoting the Career Competence of Librarians

  4. 你参加职业竞争力协会的原因?

    Why do you apply for ACC membership ?

  5. 从职业竞争力谈情报学硕士研究生培养的改进

    Improvement of Cultivation to Postgraduate Students of Information Science based on the Professional Competitive Power

  6. 图情毕业生职业竞争力与专业教育结构调整的研究

    Analysis of the Occupational Competitiveness of Graduate Students Majoring in Library and Information Science and Meditation on the Adjustment of Its Educational Structure

  7. 而个人为了提高自己的职业竞争力也开始注意到这方面,现在国内方兴未艾的职业生涯规划市场就是一个很好的说明。

    And individual begins to notice in this respect in order to improve one 's own job competitiveness , the career planning of market in domestic in the ascendant now is a very good explanation .

  8. 在情报人才的培养问题上,不仅关注学生基础理论知识的学习,还提出要重视情报专业学生职业竞争力的培养问题,引出情报职业人才这一概念。

    On the issues of information talent training , not only concerned about learning the basis of theoretical knowledge , but also pay attention to the information professional competitive , and then leads to the concept of information talent .

  9. 从大众化教育带来的就业压力、用人单位对毕业生的素质要求以及图书情报学教育的现状入手,探讨影响图书情报学毕业生职业竞争力的原因。

    Starting from the employment pressure of the popular education , the employers 's request to the graduate quality and status quo of library and information science education , this paper discusses the reason of fostering graduate professional competitive in library and information science .

  10. 高校学术职业国际竞争力的影响要素:关系及模型

    Interrelationship and Model : Elements Influencing International Competitiveness of Academic Profession in Colleges

  11. 财务报告是会计信息系统的最终产品,财务报告的质量直接决定会计信息的价值、决策有用性以及会计职业的竞争力。

    Financial report ( FR ) is the final product of accounting information system , and its quality determines the value and serviceability of accounting information and competence of accounting vocation .

  12. 基于管理经济学的我国职业排球俱乐部竞争力分析

    On Analyzing The Competitiveness of Chinese Professional Volleyball Club on the Management Economics

  13. 加强职业管理提升企业竞争力

    Strengthen occupation management , upgrade enterprises competitive power of the enterprises

  14. 高等职业技术学院核心竞争力初探

    Preliminary Research on Core Competitive of Higher Technology and Vocational Education College

  15. 职业教育与经济竞争力相关之研究

    A Related Study of Vocational Education & Economic Competition

  16. 提高水电职业院校毕业生就业竞争力初探

    How to improve employment competitive ability of graduates from water and power vocational school

  17. 我们当然不会随便就加强神圣的输出,那样有些职业恐怕就没有竞争力了。

    We can 't just buff Holy dps " for free " without having a risk that other classes might not be able to compete .

  18. 非农就业对知识技术的实际需要使农村妇女产生内在的教育需求,使她们自觉自愿地参与职业教育以提高竞争力。

    Non-agricultural employment produces eternal demand of rural women for education and makes them willing to take part in diverse vocation education to increase competitive strength .

  19. 幸运地是,对女性来说,在有氧体育项目中一个职业水平上保持竞争力的年龄可以至少持续到40岁中期。

    Fortunately , for women , the window of time during which they can be competitive at a professional level in aerobic sports stays open at least to their mid-forties .

  20. 如何提高职业教育的核心竞争力,增强职业教育的生存能力,促进中国经济社会迅速发展,是摆在中国新形势下的一个重大课题。

    Therefore , it has become a task of enormous importance as how to improve the competition power of professional education and build up its survival ability to accelerate the path of the economy and the society of china under the present position .

  21. 个人层面:(1)完善个人职业生涯规划,提升职业竞争力;(2)处理好工作与生活的平衡问题。

    The individual ' level : ( 1 ) Improving the personal career planning and career competitiveness ;( 2 ) A well dealing with work-life balance .

  22. 通过提供高质的服务和资源,中心旨在使学生明确自己的职业发展方向,提高职业竞争力和求职技巧。

    CDO is committed to providing quality services and abundant resources to students , enabling them to realize their career vision , enhance career competitiveness and improve job search skills .

  23. 本文介绍了IT职业教育的前景,IT职业教育的职业能力核心竞争力体系,并在联合国教科文组织的能力体系基础上,构建高职教育的学生职业能力的核心竞争力体系结构。

    This thesis introduces the future of the vocational education , the career competence system for the IT vocational education , and how to build the career competence system based upon the competence system given by UNESCO .

  24. 用激励留住人才,激发教师无限潜力,提高教师队伍的质量,优化教师的配置,从而提高安徽涉外经济职业学院的教学质量,增强安徽涉外经济职业学院的核心竞争力。

    Retaining talents by inspiring and stimulating their potentiality as well as improving and optimizing the configuration of the teachers . Therefore , the teaching quality of Anhui International College of Economics will be improved so as to strengthen its core competitiveness .

  25. 调查发现,新余市中等职业教育实训基地建设积累了经验,增强了中等职业教育的竞争力。

    The survey found that secondary vocational education training base construction of XinYu city accumulated enough experience , and enhanced competitiveness of secondary vocational education .

  26. 探索建立运动员技术等级证书与职业资格证书双证并重的制度,使运动员提前进行职业技能储备,增强走向市场的职业竞争力。

    We should explore the system in combining the sports player technical certificate and occupation certificate , so that the sport players will prepare the vocational competency in advance , and enhance the market competitive ability .

  27. 随着非公立高职在IT职业技术教育中扮演重要角色,本文重点阐述了提高非公立IT高职学生职业能力的核心竞争力的措施。

    As the non-government vocational education is playing more and more important a role , this paper places enough importance on the measures on how to improve the career competence for the students of the vocational education institutes .

  28. 专业教师队伍建设是提高职业学校教育教学质量的关键,是职业学校生存和发展的基础,也是职业学校的核心竞争力所在。

    The construction of the professional teachers ' team is the key to improve the quality of vocational education , is the base that vocational schools can live and develop , is the core competitive forces of a vocational school .