
nèi qún
  • ingroup
  1. 积极内群关注的来源:群内还是群外

    The Origin of the Positive In-Group Regard : Intragroup or Intergroup

  2. 收发信机设备时延零值的变化和通带内群时延的波动直接影响到星间双向测距的精度。

    The accuracy of dual-way pseudo ranging is directly influenced by delay variation in transceiver .

  3. 脑干动脉可分成前内群、前外群、外侧群和后群。

    The arteries of the brain stem can be divided into four groups : the anteromedial , anterolateral , lateral and posterior arteries .

  4. 以往的研究一致认为这种积极评价是与外群比较的结果,并将这种现象命名为内群偏爱。

    Past researches agreed that this kind of positive regard should be the outcome of a comparison with a contextually relevant out-group , which was called in-group favoritism .

  5. G为内-FA群。

    ( 2 ) G is an inner - FA group .

  6. G为具有极大子群且中心有限的内-IN群。

    G is an inner-IN group with finite center and a maximal subgroup .

  7. G为中心有限的内-IA群。

    G is an inner-IA group with finite center .

  8. 每一个真子群均有限的无限群叫内有限群,非交换的内有限群叫Sc群。

    An infinite group , in which every proper subgroup is finite , is called an inner-finite group .

  9. G为具有指数有限的真子群的内-FN群。

    G is an inner-FN group which has a proper subgroup with finite index .

  10. 大冶铁矿东露天采场滑坡稳定性分析&以F(25)断裂滑脱带内滑坡群为例

    Stability assessment of landslide group within fault slipping zone at Open-pit Iron Mining Stope in Daye

  11. 肠内菌群对人参皂苷Rg1的代谢转化作用的研究

    Research on the Transformation of Ginsenoside Rg_1 by Intestinal Flora

  12. 用随机扩增DNA多态(RAPD)方法分析白腹管鼻蝠在华北和东北两地冬眠群群内与群间个体之间的亲缘关系,探讨冬眠群的结构组成及其相互关系。

    The kinship and construction were analyzed among intra groups and inter groups in hibernation groups of greater tube nosed bats ( Murina leucogaster ) in northern and northeast of China with RAPD method .

  13. 对任一群G可以引入一个对应的内禀群G,G和G对易且反同构,它是李群中第二参数群的推广。

    It is proved that for any group G there is a corresponding " intrinsic group " G which is the generalization of the second parameter group in the'Lie group . Group G and G are commutable and anti-isomorphic .

  14. 内禀群G的子群链G(S)的完备算符集G(S)的本征值可用来区分在群G作用下变换性质完全相同的不可约基。

    The eigenvalues of CSCO ( Complete set of Commuting Operators ) of the subgroup chain G ( S ) of G can be used to label the different IR bases whose behavior is exactly the same under the operation of group G.

  15. 分群的分布式MANET是由具有移动性的节点组成的自组织的网络,这种网络中有若干群,群内有群首节点、普通节点和网关节点三种类型的节点。

    The cluster-based distributed MANET consists of several clusters , in which three kinds of nodes are included : cluster heads , ordinary nodes and gateway nodes , and the nodes in it are self-organized .

  16. 结论(1)重症SIRS组患儿在胃肠道细菌移位及MODS发生之前,可能已经发生了胃肠道内菌群的严重失调,6个月以内的小婴儿更为多见;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) Before the translocation of enterobacteria and the onset of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ), there were severe imbalance of gastrointestinal tract microbial population in gastrointestinal tract in the severe SIRS children , especially in the infant younger than six months .

  17. 运用气固两相的颗粒群动力学模型,对Weidner理论进行了改进,建立了悬浮稀疏气力输送系统中五种不同空间布置方式的弯管内颗粒群运动微分方程。

    By using the kinetic model of mass of particles in gas solid two phase flows , the authors improved the Weidner ′ s theory , established the movement differential equations for mass of particles in five kinds of elbows in suspended dilute pneumatic conveying system .

  18. 庭藤种综内分类群间变异式样的相关性

    On the correlations of variation pattern between taxa of Indigofera Decora complex

  19. 结论轮状病毒感染会导致儿童肠道内菌群结构失调。

    Conclusion Rotavirus infection could cause structural shifts of the gut microflora .

  20. 肠内菌群对七叶皂苷体外代谢转化产物的研究

    Study on aescin metabolism in intestinal flora in vitro

  21. 目的探讨抗生素对宿主体内菌群的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of antibiotics on florae in the host .

  22. 本文最后讨论了宽叶韭种内居群间核型分化的原因。

    Factors of intraspecific differentiation among the populations of Allium hookeri Thwaites were discussed .

  23. 关于内有限群的性质

    On the Properties of the Inner-finite Groups

  24. 关于内-NA-群

    On Inner - NA - Group s

  25. 关于海峡西岸经济区内城市群体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Uban System within the West Coast of the Straits Economic Zone

  26. 不同组间具有极高的遗传分化,而组内居群间遗传分化不明显。

    There was extremely high genetic differentiation among groups , but not significant within group .

  27. 该方法把节块内各群中子注量分布用解析基函数近似展开。

    The intra-nodal flux distribution is expanded in a series of analytic basis functions for each group .

  28. 显然,美国人体内微生物群的失衡,并没有造成像动物园那么多夭折,

    Obviously , the microbiomes in the USA aren 't causing premature death as frequently as in the zoo ,

  29. 论庭藤种综内分类群间的变异相关性与分类地位宽庭生活馆

    A further study on the correlations of variance and taxonomic ranks between taxa of Indigofera Decora spacious courtyard living place

  30. 悬浮稀疏气力输送的弯管内颗粒群运动微分方程建立及求解分析

    Establishment and numerical solution analysis of movement differential equation for mass of particles in elbows of suspended Dilute Pneumatic Conveying System