
  1. 理顺林业保护、利用和发展的关系

    Relationship among protection , use and development of forestry

  2. 它发展了该地区的橡树蚕丝生产和林业保护技术。

    It developed wild oak silk harvesting and forest preservation techniques in the area .

  3. 所不同的只是各国对林业保护和支持的程度、重点以及具体财政政策的选择上存在差异,但共同点是,各国均把林业作为公共财政重点支持的领域。

    The only difference is the degree , focus and the specific choice of financial policy to support forest conservation in different countries , but the essence of it is all countries have the forestry as key areas of a public financial expenditure to support .

  4. 海南省是我国南方重要的集体林区和热态林业生态保护区。

    Hainan province is our country important southern collective forest zone and thermal state forestry ecological protection zone .

  5. 该研究的成果也可以用于农林业水土保护、荒原沙漠稳土固沙及各种散堆物料面层固结等其它领域,具有广泛的应用前景。

    It can also be used to the fields such as water and soil conservation , sand fixation of desert , surface fixation of bulk material stockpile .

  6. 基于GIS的林业生态环境保护决策支持系统研究

    Research on Decision Support System Forestry Environment Conservation Based on GIS

  7. BillPeters在加州林业和火灾保护局工作。

    Bill Peters works for the state 's Forestry and Fire Protection Department .

  8. 研究基于GIS的决策支持系统构建方法,并结合林业生态环境保护的具体应用,从技术角度构建林业生态环境保护网络和基于GIS的林业生态环境保护决策支持系统。

    The method to establish Decision Support System based on GIS is researched . Combined with the concrete application of forestry environment conservation , forestry environment conservation network and its DDS based on GIS are established from a technical angle .

  9. 巴林右旗林业生态环境保护与建设的思考

    Protection and Development of Forestry Ecological Environment in Balin Right Banner

  10. 论辽宁省林业系统自然保护区的建设

    On Nature Reserve Construction of Forestry System in Liaoning Province

  11. 湖北省林业系统自然保护区现状调查与评价

    Investigation on the Status and Evaluation on the Nature Reserves of Hubei Forestry System

  12. 西南地区林业生态环境保护与建设中的林农行为分析&来自四川邛崃市的调查

    Behavior of Forestry Farmers in Environmental Protection and Afforestation in the Southwest : A Survey in Qionglai County , Sichuan

  13. 关的律师王朝辉告诉法新社,经过“讨价还价”,林业部和保护区同意支付52万元(8.3万美元)。

    Following " negotiations , " officials agreed to pay compensation of 520000 yuan ( $ 83000 ) , his lawyer Wang Chaohui told AFP .

  14. 林业产业是保护、培育、经营和利用森林资源,向社会提供林产品和森林服务的物质生产兼生态建设事业。

    By the forest industry is meant a kind of industry to provide forest products and services through protecting , cultivating , managing and utilizing forest resources .

  15. 该县山区气候资源丰富,气候类型多样,可划分为农作层、经济林木层、主要林业层和保护性开发层4个气候资源层。

    The climatic resources in the mountainous areas in the county are abundant , the types vary , so it can be divided into four climatic resource strata . They are the crop stratum , the cash forest stratum , the main forest stratum and the planned-exploitation stratum .

  16. 该文介绍了GIS在森林资源管理、社会林业和野生动物保护方面的应用。

    Its applications on forest resources management , social forestry and wild animal protection are presented in the thesis .

  17. 村社林业活动与自然保护区森林资源管理

    Community Forestry Activities and Forest Resources Management of Nature Reserve

  18. 林业植物新品种保护的现状与对策

    The Present Situations and Countermeasures of the Protection of New Varieties of Forestry Plants

  19. 行政院农业委员会林业试验所森林保护组,100台北市南海路53号。

    Division of Forest Protection , Taiwan Forestry Research Institute . 53 Nanhai Rd. , Taipei 100 , Taiwan , ROC .

  20. 南水北调中线工程林业建设与生态保护问题&以河南省丹江口水源区为例

    The Ecological Construction and Protection of the Danjiangkou Forest Zone ( Middle Part of the Project of South Water to North ) of Henan Province

  21. 林业植物新品种保护制度的实施与桉树良种化发展机遇的探讨

    Advancements of the Protection System of New Varieties of Forestry Plants Implemented in China and Discussion on the Development opportunities of Eucalyptus Improved planting Materials in further

  22. 本文综述我国林业植物新品种保护的总体概况和现状,并提出新品种保护相应的发展对策。

    This paper reviewed the general situation and status of the protection of new varieties of forestry plants , meanwhile , some countermeasures of the protection of new varieties were advised .

  23. 森林是林业的基础,保护和培育森林资源是一切林业工作的出发点和落脚点,也是生态建设和生产力发展的必然要求。

    Forest is basis for forestry , the starting-point and ending-point for all of forestry works will be to protect and cultivate forest resource which also is necessary requirement for ecological construction and development of productive force .

  24. 本文通过分析林业植物新品种保护及测试体系的发展现状,探讨了林业植物新品种保护测试体系及已知品种数据库建立的必要性及重要性。

    On the base of the analysis of protection of new varieties and development of the DUS testing system , the necessity and the importance on designing the new varieties of testing system and establishing the database for Prunus mume varieties of common knowledge were discussed .

  25. 浅谈现代林业与传统林业、自然保护之间的关系

    Discussion on the Relationship Between the Modern and Traditional Forestry and Nature Conservation

  26. 林业肩负着发展林业产业和保护生态环境的双重使命,合理有效的林业政策是推动资源建设、林业产业体系和生态体系建设的不竭动力。

    Forestry undertakes a two-fold task including developing forestry industry and protecting ecological environment . Rational and efficient forestry policies are the continuous engine for constructing forest resources , forestry industry systems and ecological environment .

  27. 林业行政许可是涉及国家林业资源保护与合理开发利用的工作,关系国家生态利益和长远发展,有着特殊重要性和战略意义。

    Forestry administrative permit , being especially important and strategic , con - cerns the protection of national forest resources and reasonable development and exploitation , which affects the national ecological benefit and its long-term development .

  28. 非公有制生态林业是我国西部地区生态建设和保护的主要力量。非公有制林业不仅可以在商品林建设中发挥积极,在生态林业的建设和保护中同样也能发挥重要作用。

    Private eco-forestry is playing a very important role both in merchandise wood and ecosystem construction and protection in the western region .

  29. 传统的人参生产是依附于林业资源的产业,它是以占有使用林地资源为前提,因而,进行人参生产与林业资源的保护及强化生态建设产生了矛盾。

    The traditional ginseng production is an industry depending on forestry resources because of occupying forest-land . Therefore , there is a contradiction between them over a long period .