
zhí yè wài jiāo ɡuān
  • career diplomat
  1. 令她身为职业外交官的父亲深感高兴的是,她当时获得了西班牙马德里工商会(madridchamberofcommerce)授予的国际奖学金,还作为商务顾问为西班牙驻约翰内斯堡大使馆工作。

    To the delight of her father , a career diplomat , she then won an international scholarship run by the Madrid chamber of Commerce , and worked as a commercial adviser attached to the Spanish Embassy in Johannesburg .

  2. 首名从私人部门起用的驻华大使丹羽宇一郎(uichironiwa),将被职业外交官、外务省外务审议官(副部级)西宫伸一(shinichinishimiya)接替。

    Uichiro Niwa , who became the first Japanese ambassador to China to be appointed from the private sector , is to be succeeded by Shinichi nishimiya , a career diplomat and the Deputy Minister for foreign affairs .

  3. 原先的设想是,联络处主任由中级职业外交官担任。

    At first the plan was for professional diplomats of middle rank to head the liaison offices .

  4. 这一变动打破了长期以来职业外交官对整个外交界的垄断,造成外交人事结构新的重组以及学人自身角色地位的转换,同时也引发了他们与职业外交官在外交理念上的矛盾与冲突。

    This change led to the reorganizations of the personnel structure on diplomacy and the transformation on scholar 's role .

  5. 仅仅是由于党派之争,奥巴马总统选择两个职业外交官作为驻土耳其和叙利亚大使的任命迄今尚未获得批准。

    Solely because of partisan obstruction , Mr Obama has yet to secure approval for his choice of two career diplomats as ambassadors to Turkey and Syria .

  6. 原先的设想是,联络处主任由中级职业外交官担任。因此,他一定与在第一线的军官们保持着定期的通信联络。

    At first the plan was for professional diplomats of middle rank to head the liaison offices . He had therefore to be in regular communication with his field officers .

  7. 但不可否认,清末中国外交官的专业素质与真正意义上的职业外交官有着很大距离,表现出明显的过渡特征。

    But undeniably , the Chinese diplomats group structure and knowledge structure demonstrated the obvious transitional characteristic and there was a large distance between the Chinese diplomats professional quality and the real career diplomats .

  8. 在90年代,职业外交官还是主流,但现在,课程参与者可能已经在企业干过一段时间,或者是借调,或者是从前干过别的工作,要么有信息技术或人力资源方面的专长。

    In the 1990s the career diplomat still held sway , but these days course participants are likely to have spent some time in industry , either on secondment or in previous jobs , or be specialists in information technology or human resources .

  9. 他的职业是外交官。

    He is a diplomat by profession .

  10. 最常带有称谓的职业有:外交官、议员、法官、军官、医生、教授、牧师、犹太教教士以及一些新教牧师。

    Occupations which most frequently carry titles include : diplomats , members of the Congress and the Senate , Judges of the courts , 6 ) officers , medical doctors , ranking professors , priests , rabbis , and some Protestant clergy .