
  • 网络turboprop;turboprop plane
  1. 马航失事的两架客机都是波音(Boeing)777喷气式飞机,相比之下,涡轮螺旋桨飞机更有可能发生坠机事故。

    And while both Malaysian aircraft were Boeing 777 jets , turboprop planes are more likely to crash .

  2. 那些手头吃紧的军队则常常购买高端涡轮螺旋桨飞机来执行ISR及其他飞行任务,而许多国家都会避免拥有一支纯粹由昂贵的喷气战机组成的机队。

    Less affluent militaries often buy high-end turboprop aircraft to conduct ISR and other flights , and many eschew owning a fleet of expensive jet fighters altogether .

  3. 今年2月份,尼泊尔航空公司(NepalAirlines)一架加拿大产的海獭式双涡轮螺旋桨飞机坠毁,机上18人全部遇难,这是2008年以来该国第七起造成人员丧生的商用客机坠毁事故,这七起事故共造成125人遇难。

    In February , a Nepal Airlines Canadian-made Twin Otter turboprop crashed , killing all 18 onboard , in Nepal 's seventh fatal commercial aircraft crash since 2008 , killing a total of 125 people .

  4. 军用涡轮螺旋桨飞机内部装饰降噪设计与试验研究

    Cabin Noise Reduction Design and Experimental Research for Military Turboprop Aircraft

  5. 进动效应对涡轮螺旋桨飞机的影响

    The Effect That the Precession Effect Has on Turboprop Aircraft

  6. 这架单引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机在蒙大拿州比尤特市机场附近的一处公墓坠毁。

    A single engine plane went down Sunday in Butte , Montana .

  7. 这架涡轮螺旋桨飞机ATR72部分撞毁的机身从基隆河河面伸出,离河岸只有几十码。

    Parts of the wrecked fuselage of the turboprop ATR 72 jutted out of the Keelung River just a couple dozen yards from the shore .

  8. 登上大型涡轮螺旋桨飞机伊尔18前,身着海军蓝制服的高丽航空空乘微笑欢迎摄影师亚兰·潘。

    Photographer Aram Pan was greeted by smiling Air Koryo flight attendants dressed in smart navy blue outfits before he boarded an Ilyushin Il-18 plane , a large turboprop airliner .

  9. 在世界商用飞机中,涡轮螺旋桨飞机所占比例比喷气式飞机要小得多,但前者发生的空难却占到了46%的比例。

    As many as 46 per cent of aircraft accidents involve turboprops , even though they account for a far smaller percentage of the world 's commercial fleet than jets do .

  10. 这位旅行博主住在奥地利的伊施格尔。当他发现除自己以外,再没有人登上这架双涡轮螺旋桨飞机时,也惊呆了。飞机上只有他、两名空姐和两名飞行员。

    The travel blogger , who lives in Ischgl , Austria , was stunned when no one else boarded the twin turboprop - leaving him alone with two flight attendants and two pilots .

  11. 自1974年成立以来,英国航空推出过许多不同机型,其中包括维克斯先锋涡轮螺旋桨飞机和协和超音速客机。在这一方面,该公司的安全记录尤其可圈可点。

    No. 2 British Airways BA 's safety record is especially commendable given how many different types of aircraft the company has flown since its 1974 launch , from Vickers Vanguard turboprops to Concorde supersonic jets .

  12. 配备四台国产的涡轮螺旋桨发动机,AG600飞机采用的是单船身、悬臂上单翼布局。

    With four China-made turboprop engines , the AG600 has a " ship 's body " with high mounted single-cantilever wing .