
  • 网络social cleaning
  1. 没有竞争的意识就有被社会淘汰的危险。

    The consciousness without competition has danger of being eliminated by the society .

  2. 我对于新鲜的事物非常的着迷,因为我认为如果我不学习新的东西我将迟早被社会淘汰。

    I am crazy about learning something new because I believe if I don 't learn something new , I 'll be thrown out of the society sooner or later .

  3. 至于那些不怎么好的词,它们自然会被社会所淘汰掉。

    As for some not so good ones , they will be dropped out naturally .

  4. 而当今世界,随着科学技术的飞速发展,要求人们必须具备终身学习能力才能不被社会所淘汰。

    In the world today , with the rapid development of science and technology , people must have the ability of lifelong learning .

  5. 如何让学生在学到技术的同时也要学会怎样做人,不至于被社会所淘汰,便成了班主任的重要任务。

    It 's the class adviser 's responsibility to let these students learn how to be a worker while they learn technique , then the students won 't be cleaned out in social .

  6. 在一个终身学习的时代中,一个公民如果不会学习,将会被迅速发展的信息社会所淘汰,学习的目的就是生存。

    In the era of lifelong learning , if a man do not know how to learn , he will be eliminated by the rapid development of the information society . Learning is to survive .

  7. 由于CFCs和哈龙已被国际社会列为逐步淘汰并最终禁止使用的产品,所以ODS替代品这一新兴的环保产业应运而生,具有广阔的发展前景。

    As CFCs and Halon have been listed by the international society as compounds to be phased out and eventually banned . ODS substitutes , a newly - emerged environmental protection industry arose which will have promising prospects .

  8. 斯宾塞最先将达尔文主义应用到人类社会,认为自然淘汰在人类的进化、发展上起着重要的作用,并提出适者生存的理念。

    Herbert Spencer first applied Darwinism to human society , held that natural selection played an important role in the evolution and development of human beings , and thus put forward the theory of survival of the fittest .

  9. 是的,不然他们就不能立足于社会,会被社会所淘汰。

    Lily : Yes , or else they can not exist in the society and will be obsolete .