
  • 网络Yoga Studio
  1. 科尔伯格夫妇在贝特谢梅什开设瑜伽馆的时间:2004年

    Year the Kolbergs opened their Beit Shemesh yoga studio : 2004

  2. 如果你不听见合十礼就不能放松,住在瑜伽馆边上。

    If you cant unwind until you hear namaste , stay near a yoga studio .

  3. 每周在瑜伽馆练习的学生人数:大约100人

    Students who practice at the studio each week : Roughly 100

  4. 去瑜伽馆。

    Head to a yoga studio .

  5. 这可以在你去的任何地方奏效,比如超市或是瑜伽馆。

    This can be done anywhere you go , such as the supermarket or your yoga studio .

  6. 如果你想提高气氛,你可能想先去瑜伽馆。

    If you want to turn up the heat in the bedroom , you might want to head to the yoga studio first .

  7. 但是,蕾切尔说,在我们的瑜伽馆,我们永远也不会做那些与我们的宗教相抵触的事情,比如念佛教中的祷语或经文。

    But , Rachel says , in our studio , we will never have practices that contradict our religion , such as mantras and chanting .

  8. 在首批12名硕士研究生中,入学前曾在浙江一家瑜伽馆任职的章梦萍表示,瑜伽让她找到了久违的内心平静。

    Zhang Mengping , who worked at a yoga club in Zhejiang province before enrolling for the course , said yoga helped her find inner peace .

  9. 布莱顿的人均瑜伽馆数量为其它抽样城市的2倍,城市居民的肥胖比例则低于全国平均水平。

    It had twice as many yoga clubs per head than the other cities sampled , while the level of obese inhabitants is below the national average .

  10. 他继续开办了一家蒸蒸日上的瑜伽馆,并获得了一家主要出版社写一本职业指南的书后又将瑜伽馆卖了出去。

    He went on to start a flourishing Yoga studio , which he sold after getting a deal from a major publishing house to write a career gide .

  11. 但是,蕾切尔说,“在我们的瑜伽馆,我们永远也不会做那些与我们的宗教相抵触的事情,比如念佛教中的祷语或经文。”

    But , Rachel says , " in our studio , we will never have practices that contradict our religion , such as mantras and chanting . " Julie Bosman

  12. 上周五的一项调查显示,英国城市布莱顿拥有全国最多的私人健身教练、瑜伽馆和健康食品店,因而被评为英国“最健康的城市”。

    Brighton " healthiest " city in Britain Brighton is the healthiest city in Britain with the highest level of personal trainers , yoga clubs and health food stores , according to a survey released on Friday .

  13. 伴随着瑜伽的快速发展,重庆市出现了越来越多的瑜伽馆,各种健身俱乐部也都相应的开展了瑜伽课程。

    With the Yoga become more and more popular in China , s a great many Yoga Club has emerged in Chongqing . At the same time , many Health Clubs has set up some Yoga classes .

  14. 热瑜伽凭着它可以减肥美容的良好口碑在北京、上海、深圳等大城市迅速流行起来,在其他的城市也开始出现专门的热瑜伽练习馆。

    Due to its good reputation of helping practitioners to lose weights in Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen , Hot yoga becomes popular quickly in other cities with new hot yoga center coming .