  • Stringer;purlin
  • 檩:~条。~架。

  • 古代的一种刑具。

  • 衣架:“还视~上无悬衣”。

  1. 钢桁梁桥集成化CAD系统开发研究

    Development of the Integrated CAD System for Steel Truss Bridges

  2. 基于改进的BP神经网络的钢桁梁桥损伤识别

    Damage identification of a steel truss bridge based on the improved BP neural network

  3. 基于ANSYS的钢桁桥变形和强度分析

    Analysis of deformation and strengthen of truss steel bridge based on ANSYS

  4. 半穿式钢桁梁桥横向振动TMD阻尼减振研究

    Damping Suppression of Vibration for Half-through Steel Truss Bridges Using TMD

  5. 重点介绍了新型带K撑的主桁结构及正交异性整体式桥面在该桥的应用。

    In this paper , the application of the new type of main truss structure with K-struts and monolithic orthotropic deck to the bridge is mainly dealt with .

  6. 关于Kaiser时窗函数的谱特性分桁

    Analysis On the Spectrum Characteristics of the Kaiser Window Function

  7. 以嫩江钢桥为例,应用有限元软件ANSYS对公路钢桁桥的工作状态进行仿真模拟;

    The finite-element software ANSYS is applied in simulation of the work of the highway steel truss bridge , taking the Nenjiang steel bridge for example .

  8. 本文从ANSYS采用的理论出发,阐述了ANSYS中的几何非线性理论,并结合具体的钢桁梁结构说明了其在桥梁结构中的应用。

    In this paper , the geometric non-linearity theory in ANSYS is discussed , and the application of it to trussed girders is illustrated with practical examples .

  9. 本文以统计资料为依据,采用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)法模拟铁路钢桁梁桥典型压杆的初弯曲。

    The initial curvature or crookedness of a typical column from railway steel truss bridges is simulated by the Monte Carlo method based on statistical data .

  10. 该文利用ANSYS通用软件建立大跨中承式钢管混凝土桁肋拱桥的整体动力有限元模型。

    An integral dynamic finite element model for steel - tube concrete large - span half - through braced rib arch bridge is made with ANSYS universal software .

  11. 轮轨润滑对40m半穿式钢桁梁横向拍振抑制效果的试验研究

    Testing Research on Restraint to Railway Steel Bridge Cross Beating Vibration by Wheel-rail Lubricating

  12. 通过对典型H型钢空间钢桁架子结构单元进行拟静力试验,分析了空间钢桁架子结构的主要破坏模式和空间钢桁架子结构的抗震性能;

    According to the pseudo static test of a typical space steel truss structure cell , the main destroy mode of the specimen are summarized , the hysteretic behavior of the specimen is analyzed .

  13. 应用BlockLanczos法对索桁架桥进行自振特性分析,得到结构各阶频率和振型;

    Then a frequency analysis with Block Lanczos method is carried out to investigate the nature frequency and vibration mode of the cable truss structure .

  14. 运用ANSYS对某公铁两用钢桁斜拉桥进行简化建模,进行了模态分析和抖振分析。

    The simplified model of combined highway and railway steel truss cable-stayed bridge is built in ANSYS , which used to make the modal analysis and buffeting analysis of the model . 4 .

  15. 80m跨径下承式简支焊接钢桁架桥的设计与施工

    Desing and construction of through simple supported beam and welded truss steel bridge with a span of 80 meters

  16. 合宁高速铁路跨合宁高速公路1~80m钢桁梁拖拉施工技术研究

    Study on the Reverse Hauling Construction of Steel Truss Beam ( 1 ~ 80m in length ) Across Expressway Hefei-Nanjing

  17. 96m简支钢桁梁设计

    Design of 96-m Span Simply-Supported Steel Truss Girders

  18. 112m焊接整体节点钢桁梁节点刚性影响的研究

    Research for rigid effect of nodes of 112 m wedding steel girder

  19. 提速线3×80m单线下承连续钢桁梁的宽跨比限值为1/12.1。

    The limit value of width-to-span ratio for lateral rigidity of 3 × 80 m steel truss continuous beam is determined as 1 / 12.1 .

  20. 芜湖长江大桥2×120m联钢桁梁主桁杆件制造与试装第一部分为导言,主要介绍本选题的依

    The manufacture and trial assembly for the main member in the continuous steel truss ( 2 × 120 m ) of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

  21. DPSD特大桥是一座大跨度新型铁路双拱肋钢桁拱桥,主桥桥跨布置为(85.75+286+85.75)m。

    The DPSD Bridge is a long span and new type railway steel truss arch bridge with double arch ribs .

  22. 应用断裂力学方法对公路钢桁桥的安全性能进行评估中,必须首先测出平面应变断裂韧度KIC。

    In the evaluation of highway steel truss bridges based on the method of fracture mechanics , the plane fracture toughness K IC must be detected firstly .

  23. 根据连续介质力学基本理论,针对大跨度钢桁梁柔性拱桥在变形、失稳破坏期间产生的材料和几何非线性特性,用通用软件ANSYS建立桥梁的空间模型。

    According to the basic theory of continuum mechanics and considering the nonlinear characteristics of material and geometric during its deformation and instability for long-span flexible arch bridge with steel truss beam , the spatial model of the bridge was established by a general-purpose software ANSYS .

  24. 针对平面索桁支撑体系,采用ansys程序对预应力及索、杆截面大小和长度等主要参数进行了系统分析,并求得了各参数与自振频率间的关系。

    For the analysis of plane form cable-truss supporting system , ANSYS program was adopted to exam the influences of parameters of pre-stress , cross-sections and lengths of cables and bars to the vibration characteristic systematically . The relationships between each parameter and self-vibration frequency are obtained .

  25. 本文通过简化分析,提出了索-桁结构的主要设计参数&支座下压量△i0。

    This paper pre-sents a rational principle about the major design parameters of the drop value and cable-truss rigidity ratio .

  26. 本文从Pellegrino提出的奇异值分解法出发,利用自行开发的程序,求解了几种典型的大跨度空腹索桁结构的自应力模态。

    By using the singular-value-decomposition method , a little program has been developed to get the self-equilibrium stress mode of several typical cable truss structures .

  27. 副航道为主跨144m的连续钢桁梁,主桁为无竖杆三角形桁架。

    Auxiliary channel is a continuous steel truss beam with 144 m main span , the main truss is a triangle truss without vertical post .

  28. 缅甸钦敦江大桥为公铁两用的栓焊下承式钢桁梁桥,主跨112m。

    The Chindwin River Bridge is for the use of both highway and railway with superstructure of continuous steel trusses , and the main span is 112 m.

  29. 介绍新长铁路大运河特大桥一孔80m钢桁梁的架设,重点介绍直接在浮运平台上拼装钢桁梁,然后架设的主要施工方法。

    This paper describes the construction of an 80-m span steel truss girder of Grand Cannel Bridge on Xinyi-Changxing Railway , in which the method of direct assembling and erecting of the truss girder on the floating platform is detailed .

  30. “侦察兵”,也即是“Zahavan(金莺)”,具有和“猛犬”(Mastiffs)相似的配置,采用一个螺旋浆推进装置和一个双-桁梁尾部。

    The Scout , which was also known as " Zahavan ( Oriole )", had a similar configuration to the Mastiff , with a pusher propeller and a twin-boom tail .