
  • 网络Classification of Chinese coals
  1. 目前中国煤炭分类国家标准中,唯独对天然焦没有明确的分类指标。

    In China national standards of coal classification , there only no type division of natural coke so far .

  2. 煤炭分类国际标准ISO11760已于2005年发布,该国际标准是一个煤炭科学分类,与现行的应用型的中国煤炭分类标准GB5751相比,在分类方法和分类参数上都具有显著的差异。

    ISO 11760 , the International Coal Classification Standard , was issued in 2005.As a scientific classification standard , ISO 11760 is significantly different in classification method and parameters from GB 5751 the Chinese Coal Classification Standard , which is of utility-type .

  3. 如何应用国际煤炭分类标准来评价中国的煤炭资源,并与实用型的中国煤炭分类体系兼容,还需做相应的研究工作。

    Therefore , further studies should be done to use ISO 11760 to evaluate Chinese coal resources .