
  • Inner root sheath;【生】internal root sheath
  1. 毛囊内根鞘细胞含ACP。

    The cells of internal root sheath contained ACP .

  2. 毛乳头显示为模糊发暗无固定形状,内根鞘、外根鞘、毛干发黑毛乳头不可见,即为非生长期毛囊。

    Non-growing period hair follicles shown blur and non-immobility construction without hair shaft , inner root sheath and outer root sheath .

  3. 毛干和内根鞘当到达体表时融合在一起:外根鞘仍然保持在原来的位置。

    The hair shaft and inner root sheath move together as the hair grows toward the surface : the outer root sheath remains fixed in position .

  4. 内根鞘、外根鞘界限模糊,结缔组织性鞘细胞纤维排列杂乱,结缔组织细胞减少。

    The bourn of internal root sheath and external root sheath was blurry , the fiber of connective tissue sheath cell arrayed disordered , the number of connective tissue cell reduced .

  5. 毛球之上的细胞形成毛发,产生由分化的表皮细胞构成的同心环状区,形成内根鞘和外根鞘。

    The hair is formed from cells just above the bulb , which also give rise to concentric zones of differentiated epithelial cells destined to form the inner and outer root sheaths .

  6. 【结果】绒山羊的毛囊结构同其它动物一样,由毛球、连接组织鞘、外根鞘、内根鞘和毛干几部分组成。

    【 Result 】 The hair follicle structure of cashmere goat was in the same manner compared with other animals , which was composed of hair bulb , connective tissue sheath , outer root sheath , inner root sheath and hair shaft .

  7. 表皮和它的附属器(毛囊和相关腺体)构成了机体的外部屏障,而毛囊是皮肤重要而复杂的附属器,从内向外依次为毛干、内根鞘、外根鞘组成。

    The epidermis and its appendages ( hair follicles and associated glands ) make up the external barrier of the body . Hair follicle is an important and complex epidermal appendage of skin , composed of hair shaft , inner root sheath and outer root sheath .