
  • 网络Potassium ferrate
  1. 无机盐高铁酸钾在水处理中的应用

    Application of potassium ferrate ( VI ) in water treatment

  2. 另外,适当地降低pH值、延长预氧化时间将大大提高高铁酸钾预氧化除藻效率。

    In addition , under the condition of low pH value and a prolong pre-oxidation time , algae removal efficiency of pre-oxidation with potassium ferrate (ⅵ) was further enhanced .

  3. 高铁酸钾氧化煤矿井废水中COD性能研究

    Study on properties of oxidizing the COD of coal mining water by using potassium ferrate

  4. 结果表明,造纸废水经酸化后的粉煤灰处理及高铁酸钾处理后,其COD值、浊度、色度均降至排放标准以下。初探了净化机理。

    The results show that COD , cloudiness and colority of the papermaking wastewater are all decreased under the discharging standard and the mechanism of cleaning is discussed .

  5. 对模拟苯胺浑浊水样的实验研究显示,高铁酸钾预氧化可有效提高PAC混凝的有机物去除能力。

    And the tests of treating simulated aniline water sample indicated , that potassium preoxidation can enhanced the ability of PAC coagulation to remove organic matter .

  6. 制备产物进行IR和XRD分析,证明产物为高铁酸钾晶体,根据DSC测试发现,产物在40~300℃范围内都有很好的热稳定性。

    The characteristics of IR and XRD doubtless showed that the preparation product was potassium ferrate crystals , and the product with good thermal stability between 40 to 300 ℃ by DSC data showing .

  7. 以含铁废料为原料,采用次氯酸盐氧化法合成了高铁酸钾,并在产品中添加一种稳定剂W,有效地提高了产品的稳定性。

    Using the waste material containing iron , potassium ferrate (ⅵ) is synthesized with the method of oxidation of hypochlorite , and a stabilizer is added into the product , which efficiently improves the stability of the product .

  8. 通过对小白菜POD、CAT活性,MDA、叶绿素、蛋白质、可溶性糖、Vc含量测定得出,叶面喷施高铁酸钾基本没有改变小白菜的生理生化水平。

    POD and CAT activities , MDA , chlorophyll , protein , soluble sugar and Vc contents of pakchoi were measured . The results showed that the basic physiological and biochemical level of pakchoi did not varied after spraying potassium ferrate . 4 .

  9. 研究表明,与未经处理的污泥相比较,经高铁酸钾预处理后污泥的SCOD含量和VFA含量都得到了显著提高。

    The results show that the potassium ferrate pretreatment can effectively increase the concentration of SCOD and VFA of the sludge , compared with the untreated sludge .

  10. 稳定合成高铁酸钾的优化条件为:Fe(NO3)3·9H2O、过量的高浓度NaClO溶液、复合稳定剂在饱和NaOH溶液中,20℃下反应1.5小时;

    Its optimization of preparative conditions : Fe ( NO3 ) 3 · 9H2O , excessive NaClO solution and composite stable agent react with saturate NaOH solution in the condition of 20 ℃, 1.5h ;

  11. 直接用于去除废水中部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)时,由于二者之间存在着协同作用比单独使用相同当量高铁酸钾或者相同当量次氯酸钾效果更佳。

    Due to the synergetic effect of the filter liquor , the action is better than one of ferrate or potassium hypochlorite on oxidative degradation of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide ( HPAM ) in aqueous solution .

  12. Fenton、臭氧、高铁酸钾氧化工艺能够在常规条件下实现有机污染物的快速氧化降解,废水pH、氧化剂投加量、污染物初始浓度及结构性质对氧化过程具有重要影响。

    Organic pollutants could be effectively degraded in a short time by ozonation , Fenton or ferrate oxidation under normal conditions , the pH of wastewater . oxidant dosage , initial concentration of contaminant and chemical structure had high influence on the effectiveness of oxidation process .

  13. 试验表明:高铁酸钾对浊度去除效果好于聚合氯化铝,其剩余浊度为0.2NTU;

    The results showed that : potassium ferrate is better than polyaluminium chloride to decrease turbidity value , which could reach 0.2NTU ;

  14. 除盐后,滤液中加饱和KOH溶液,20℃下反应15min,即可析出粗产品高铁酸钾;经重结晶、有机物洗涤、干燥等后处理工序纯化后得到高纯度高铁酸钾。

    After gotten rid of the salts , saturate KOH solution was added in filtrate at 20 ℃ in 15 min , potassium ferrate (ⅵ) was separated out and purified by process of recrystallization , washing organic contaminants and drying .

  15. 实验结果表明,高铁酸钾的强氧化性可以破坏污泥絮体结构,提高污泥的机械脱水程度;但同时污泥EPS含量和LB-EPS含量增加,对污泥过滤脱水速率有负面影响。

    The results show that pretreatment by ferrate potassium can change the structure of the sludge flocs and improve sludge dewatering extent . But it also increases the content of EPS , which affects adversely the filtration rate of the sludge .

  16. 以金属铁为正极、以铂为负极材料,135mol·dm-3氢氧化钾溶液为电解液在隔膜电解池中电化学合成高铁酸钾。

    The electrochemical synthesis of potassium ferrate was carried out in membrane cell with metal iron as anode and platinum as cathode in electrolysis of 13.5 mol · dm ~ ( - 3 ) KOH solution .

  17. 高铁酸钾(K2FeO4)是一种很有前途的新型多功效水处理剂,它具有良好的氧化除污功效、优异的混凝与助凝作用、优良的杀菌作用以及高效脱味除臭功能。

    Potassium ferrate ( K2FeO4 ) is a kind of new and more effective treatment ; it has a good oxidation decontamination effectiveness of the coagulation and excellent coagulant , excellent flavor deodorant from the sterilization and efficient function .

  18. 粘土负载高铁酸钾缓释剂的水溶出特性

    Water dissolving behavior of k_2feo_4 releasing agent carried by active clay

  19. 新型高效水处理剂&高铁酸钾

    A new and efficient treatment agent of water ── potassium ferrate

  20. 高铁酸钾与臭氧联用处理印染废水的试验研究

    Degradation of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Using Potassium Ferrate and Ozone

  21. 高铁酸钾预氧化强化混凝工艺对污水深度处理效果的影响

    Effect of ferrate preoxidation on coagulation of secondary effluent from WWTP

  22. 化学-电解氧化法制备高铁酸钾的研究

    Preparation of potassium ferrate by chemical - electrolytic oxidation method

  23. 结果表明,高铁酸钾能够有效分解污泥。

    The results show that potassium ferrate can disperse the sludge effectively .

  24. 高铁酸钾氧化降解水中双酚A的研究

    Study on Oxidative Degradation of Bisphenol A by Potassium Ferrate in Water

  25. 绿色试剂高铁酸钾的合成及水处理应用研究

    Synthesis of green reagent potassium ferrate and its application in water treatment

  26. 高铁酸钾在煤矿矿井废水处理中的应用研究

    Application Research of Potassium Ferrate in Coal Mining Water Treatment

  27. 高铁酸钾去除重金属的模拟试验研究

    Simulation experiment of using potassium ferrate to remove heavy metals

  28. 高铁酸钾对菠菜中3种有机磷农药残留降解的影响

    Effects of Potassium Ferrate on Degradation of Three Organophosphorous Pesticides in Spinach

  29. 依据此特征初步判断产物为高铁酸钾。

    Based on this characteristic , the product is the potassium ferrate .

  30. 高铁酸钾预处理印染废水的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Pre-treating Printing and Dyeing Wastewater with Potassium Ferric Acid