
  • 网络Remote Database;sql server;Remote DB
  1. 陶瓷企业INTERNET网站及远程数据库查询

    The design of Internet web site and remote database query in ceramic enterprise

  2. 在LOAD命令中通过DATABASE选项定义远程数据库。

    The remote database is defined via the DATABASE option within the LOAD command .

  3. 接入远程数据库来获取信息是可以办到的。

    It is possible to plug into remote databases to pick up information .

  4. 运行SystemsDirector的脚本来创建远程数据库和表。

    Run the Systems Director 's script to create the remote database and tables .

  5. 基于Internet的远程数据库应用

    Remote Database Application Based on Internet

  6. NET数据访问技术,结合C编程语言实现对远程数据库的访问的过程,从而最终实现对分布式数据库实现联合查询。

    NET with C # programming language , and how to achieve united query about distributed databases at last .

  7. 准备数据转移操作的下一步是把源数据库SAMPLE编目为远程数据库。

    The next step in preparing your data movement operation is cataloging the source database SAMPLE as remote database .

  8. 使用Java与Oracle构建基于网络的远程数据库

    Construct a network-based remote database with Java and Oracle

  9. Outlook电子邮件的远程数据库管理

    Remote Database Management to Outlook-based Electronic Mails

  10. VB访问Oracle远程数据库方法与实现

    The Methods nd Realization of Accessing Oracle Remote Database with VB

  11. GB/T17533.2-1998信息技术开放系统互连远程数据库访问第2部分:SQL专门化

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Remote database access Part 2 : SQL specialization

  12. 利用ORACLE的快照功能实现远程数据库的复制

    Replication of Long-Distanced Databse by Snapshot in ORACLE Database

  13. 让读者可以认识TCP/IP的网络开发界面.进而开发出数据传送、远程数据库的访问程序等。

    Readers can realize the network programming interface of the TCP / IP and can design others application program .

  14. 利用VB和ASP操作远程数据库的技术

    Operation remote database by VB and ASP

  15. VB远程数据库访问方法

    Methods of accessing remote database in VB

  16. 在VB中用ADO实现广域网中的远程数据库访问

    Long-Distance Access DataBase with VB 's ADO in WAN

  17. 基于日志解析的Oracle远程数据库同步方法研究及实现

    The Study and Implementation of the Synchronization for Remote Database of Oracle Based on Log Paser

  18. VB对远程数据库的访问

    Assessment of VB to Remote Database

  19. 基于JDBC的C/S模式下的远程数据库访问

    The Remote Access of Database on the C / S Model of JDBC

  20. VBA访问远程数据库及长数据类型的方法

    The method of accessing remote database and long data type in VBA

  21. 为一个分布式数据库系统,Oracle数据库提供了使用远程数据库的功能。

    As a Distributed Database System , Oracle database provides for us the function that uses Remote Database .

  22. 而对于存放运动员成绩的SqlServer远程数据库的访问,则是通过RDO异步技术实现;

    To access the SQL Server long-range database of sportsman 's achievement is realized through RDO asynchronous technology .

  23. 建立了虚拟飞行场景与外部Java程序的数据接口,并进一步实现了对远程数据库中飞行数据的访问。

    In the end , an interface between the scene and external Java program is performed , furthermore , flight data in network databases can be accessed .

  24. 为此,要在本地DB2实例的系统数据库目录中对远程数据库进行编目。

    For this to work , the remote database has to be cataloged in the system database directory of the local DB2 instance .

  25. 别名将远程数据库对象呈现给本地DB2服务器,并允许程序员把这些远程对象当作本地DB2表一样看待。

    Nicknames represent remote database objects to the local DB2 server and allow programmers to treat these remote objects as though they were local DB2 tables .

  26. 本文通过对数据库引擎的研究,在VB中采用DAO实现远程数据库的访问。

    By the research on Microsoft Database Jet , the author implements how to access remote database by DAO in Visual Basic .

  27. 详细介绍了基于WINDOWSCE系统平台的工控机与远程数据库服务器间数据文件的传输与同步。

    This article described how to realize data file 's synchronization and transmission between the IPC based on embedded OS Windows CE and the remote Server during industry control process .

  28. 在存储过程中执行LOADFROMCURSOR操作时,DB2尝试用本地用户的授权ID连接远程数据库SAMPLE。

    Now when performing the LOAD FROM CURSOR operation within the stored procedure , DB2 tries to establish the remote connection to database SAMPLE with the authorization ID of the local user .

  29. 类似地,诸如对远程数据库、内容管理系统(CMS)和其他数据源执行备份之类的管理任务并不会影响Web服务器或应用服务器的性能。

    Similarly , administrative tasks such as backups of remote databases , content-management systems ( CMS ), and other data sources do not affect the performance of the Web or application server .

  30. 支持JDBC连接的一个本地或远程数据库能够拥有其可视化的数据库元素,包括元素之间的所有关系。

    A local or remote database that supports a JDBC connection can have its database elements visualized , which includes all relationships among the elements .