
  • 网络Inner floating roof;Internal Floating Roof
  1. 近几年,在国内已有30多台直径为37~46m的内浮顶油罐及固定顶油罐采用了这种结构。

    In recent years , this technique has been used in more than 30 internal floating roof and fixed roof oil tanks with diameters of 37  ̄ 46 meters .

  2. 内浮顶油罐罐间混油的技术改造

    Countermeasures against the Crude Oil Mixing between Internal Floating Roof Tanks

  3. 内浮顶FRP材料抗静电性能的研究

    Investigation of inner floating FRP composite capability against electrostatics

  4. 内浮顶油罐直接引压式HTG系统

    HTG System of Directly Drawing Pressure Type for Tanks with Floating Roof

  5. 标志内浮顶油罐设计水平的技术经济指标主要包括两项内容,一项是在基建阶段每立方米容积的耗钢量A,另一项是在投入运行后的有效系数B。

    There are two main technol-economical indices for the design of inner floating roof tank : value A , the steel consumption ( volume ) per cubic meter in the construction stage ; value B , the effective coefficient after the tank is put into service .

  6. 文章从结构形式上对国内内浮顶进行综合叙述,重点介绍了ZL(G)NF自浮型组装式金属内浮顶的优化设计。

    In this paper , the structural configurations of Internal Floating Cover used in domestic petrochemical plants were briefly analyzed , and put an emphasis on inducing the optimum design of the metal auto-floating Internal Floating Cover [ ZL ( G ) NF ] which can be assembled .

  7. 一起内浮顶罐爆炸事故的故障树分析

    Fault Tree Analysis of One Explosion Accident of Internal Floating Tanks

  8. 环舱式内浮顶油罐倾斜的处理

    How to Correct the Inclination for Annular-cabins-type Covered Floating Roof Tank

  9. 内浮顶储罐发展概况及其装配

    Developmental Situation of Tank with Internal Float Top and Its Assembly

  10. 内浮顶罐浮动出液装置的研制

    Floating-type Unloading Unit Used in Covered , Floating Roof Tank

  11. 储存水溶性液体内浮顶罐泡沫消防设计问题探讨

    Discuss of form Design in Inner Floating Roof Storage Tank

  12. 大容量内浮顶油罐的安全性分析

    Safety analysis of large capacity inner floating roof oil tank

  13. 内浮顶油罐静压式程控计量系统

    The System of Program Controlled Measurement for Tanks with Internal Floating Roof

  14. 内浮顶罐下沉浮盘的改造

    Disposal of Pontoon Settlement for the Inner Floating Roof Tank

  15. 内浮顶罐技术及发展

    Development in the technology of tanks with a inner-floating roof

  16. 甲醇厂铝制内浮顶储罐的化学清洗

    Chemical cleaning of inside floating aluminum cover tank in a methanol plant

  17. 内浮顶油罐输油管路改造方法

    Method of oil piping reconstructing for inner floating roof tanks

  18. 内浮顶油罐储存喷气燃料的分析

    An Analysis On Internal Floating Top Tank For Storage Of Jet Fuel

  19. 油罐装配式内浮顶装置的技术性能评析

    A Brief Analysis of the Assembled Inner Floating Roof Device

  20. 通常情况下,很少用内浮顶罐储存煤油。

    Kerosene is rarely stored in inner floating roof tank in general condition .

  21. 内浮顶储罐的罐体设计

    Design of Shell of Tank with Inter Floating Roof

  22. 油罐装配式内浮顶的特点及使用效果

    The Characteristics of the Assembled Inner Floating Top Device and Its Use Effectiveness

  23. 铝制内浮顶在我厂的应用

    Application of Internal Floating Roof of Aluminium - alloy

  24. 组装式油罐内浮顶的特点入效果

    The Characteristics and Servicing Result of Built-up Inner Floating Roof of Oil Tank

  25. 拱顶罐改内浮顶罐应注意的问题

    Problems to be Focused on in Modifying Arch-roof Tank into Inner Roof Tank

  26. 内浮顶在石化工业中的应用

    Utilisation of Internal Floating Cover in Petrochemical Industry

  27. 装配式内浮顶装置的质量保证

    Quality Insurance Of Assembly Type Internal Floating Roof

  28. 浮筒式与蜂窝式内浮顶应用比较

    Comparation of Honeycomb and Buoy Inner Floating Roof

  29. 浅盘式内浮顶汽油罐的清洗方法

    Cleaning method for inner floating roof gasoline tank

  30. 陕北石油秩序内浮顶油罐油品采样问题

    Oil Sampling on Inner Floating Roof Tank