
  • 网络Turbine speed;RPM;Ntur
  1. 微型自由涡轮转速测试仪的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Minitype Rev Testing Meter of Free Turbine

  2. 涡轴发动机动力涡轮转速控制回路方案研究

    Speed Control Loop Schemes for Power Turbines of Turboshaft Engine

  3. 这样就可防止涡轮转速进一步增加。

    This stops the turbine speed increasing any further .

  4. 泥浆传送涡轮转速信号的分析处理

    The analysis and processing of turbo-drill rotating speed signal transmitted through hydraulic channel

  5. 变截面管道对引信电机涡轮转速的控制研究

    On the Control Variable Cross Section for the Turbine Speed of the Fuse Generator

  6. 甩负荷时,动力涡轮转速超调量随放气量的增大而减小。

    The speed overshoot of power turbine decreases with the gas emission increases in load rejection .

  7. 比较分析了航空涡轴发动机动力涡轮转速回路的2种控制方案(单回路控制方案和串级控制方案)。

    Two speed control loop schemes for power turbines of turboshaft engine are analyzed by comparison .

  8. 反馈线性化控制器用于保持涡轮转速与用户自定义的辅助输入量的线性关系。

    The feedback linearization controller ensures that a linear relationship is maintained between the turbine speed and an additional user defined input .

  9. 为给自由涡轮转速装置的定检提供参考,设计了微型自由涡轮转速测试仪。

    In order to offer reference for periodic check of free turbine , the minitype Rev testing meter of free turbine was designed .

  10. 介绍一种利用光学方法检测涡轮转速的光纤涡轮流量传感器及检测系统。

    The optical fiber turbine flow sensor and detecting system , in which the rotational speed of the turbine is measured with optical technique , are presented .

  11. 在涡轮转速不十分高时,引入等效弹性模量的概念,得出涡轮转速对叶片模态特性影响的近似公式。

    A approximate formula is obtained by introducing the concept of equivalent modulus of elasticity on condition that the rotational speed of turbine is not very high .

  12. 而在大时间尺度上的分析发现,在一定的燃油供给和恒定的自由涡轮转速条件下,尾气静电信号能量随着发动机性能的缓慢衰退而逐渐上升。

    At the large tine scale , given the constant fuel delivery and power shaft speed , the energy of the exhaust gas electrostatic signal will increase as the engine deteriorates gradually .

  13. 研究表明:分级粒径的大小与涡轮转速、抽风机风量、风压及涡轮结构参数有关。

    The study shows that the separation size is related to the rotary velocity of the turbo , the wind volume and the wind pressure of the exhaust fan , the structure and parameters of the turbo .

  14. 以泵轮转速和涡轮转速作为模糊控制器的输入量,以油门开度和工作油泵的压力作为模糊控制规则库的制定原则设计了自动换挡模糊控制器。

    Finally , this article designs shift fuzzy controller with pump wheels speed and turbine speed as the input , and throttle angle and the work of oil pump pressure as the principles of fuzzy controller . 4 .

  15. 结果表明,涡轮转速对涡轮脉冲平均性能影响有限;在所研究范围内,脉冲峰值较高时,涡轮的输出功率较大,涡轮效率较高,而流动损失反而较小。

    The study states that the turbine speed has little impact on the mean turbine pulse performances , and the working condition that has higher pulse amplitude has a higher efficiency , a higher output power and smaller flow loss in the scope of the study .

  16. 利用本文所述的系统制造一种经济、可靠的涡轮钻转速计用于在地面测量3000m以上井深的涡轮钻转速是完全现实的。

    It is feasible to make an economical and reliable MWD turbodrill tachometer to measure the downhole turbodrill rotating speed at a depth of more than 3,000 m.

  17. 液体火箭发动机涡轮泵转速处理方法研究

    Research of rotating speed of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine turbo pump

  18. 用自适应陷波与线谱增强法处理泥浆信道的涡轮钻转速信号

    Processing of turbodrill rotating speed signal transmitted through hydraulic channel with adaptive notch filter and line enhancer

  19. 变截面管道法在控制涡轮发电机转速中的应用研究

    The Application of the Method for Variable Cross section Pipes in Controlling the Spin Velocity of a Turbine Alternator

  20. 基于神经网络PID的蒸汽涡轮实验系统转速控制

    Speed Control of Steam Turbine Based on the Algorithm of Neural Network PID

  21. 双转子涡轮喷气发动机转速控制系统数字仿真

    Mathematical model and digital simulation for speed control system of two-spool turbojet engine

  22. 燃气涡轮起动机数字转速控制装置及其桌面应用软件设计

    The Design of Gas Turbine Start Digital Rotate Speed Control Device and Desktop Application Software

  23. 提出选用拉伐尔管式进气道、和较小的排气孔面积的方法来限制涡轮发电机的转速。

    The methods of inlet channel of laval nozzle and smaller area of vent hole have been put forward to limit the spin rate of turbine generator .

  24. 采用FINE/Turbo软件包,对一个四级轴流空气涡轮两种转速下的不同流量工况进行了全三维数值模拟,与实验数据进行了涡轮效率、压比以及级间参数分布的比较。

    The 3D flows in a 4-stage axial flow turbine , at different mass flow conditions , at two rotation speeds , are simulated with FINE / Turbo CFD software package .

  25. 基于QZ算法的涡轮泵转子临界转速有限元计算

    Critical speed computation of turbopump rotor based on finite element method and QZ algorithm

  26. 本文对WP6涡轮部件按照折合转速及膨胀比相等的准则设计了两套实验方案,并对设计状态及设计的两套实验方案进行了S2正问题计算和S1流面计算。

    Two experimental plans were designed according to the rule of equality in the characteristic rotating speed and expansion ratio . The S2 calculation and S1 calculation were carried out for design condition and two experimental plan designed before .

  27. 菲亚特500L的引擎盖下的确有一台非常具有运动性能的小发动机:1.4升16气门4缸中冷式涡轮增压发动机,转速达到2500转/分钟时可以输出184磅英尺的强劲扭力。

    The 500L does have a pretty sporting little engine under the hood : an intercooled turbo , 1.4-liter , 16-valve four producing a goodly 184 foot-pounds of torque at 2,500 rpm .

  28. 旋转涡轮盘腔中等转速下内部流场分布实验

    Experiment on the velocity of the flow inside rotating disk cavity under mid rotating speed

  29. 涡轮泵转子工作转速的模糊可靠性确定方法及其应用

    The fuzzy reliability design method for working rotation speed of turbopump rotor assembly and Its Applications

  30. 涡轮增压器转子转速快,工作温度高。

    The turbocharger is a rotational machine with extremely high rotational speed and under high temperature situation .