
  1. 盖比准备打耳洞,我想去看看。

    Gaby 's getting her ears pierced and I want to watch .

  2. 不过我还是不能在十六岁以前打耳洞

    Sherry : But I still can 't get the hoops till I 'm 16 .

  3. 美兰妮也想打耳洞她妈妈当然不同意啦

    Sherry : So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced , but of course her mother said no.

  4. 小高:你不是说你打了耳洞吗?

    And didn 't you say you pierced your own ears ?

  5. 打过耳洞的男人关于婚姻的准备工作做得比没有打过的男人好,因为他们经历过疼痛而且买过珠宝。

    Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage . They 've experienced pain and bought jewelry .

  6. 我13岁时去了伦敦的卡纳比街,打了耳洞,染了橘黄色的头发。

    When I was13 , I went to Carnaby Street in London and got my ear pierced and dyed my hair orange .

  7. 就是那个被发现纹身的冰人干尸身上,也打了耳洞,展开来约有七到十七毫米左右宽呢。

    It was found on the Iceman that had the tattoos ! He had pierced ears that had been stretched seven to eleven millimeters wide .