
  • 网络far and near
  1. 介绍了波导DCN激光器的原理和结构,重点研究了波导DCN激光本征模(EH11模)在远场和近场的多阶高斯耦合效应,分析了DCN激光器的输出特性。

    The principle and structure of DCN laser were introduced in this paper . The EH 11 mode approximation in the near field and the far field by Gaussian distributions and the beam property of DCN laser were studied in detail .

  2. 新疆部分城镇远震和近震影响的确定方法

    Method of determining tele seismic effect and near seismic effect in some cities and towns of Xinjiang

  3. 方法:143例6-14岁低视力患儿分别配戴远用和近用助视器。

    Methods : 143 Children of 6-14 years old with low vision were provided with far and near low vision devices .

  4. 结果:低视力患儿配戴远用和近用助视器后,24.5%远视力≥0.5;54.5%的近视力≥0.5。

    Results : 24.5 % children with low vision obtained far visual acuity ≥ 0.5 and 54.5 % near visual acuity ≥ 0.5 after using far and near low vision devices .

  5. 本文还详细介绍了近场标签天线的特点,提出了远近场天线同时满足远场和近场需要的解决方案。

    This thesis also introduces the near and far field tag antenna , and make solution for meeting the need of the far-field antenna and the near-field antenna at the same time .

  6. 将半无限地基分为远域和近域,分别用超参映射动力无穷元和普通有限元模拟,提出一种上部结构与地基之间的耦合单元,从而建立了该系统的数值分析模型。

    In this paper , the semi infinite foundation is divided into far and near domains , and they are simulated by the super parameter mapping dynamic infinite element and the ordinary finite element respectively .

  7. 本文介绍用可变孔径法测试出各种折射率剖面结构的单模光纤的远场和近场分布,以及这些光纤的有效面积。

    In this paper , it is reported that we have first time measured the FFP , NFP and the Effective Area of single mode fibers with difference Refractive Index Profiles by the Variable Aperture Technique .

  8. 本文给出了小张角波纹喇叭关于其辐射中心的远场和近场辐射特性的计算方法,并给出了波纹喇叭在其工作频带内的计算机辅助分析框图。

    Computation method of near and far field radiating characteristics of narrow flare angle corrugated horn about its radiation center is given in this paper . The computer aided analysis diagram is listed and the satisfactory results are obtained .

  9. 研究表明,湍流和光束参数(如:空间相关长度、束腰宽度和波长)对远场和近场光束扩展的影响是一致的。

    It is found that the effect of the strength of turbulence and beam parameters ( e.g. , the spatial correlation length , the waist width and the wave length ) on the beam spreading in the near field is in agreement with that in the far field .

  10. 远紫外和近紫外CD谱分析表明:Hg2+的结合要引起BSA,HSA以及NBS修饰的HSA二级结构的α螺旋减少,三级结构发生一定的改变。

    Far-UV and near-UV CD spectra provide evidence that the binding of Hg ( II ) induces BSA , HSA and NBS modified HSA a loss of α helix and rearrangement of tertiary structure .

  11. 据远矿围岩和近矿蚀变围岩的δ18O和δ13C,计算了岩石形成时的介质温度、盐度,为讨论不同岩石的形成环境提供了有力的佐证。

    The salinity and temperature of medium in rock formation are calculated by δ 18 O and δ 13 C of alteration rocks and unalteration rocks , which provides reliable evidence for discussing the formation environment of different rocks .

  12. 按照信号源到阵列距离的远近,可分为远场信源和近场信源。

    Source can be divided into far-field source and near-field source in accordance with the distance to the array .

  13. 飞行器从发射到捕获目标,光学远场探测器和近场探测器先后工作,两个阶段所面临的干扰是不一样的。

    The optical far-field detector and near-field detector have been working from the vehicle launching to capture the target . The interferences of the two stages are not the same .

  14. 知道周期,知道远地点,和近地点在哪里,知道轨道周期-,知道了想知道的一切。

    We know the period , we know where apogee is , we know where perigee is , - we know the orbital period & anything we want to know .

  15. 本论文根据实际需要,对平面近场测量中的近-远场变换和近-口径场变换算法以及远近场天线测试系统的建设作了深入研究。

    To meet the requirement in practice , a study has been made about near-field to far-field algorithm , near-field to aperture-field algorithm , and the construction of far-field and near-field measurement system .

  16. 结果附着体义齿在正中咬合情况下,单基牙时,在该附着体义齿的缺牙区牙槽骨内、基牙的远中根尖和近中根尖处,可见应力集中;

    RESULTS : Under central occlusion , most stress of the attachment of the denture with single abutment was concentrated at the edentulous ridge , the distal and mesial apex of the abutment .

  17. 该文分析了现有的远后备保护和近后备附加断路器失灵保护的后备保护动作切除故障的3种后果:只对故障设备所属公司本身产生影响;

    The results of action of back-up protection with existing remote back-up protection and nearby back-up protection appended by breaker fail protection are : impacts of it on the company owning the fault equipment ;

  18. 介绍了远场光和近场光的物理图景,根据它们的不同性质并结合应用,指出远场光学探测的空间分辨能力受光学衍射极限的约束,近场光学探测可以突破光学衍射极限。

    Based on the principles of far field wave and near field wave , applications show that the space resolving power of far field optics detection is limited by optical diffraction but near field optics detection can break through the restriction .

  19. 在前牙咬合时,上缘钛板固定情况下,远心骨段和近心骨段的近中螺钉固位处应力值较大;

    When biting with the incisor and fixed with upper plate , the stress of the medial screw position of the distal and medial segment of mandible is high .