
  • 网络intermediate products;Intermediate good
  1. 基于以上现象,我们可总结出FDI与中间品贸易的特征:契约制度优越的地区往往吸引更多的投资,更多的中间品贸易。

    Based on the above phenomena , we summed up the characteristics of FDI and intermediate goods trade : the superior contract system tend to attract more investment and more trade in intermediate goods .

  2. 中间品出口对两类行业的影响则均是正向的。

    The influence of export of intermediate goods are both positive .

  3. 结果:中间品pH值和消毒时间对成品含量下降有极显著影响(P<0.01)。

    Results-the content reduction of the final product was affected markedly by intermediate pH and sterilizing time ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 采用链霉蛋白酶二次酶解、络合沉淀和超滤结合的方法,对HA中间品进行纯化处理,制得了高纯度的HA精品。

    By using twice pronase zymolysis , complex action and UF , the HA intermidiary was purified .

  5. 结果:采用活性炭用量为3.0%、中间品pH值为4.5、砂棒回流时间为45min的工艺条件最佳。

    RESULTS : The optimum technique was that the dosage of active carbon was 3.0 % , pH of intermediate product was 4.5 , time of reflux passing diatomaceous filter was 45 min.

  6. 结果动态比浊法可准确地检测出大容量注射剂中的内毒素含量,为药品及中间品的质量控制提供强有力的保证。

    RESULTS Kinetic turbidimetric assay can accurately detect bacterial endotoxin in injections .

  7. 准确测定聚醚多元醇中间品羟值应注意的问题

    Important factors of accurate measurement in hydroxyl value of polyether polyol determination

  8. 三波长分光光度法测定雌三醇栓中间品的含量

    Determination of the Contents of Estriol in Estriol Suppositories by Three-wavelength Spectrophotometry

  9. 聚醚多元醇中间品钾(钠)离子的快速测定方法

    A Rapid Method of Determining Potassium or Sodium Ion in Polyether Polyol

  10. 大输液中间品的质量控制浅议

    Discussion on the Quality Control of Intermediate of Infusion Solution

  11. 流感疫苗中间品&鸡胚尿囊病毒液质量控制的研究

    Quality Control in Intermediate Products of Influenza Vaccine-Chicken Embryo Virus Allantoic Fluid

  12. 中间品长短期定价对技术创新的影响分析

    Effect of Long-term or Short-term Pricing of Intermediate Good on Technological Innovation

  13. 高视密度化学二氧化锰的中间品重质碳酸锰的制备

    Preparation of Heavy Manganese Carbonate From A Intermediate of High Visual ─ Density Manganese Dioxide

  14. 活动长度和中间品储存有限制的化工生产计划建模及求解

    Modeling and Solution of Chemical Industry Production Plan with Limited Campaign Length and Finite Intermediate Storage

  15. 然后分析1999-2003年28个制造业行业的中间品进口对行业人均产出的影响。

    Then this paper analyzes the effects of the intermediate input imports on output per capita of28 manufacturing sectors in1999-2003 .

  16. 珠三角的产业转移采取了两种方式:将中间品外包或自己进行直接投资生产。

    There are two ways in the Zhujiang River delta 's industry-transferring : outsourcing the intermediate inputs or taking direct investments .

  17. 越来越多的本地企业进入该中间品行业向跨国企业提供零部件或装配服务。

    More and more local enterprises enter this middle industry and offer the spare part or assembling service to transnational enterprises .

  18. 中间品渠道控制通常因其采取内部定价策略而具有极强的隐蔽迂回性。

    The channel control of precursors of product usually has a really strong hidden circuitous nature due to the strategies of internal pricing .

  19. 实际上,美国工业现在要消耗数百万吨化学中间品,其中大部分都是从石油或天然气中提取出来的。

    Behind the scenes , American industry uses millions of tons of chemical intermediates , which are largely sourced from petroleum or natural gas .

  20. 结果表明,使用混合成本作为通货膨胀的驱动因素在统计和经济意义上具有显著性,影响我国通货膨胀主要是资本成本与进口中间品成本;

    Empirical result shows that hybrid costs are statistically significant and qualitatively important ; capital cost and intermediate imported input cost influence inflation mostly ;

  21. 直观上,这个指标可以认为是在度量单位中间品溢出效果中包含的对行业全要素生产率变动的贡献。

    Intuitively , the index could be considered in measurement unit finite intermediate overflow effect of industry included in total factor productivity change contribution .

  22. 论中间品贸易存在条件下国内税收、出口退税与汇率调整对出口企业最优销量的影响

    Impacts of Changes in Domestic Tax , Export Rebate and Exchange Rate on the Exporting Firm 's Optimal Selling Quantity with Trade in Intermediate Goods

  23. 本文综合考虑这两种影响,采用2002年投入产出表和相应行业的进出口数据将中间品进口分为水平型的中间品进口和垂直型的中间品进口。

    Based on2002 Input-Output Table and international trade data of corresponding sectors , the intermediate input imports are categorized into horizontal and vertical intermediate input .

  24. 由于样品处理简单、应用浓度直读法读取数据,可快速准确地测定试样,适用于聚醚多元醇生产过程中间品的检验。

    The method proposed has the advantages of sample treatmenting simple , rapid and accurate , and can be applied to the production process of polyether polyol .

  25. 结果:中间品和管道内毒素水平夏季偏高,注射用水内毒素浓度全年小于0.125EU·ml~(-1)。

    Ml-1 . result : The endotoxin level in intermediate product or pipage was higher in summer . The endotoxin level of water for injection was lower than 0.125 EU .

  26. 此外,运输和通信成本下降、中间品市场完善促使交易费用下降,也促进了外包的增长。

    Besides , transport and communication costs fell , intermediate goods market become more convenient , all make the transaction costs decline , but also promote the growth of outsourcing .

  27. 比如产品的研发,设计、营销环节为知识资本密集型,而中间品的组装,集成往往是劳动密集型的。

    For example , research and development , design and marketing of product belong to the human capital intensive , while the intermediate product assembly tends to be unskilled labor-intensive .

  28. 但是,高涨的油价还激发了寻找新的化学中间品来源的竞争&这些化合物是许多现代材料的原料,比如塑料、药品以及燃料等等。

    But the oil price hike has also fueled a race to find new sources for chemical intermediates-compounds that are the raw material for many modern plastics , drugs and fuels .

  29. 适用于人用狂犬病疫苗中间品抗原的检测,对人用狂犬病疫苗的生产及质量控制有重要意义。

    It can be used for the antigen-detecting of midst products of human rabies vaccine and it is valuable for the quality control in the manufacture process of human rabies vaccine .

  30. 能够影响企业的生产成本、组织成本、交易成本和中间品购买价格的一切因素,都可能对企业的自制-外购决策产生重要影响。

    Every factor that can affect the firm 's production costs , organization costs , transaction costs , and purchasing prices may have remarkable influences on the firm 's make-or-buy decisions .