
fú dǐng yóu guàn
  • floating-roof oil tank
浮顶油罐[fú dǐng yóu guàn]
  1. 浮顶油罐举升方案优化设计

    Optimization Design on Integral Lifting Program of Floating-roof Oil Tank

  2. 浅谈二万立方米内浮顶油罐的消防系统设计

    Discussion on the fire system design of the inner floating-roof oil tank with the volume of 20,000 m ~ 3

  3. 基于GIS的浮顶油罐安全监控系统的开发

    Development of GIS-based safety monitoring and control system for floating-roof tank

  4. 内浮顶油罐直接引压式HTG系统

    HTG System of Directly Drawing Pressure Type for Tanks with Floating Roof

  5. 对于大型浮顶油罐的防火间距,在介绍国外标准和做法的基础上,从安全、经济以及实践经验等方面论证了大型浮顶油罐20m防火间距的可行性。

    The feasibility demonstration on 20 m spacing for large-scale floating roof oil tank is made from safety , economy and experiences .

  6. 建造储存容积在10万m3以上的大型浮顶油罐所需的石油储罐用钢板应具有强度高、韧性好和焊接性能良好等特点。

    The construction of large floating roof oil storage tanks with volume more than 100,000 m3 requires steels with high strength , good toughness and favorable welding properties .

  7. 标志内浮顶油罐设计水平的技术经济指标主要包括两项内容,一项是在基建阶段每立方米容积的耗钢量A,另一项是在投入运行后的有效系数B。

    There are two main technol-economical indices for the design of inner floating roof tank : value A , the steel consumption ( volume ) per cubic meter in the construction stage ; value B , the effective coefficient after the tank is put into service .

  8. 分析了储油罐技术数据、安装工艺技术、固定顶油罐安装传感器、浮顶油罐技术数据对石油和石油产品立式罐内油量的直接静态测量法(HTG质量测量法)系统精度的影响。

    Technical data of tankers and installing technique are analyzed . Impacts of technical data of floating proof tankers on accuracy of HTG system are also introduced .

  9. 近几年,在国内已有30多台直径为37~46m的内浮顶油罐及固定顶油罐采用了这种结构。

    In recent years , this technique has been used in more than 30 internal floating roof and fixed roof oil tanks with diameters of 37  ̄ 46 meters .

  10. 以15×104m3浮顶油罐为研究对象,进行充水试验的现场应力测试,获得了实测应力分布。

    By conducting watering experiment on the 15 × 10 ~ 4 m ~ 3 oil tank with floating roof , the practical stress distributions were obtained by using field stress testing .

  11. 环舱式内浮顶油罐倾斜的处理

    How to Correct the Inclination for Annular-cabins-type Covered Floating Roof Tank

  12. 软基上的浮顶油罐基础设计

    Foundation Design for Oil Tank with Floating Top on Sort Foundation

  13. 内浮顶油罐罐间混油的技术改造

    Countermeasures against the Crude Oil Mixing between Internal Floating Roof Tanks

  14. 浮顶油罐机械密封的特点与比较

    Feature and comparison on mechanical seal for floating roof oil tank

  15. 减少浮顶油罐人工计量误差的措施

    Measures to Decrease Human Metering Error of Floating Roof Oil Tank

  16. 10万m~3浮顶油罐施工技术

    Building Technology of 100,000m ~ 3 Floating Roof Oil Tank

  17. 大型浮顶油罐防火间距的可行性论证

    Feasibility Demonstration on Spacing of Large-scale Floating Roof Oil Tank

  18. 大容量内浮顶油罐的安全性分析

    Safety analysis of large capacity inner floating roof oil tank

  19. 内浮顶油罐静压式程控计量系统

    The System of Program Controlled Measurement for Tanks with Internal Floating Roof

  20. 浮顶油罐油气扩散规律及其安全性

    Diffusion Rule of Oil Vapor from Floating Roof Tanks and Operation Safety

  21. 关于浮顶油罐泡沫灭火设施设计规范之我见

    Opinion on design specifications of foam fire-extinguishing facilities for floating roof tanks

  22. 大型浮顶油罐设计与施工方法的改进

    Modifications to the Design and Erection of Large Floating Roof Oil Tanks

  23. 大型浮顶油罐罐顶保温设计的探讨

    The Heat Insulation Design of a Hure Tank Floating Roof

  24. 外浮顶油罐密封装置问题探讨

    Approaching a problem on sealing device in external floating roof oil tank

  25. 2万m~3浮顶油罐不均匀沉降的纠偏

    Bias Correction for Ununiform Settlement of 20,000m ~ 3 Floating Roof Tank

  26. 内浮顶油罐输油管路改造方法

    Method of oil piping reconstructing for inner floating roof tanks

  27. 内浮顶油罐储存喷气燃料的分析

    An Analysis On Internal Floating Top Tank For Storage Of Jet Fuel

  28. 浮顶油罐转动浮梯损坏原因分析

    Analysis on the Rotative Ladder Deformation Accident of A Floating Roof Tank

  29. 大型浮顶油罐测温系统的研发

    Development on Temperature Monitoring System of Large Floating Roof Tank

  30. 浮顶油罐底板修理

    The Maintenance of Bottom Plates for the Floating Roof Tank