
  • 网络white water;White Water Light
  1. 激流皮划艇已列为奥运会正式比赛项目,国内也正在发展。

    Rapids canoeing has already been listed as one of the Olympic events .

  2. 尽管我要提一下在1996年时,其中一条河的水流过盆地,它十分的清澈,曾是奥林匹克激流皮划艇比赛的场地。

    Although I should mention that by 1996 , the water in one of the rivers flowing through the basin was clean enough that it was the site of the Olympic white water kayaking competition .

  3. 31岁的奥弗斯特里特在俄勒冈州长大,从小玩皮划艇和木筏。他仿照激流皮划艇救援系统设计了绳索滑轮系统,这对从危险水域中收集数据的工作至关重要。

    Overstreet , 31 , who grew up kayaking and rafting in Oregon , had designed the rope-and-pulley system - modeled on swift-water boat rescue systems - that would be crucial to gleaning data from the treacherous waters .

  4. 在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上,乔·雅可比获得了男子双人激流回旋皮划艇的冠军。

    Joe Jacobi won the medal in men 's canoe double slalom at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona .