
hénɡ jià
  • truss;girder
桁架 [héng jià]
  • [truss] 以特定的方式构成三角形或若干三角形的组合的一组构件(如梁、杆、条),用以构成一个刚性构架(如用于在大面积上支承荷载)使其受到外力时如果没有一个或更多的构件变形,整个结构不会变形

  1. 基于DSP的自适应桁架振动控制器设计

    Design and Realization of a Controller for Adaptive Truss Vibration Based on DSP

  2. 改进的梯度投影单纯形法GPS及其在桁架优化上的应用

    The Improved Gradient Projection Simplex Method and Its Application to the Optimization for Space Truss Structure

  3. N重八面体变几何桁架机器人速度、加速度分析

    Study on the Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of N-celled Octahedral Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators

  4. 对同一桁架结构,利用RBF神经网络技术对结构损伤程度进行识别。

    To the same truss structure , Identify the degree of structural damage by RBF neural networks method .

  5. 文章最后对基于CAD与CAE技术的建筑桁架结构设计进行了总结和展望。

    In the end , this paper make summarized and prospect for the architectural design of based on CAD and CAE technology .

  6. 介绍了FORTRAN语言与AUTOCAD的接口软件编写方法及钢桁架施工图的形成;

    The thesis introduces both the compiling methods between the Fortran language and the Auto CAD software , and the formation of steel truss structure chart .

  7. 桁架结构优化设计专家系统中的知识通过事实和规则来表示,用CLIPS推理机实现正向推理。

    The knowledge of the expert system is expressed by facts and production rules , and the inference mode is forward by using CLIPS .

  8. 介绍了空间三维桁架结构受力分析的有限元方法,运用matlab强大的数学计算功能,解决刚度矩阵的组集和约束条件的处理等问题,编制了通用的求解程序。

    The finite element method of 3D space truss force analysis is introduced . The program settles the problems how to assemble the stiffness matrix and how to disposal the constrain based on matlab language .

  9. 作者根据结构的满应力优化设计思想,建立了桁架的优化设计数学模型,用FORTRAN语言编制了相应的满应力优化程序模块。

    Based on the theory of full stress design , the mathematic model of optimization design for truss was founded and the program was developed by Fortran .

  10. 针对桁架结构系统,采用随机有限元法(SFEM)计算结构系统的响应量;

    The static response of truss structural system is analyzed by using the Stochastic Finite Element Method .

  11. 近几年来,Pao、Howard以及他们的合作者提出了一种求解桁架或框架在冲击载荷作用下动态响应的新方法:回传波射矩阵法。

    Recently Pao and his colleagues proposed a method to solve the transient response of trusses and frames under impact load : the method of reverberation ray matrix .

  12. 首先应用ANSYS对钢桁架结构的单个或多个损伤同时出现的情况进行了数值模拟,然后用一个钢桁架模型对ANSYS的计算结构进行实验验证。

    At first , ANSYS simulate the condition of the single or multi damage in a steel truss and use this method to test these damage were used , then a test to validate the results from ANSYS was done .

  13. 使用PNET方法计算了结构的失效概率。最后举例说明了桁架结构随机可靠性分析的全过程。

    Finally trusswork reliability was calculated by PNET method . The process of trusswork reliability is opened out by the last examples .

  14. 综上,论文在以下四个方面,做出了创新性的研究成果:(1)提出了一套完整的桁架式Spar平台的概念设计方法和流程。

    In summary , four innovative accomplishments have been made in the thesis . ( 1 ) A complete conceptual design process for Truss Spar is proposed and structural design is conducted .

  15. 丹东月亮岛大桥是宽跨比为1/22.44的下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥,采用单片桁架式X形拱肋,利用桥面板内张拉钢铰线作为拱的系杆。

    Dandong Moon Island Bridge is a through concrete-filled steel tubular ( CFST ) X type tie arch bridge with ratio of width of deck to span 1 / 22.44.The section of the arch ribs adopts monolithic truss type , and the tie bar adopts the deck of the bridge .

  16. 在有限元分析的基础上,利用ANSYS软件,对一个工程平面桁架实例分别使用了两种分组方法进行材料用量的优化设计,并且进行了比较。

    Based on the finite element method , by means of ANSYS , two kinds of grouping methods are used for an actual example of a plane truss structure , and a comparison of final results of design optimization . The first grouping method is by engineering experience ;

  17. 本文讨论Robust桁架拓扑设计(TTD)问题,即桁架结构设计问题,使其在固定重量的情况下,具有最佳的承载能力。

    This paper deals with the ( robust ) truss topology design ( TTD ) problem , i.e. , the problem of designing a truss structure of a given weight which is best able to withstand a set of given loads .

  18. 比较了Dirichlet型和Neumann型边界条件下的代表体元法及均匀化方法对具有周期性结构的点阵类桁架材料等效弹性性能的预测结果。

    The equivalent elastic property of truss materials with periodic microstructure is predicted by the representative volume element ( RVE ) method based on the affine ( Dirichlet-type ) or homogeneous stress ( Neumann-type ) boundary conditions and the homogenization method .

  19. 结合500kV龙潭变电所的特点,比较了它和目前国内普遍采用的桁架梁构架形式的技术经济性能。

    Combining the characteristics of the 500 kV Longtan Substation , the multiple rhombic steel structure was compared with the commonly used traditional steel structure in China on the technical and economic performance .

  20. 本文主要研究内容是设计一架12m宽4折叠施药机械桁架结构,采用现代的设计手段来提高和确保产品设计质量及最终性能。

    The main content of paper is : designed a plane 12m wide 4 fold the spraying machinery truss structures , adopting the modern design means to improve and ensure the quality of product design and final performance .

  21. 分别对其中最常用的斜拉杆式桁架拱桥和斜腿刚架桥进行了跨径为20m、30m、40m和50m时的矢跨比和分跨比参数分析。

    Moreover , parameter analysis of rise-to-span ratio of truss arch bridge with oblique tension link and span ratio of slant legged rigid frame bridge are carried out in four kinds of span which are 20m , 30m , 40m and 50m .

  22. 介绍了一种新型深海海洋平台&几何形Spar壳体概念和集成浮力桶立管支撑概念,并与常规Spar和桁架式Spar进行了比较。

    In this paper , a new type of deep sea platform the Geometric Spar hull concept and an Integrated Buoyancy Can ( IBC ) riser support concept is briefly introduced and compared with the Classic Spar concept and the Truss Spar concept .

  23. 本文选择了跨径在20m以上的两种典型小城镇桥型&钢筋混凝土桁架拱桥和钢筋混凝土刚架桥进行研究,探讨了这两种桥型的结构受力特性、构造特点以及施工方法。

    The paper chooses two kinds of typical bridge whose span is over 20m in small town as objects for research , such as reinforced concrete truss arch bridge and reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge . It studies their mechanical characteristics , structural features and construction methods .

  24. 正在建设的国家体育场两两斜交的主桁架构成了许多双弦杆焊接方管KK型节点,该节点连接焊缝密集,构造极其复杂。

    There were many KK-type joints with double chords made of welded square hollow sections in the National Stadium under construction , which is formed by two trusses from different directions . The joint was fabricated with serried welds and its construction details were quite complicated .

  25. 最后讨论该支架结构与Kammer股骨三维桁架理论结构模型之间的关系,以及该结构对骨再造和人工骨支架结构设计前景的影响。

    At last , the relationship between the Kammer 's three-dimensional truss theory of the femur and the concentric architecture is discussed , and then the expectant effects of the concentric architecture are forecasted .

  26. 机场主航站楼屋面采用双曲面空间管桁架结构以及人字型柱支承体系,管桁架截面为倒三角形,连续跨度220m。

    The main building consists mainly of space pipe trusses as the roof structure with a continuous span length of 220m and the 3 pipe shuttle shaped steel latticed columns as support members of the roof structure with a maximum height of 35m .

  27. 本文简要介绍了ST-50主桁架、转换钢桁架、悬挂特式吊楼、铸钢组合节点、大直径钢索、超大面积折线玻璃幕墙的施工技术。

    In this article , authors mainly introduce the construction technology of ST-50 main truss , transverse steel truss , cantilever suspension building , cast steel composite joint , large diameter steel cable and super-large area zigzag glass curtain .

  28. 基于易损性分析的桁架桥传感器布设方法

    Sensor arrangement method based on vulnerability analysis for a truss bridge

  29. 具有多随机变量的超静定桁架结构系统的可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of Indeterminate-static truss structural system with several random variables

  30. 双梁桁架龙门起重机主梁的优化设计

    The Optimization Design for the Truss Gantry Crane with Double Girders