
  1. 在间期核内则显现与X染色体数相一致的银颗粒簇,其中相当部分位于核边缘区。

    The number of silver grain clusters in interphase nuclei was correlated with that of X chromosome .

  2. 同一维管束内则以韧皮部细胞的ATP酶活性最强。

    The highest ATPase activity was localized at the plasmalemma of phloem cells .

  3. 当误差变化到一定范围内则采用神经元PID控制器对总压的精确调节。

    When error changes to a certain range , to achieve an accurate regulation of P0 , a nerve cell PID controller was adopted .

  4. 由Er×B引起的等离子体整体的极向旋转在剪切层外沿着离子逆磁漂移方向,而在剪切层内则是沿着电子逆磁漂移方向的。

    The whole poloidal plasma rotation induced by E r × B is in ion / electron diamagnetic direction outside / inside the shear layer respectively .

  5. 遗憾的是,要将某些数据(比如XHTML或XML标记)包含在XML文档内则比较麻烦。

    Unfortunately , some data , such as XHTML or XML markup , is troublesome or cumbersome to include in an XML document .

  6. 而通常认为与有机物有关的Cr、V等元素在研究区内则主要来自岩源碎屑。

    The distribution of Cr and V is controlled by the weathering of terrigenous debris , and has no correlation with organic matter in sediments .

  7. 而Cl-的极限偏摩尔体积在同一DMF浓度范围内则表现为逐渐减小。

    On the contrary , the ionic partial molar volume of Cl - decreases with increasing concentration of DMF in the same region .

  8. 在不同生长阶段21个编辑位点编辑效率呈动态变化,24h昼夜节律内则有先降后升趋势。

    The results showed that editing efficiency of 21 editing sites changed in different developmental stages , and it first increased then decreased during 24h growth period .

  9. 煤中含稀土元素的矿物主要来源于陆源碎屑;而通常认为与有机物有关的Cr、V等元素在研究区内则主要来自岩源碎屑。

    The REE-bearing mineral matter in coals is mainly supplied from terrigenous clastics . The distribution of Cr and V is controlled by the weathering of terrigenous debris , and has no correlation with organic matter in sediments .

  10. c-Ha-ras癌基因在正常皮肤表皮主要表达于部分基底层细胞,而在进行期银屑病皮损内则可见于除角质层外其余各层表皮细胞,且以棘层细胞为主。

    In normal epidermis , only a few basal cells expressed ras gene , however , the ras gene was expressed throughout all layers of epidermis of active psoriatic lesions except horny layer and predominantly in prickle cells .

  11. XPS和AES分析表明,膜厚约为1600A,膜表面的钼以Mo(Ⅳ)存在,而膜内则以Mo(Ⅳ)与Mo(Ⅳ)共存。

    XPS and AES analyses show that film thickness is about 1600A , and that Mo is existed as Mo (ⅳ) in the film surface but as Mo (ⅳ) and Mo (ⅳ) in the internal layer of the film .

  12. 退变性腰椎管狭窄组中IL-1β阳性患者腰背痛、下肢痛及功能障碍评分均高于IL-1β阴性患者,而腰椎间盘突出组内则无明显差异。

    In degenerative lumbar spinal canal stenosis group , the grading of backleg pain , melosalgia and functional impairment was apparently higher than when IL-1 β was detected while there was no statistical difference in all the species in lumbar intervertebral disc herniation group .

  13. 5-HT样纤维或终末在三叉神经脊束核、孤束核、面神经核、三叉神经运动核以及网状结构外侧部比较密集,而黑南内则很稀少。

    Fibers and terminals were very dense in the spinal trigeminal nucleus , nucleus of solitary tract , facial nucleus , motor nucleus of 5th nerve , lateral part of reticular formation , and , however , only occasionally , in the substantia nigra .

  14. 舱内则安放了餐桌以及配备了一座小型图书室。

    Indoors there is a dining table and a small library .

  15. 专题内则是学生学期间的作品集。

    And the projects section shows a compilation of student work from the term .

  16. 内则深化改革,提高教学质量和办学水平。

    Deepening reform to improve teaching quality .

  17. 在整个研究区内则表现为单峰型相关。

    At large scale ( whole basin ), the relations were mainly in single-peak type .

  18. 同样地,从地区和各大洲的层面来看,整合活动有所增加,但在全球范围内则几乎没有变化。

    Consolidation likewise has increased at a regional , continental level but hardly at all globally .

  19. 而在气隙内则同时存在着导热、辐射换热和对流换热现象。

    Inside the airspace , heat conduction , radiation recuperation and heat convection are all present .

  20. 如果学生违规,两周内则不许离开学校。

    If students are caught with such contraband , they cannot leave campus for two weeks .

  21. 他在本部门内则通常享有相当程度的自主权和行动自由。

    He often enjoys a considerable degree of discretion and freedom of action within his own department .

  22. 人工池塘中养着鱼,畜栏内则关着鹿或其他从丛林里猎捕来的动物。

    Artificial ponds yielded fish , and corrals held deer and other game flushed from the forest .

  23. 各科内则按属、种拉丁名的字母顺序排列。

    In Family , the genera and species are set as the letter order of their Latin names .

  24. 他预计,该公司到2014年营收将达到600亿美元,在十年内则将达到1000亿美元。

    He expects revenue to hit $ 60 billion by 2014 and $ 100 billion in a decade .

  25. 在各次级淋巴器官和疏松结缔组织内则为均一类型的成熟肥大细胞。

    There are only uniform maturated mast cells in all secondary lymph organs and loose connective tissues . Therefore .

  26. 如将孔结构特性参数控制在一定范围内则可制成不易被碳化的轻混凝土。

    Controlling the pore structure characteristics parameter within a certain limitation it is possible to produce practically non-carbonated lightweight concrete .

  27. 我的身上有一个小的透明贴片,里面含有生物同质性雌激素,子宫内则放置了一个黄体酮节育器。

    I have a little clear patch that contains bio-identical estrogen . A progesterone IUD was inserted in my uterus .

  28. 酒店内则完全是现代时尚酒店的配置——白沙发、壁炉、床罩、地毯以及座座雕塑。

    Inside : the trappings of a contemporary chic hotel - white sofas , fireplaces , throws , rugs and sculptures .

  29. 位于波士顿和其主要卫星城剑桥中间的科学公园内则有科学博物馆。

    Science Park , situated midway between Boston and its major satellite city , Cambridge , offers the Museum of Science .

  30. 资料册的附录内则胪列出各种向廉署举报及查询的途径。

    The channels for making election-related reports and enquiries to the ICAC are listed out in the appendix of the booklet .