
guā qì
  • scraper;curette;curet
刮器[guā qì]
  1. 我们的产品已经广泛应用于汽车零部件如雨刮器、后视镜、坐位调节器、安全带等;

    Our products have already been widely applied in the Automobile Industry such like rain scraper , the rear view mirror , the seat regulator , the safety belt and so on ;

  2. 他们驱车回家,一路上挡风玻璃上的雨刮器不停地呼呼刮着。

    They drove home with their windshield wipers going whoosh whoosh .

  3. 汽车电动雨刮器总成(CAD)系统&雨刮电机设计

    Computer Aid Design System for Electric Windshield Wiper Assembly & The Design of Windshield Wiper Motor

  4. 最后,开发一套基于BP神经网络的雨刮器在线智能诊断系统,系统包括在线检测和神经网络训练两个主要部分。

    The system consists of two main parts , online detection and neural network training .

  5. 轿车雨刮器驱动系统EM特性分析及其仿真研究

    EM Characteristic Analysis and Simulation Study of Automotive Drive System of Windscreen Wiper

  6. 本课题的目的是为了将LIN总线控制的雨刮器电机加入一汽大众公司现有的雨刮器刮水质量自动评价系统中,使新系统能够通过计算机控制LIN电机的运行。

    This dissertation is aimed to add the wiper motor controlled by LIN bus into this system , and the new system can control the LIN wiper motor through the computer .

  7. 舌刮器能降低挥发性硫化物的浓度,从而治疗口腔性口臭。

    Tongue scraping can lower VSC concentration , subsequently reducing oral malodor .

  8. 雨刮器是汽车车身的重要部件之一。

    Windscreen wiper plays an important role in automobile body .

  9. 1903年安德森获得了雨刮器的专利;

    Anderson received the patent for her device in 1903 ;

  10. 档案雨刮器-安全工具让你可以删除任何文件永久没有复苏。

    Files Wiper-The Security Tools allow you to delete any files permanently without recovery .

  11. 汽车散热器总成,冷凝器风扇,空调鼓风机,雨刮器电机,整流桥。

    Car radiator fan , cooling fan , blower , wiper motor and rectifier .

  12. 下这么大的雨,你怎么不打开雨刮器呢?

    It is raining heavily ; why don 't you turn on the windshield wipers ?

  13. 作为一项预防措施,免费为客户更换左右两雨刮器臂。

    Both wiper arms will be replaced as a precaution free of charge to the customer .

  14. 机车雨刮器是机车重要零部件之一,它直接影响司机前方的视野。

    Wiper is one of the important locomotive equipment , it directly affects the vision of driver .

  15. 该公司生产的一款汽车雨刮器因故障在运行时产生噪声、振动过大、异响等现象。

    The company produces a automobile wiper has the phenomena of excessive vibration , noise , and abnormal sound .

  16. 刮器与音锉的每个齿撞击产生一个振荡波,称为齿脉冲。

    Each tooth rubbing of the file against the plectrum elicits a damping oscillation called " tooth pulse " .

  17. 当下雨时,驾驶者无需动手打开雨刮器,使驾驶者可以集中精力开车。

    When it rained , drivers did not need to open windscreen wiper so that drivers could concentrate on driving .

  18. 雨刮器的速度根据挡风玻璃上的水量的不同会有变化。

    The speed of the wipers will vary based on the amount of moisture on the windshield and also the interval setting .

  19. 根据部件动力学分析的结果和机械故障理论,对雨刮器的故障机理进行解释,说明了故障的传递路径。

    According to components dynamics analysis results and mechanic failure theory , explained wiper failure mechanism , explained the failure transfer pathway .

  20. 公司一直致力于汽车雨刮器的研究,开发,生产,销售于一体的企业。

    Wiper has been committed to the company 's automotive research , development , production and sales in one of the enterprises .

  21. 成熟的石器工艺技术加工出典型的端刮器、琢背刀、石镞与雕刻器等典型的细石器组合。

    The mature craftsmanship of stone tools also generates typical microlith assemblage such as scrappers , daggers , stone arrowheads and engraving tools .

  22. 在一起车祸中,这款车的安全气囊没能起到应起的保护作用;而雨刮器则被发现在低温天气中失灵。

    The airbags were found to separate from the vehicle in a crash and the windshield wipers were found to malfunction in freezing weather .

  23. 通过计算机对采集的数据进行分析以及对电机进行控制,从而完成对汽车雨刮器,尤其是现代高档汽车的雨刮器的质量检测。

    PC termination analyze the data from rain sensor and control the wiper motors , and test wiper motors , especially of high grade automobiles .

  24. 这项研究回顾了文献中使用舌刮器而非牙刷来刮舌的疗效。

    The study reviewed literature examining the effects of using tongue scrapers to brush the tongue , rather than using a toothbrush to scrape the tongue .

  25. 系统具有可靠、通用性、快速、操作简便的特点,适合雨刮器在线检测的要求。

    The system has the performance of reliable , versatile , fast , easy to operate , it is suitable for the requirements of the wiper online detection .

  26. 汽车电动雨刮器是用以清扫风挡玻璃上的雨水、霜雪和尘埃等物质的重要安全装置。

    Electric windshield wiper is one of the important safety devices in an automobile . It is used for cleaning rain , sow , dust and other materials on the windshield .

  27. 本项目产品的开发,将填补国内无骨雨刮器产品的空白,并能够在较短时间内实现为国内主机厂提供无骨雨刮器总成产品。

    Product development , this project will fill the bone gap wiper products and can be achieved in a relatively short period of time available for domestic OEM products boneless wiper assy .

  28. 提出了不同故障的特征参数,为通过测量雨刮器的外部噪声、振动进行故障诊断的方法提供理论依据。其次,对故障诊断方法进行研究。

    Proposed the characteristic parameters of different failures , provided a theoretical basis for fault diagnosis by measuring the wiper external noise and vibration . Secondly , the fault diagnosis method has been studied .

  29. 比如说,在暴风雨中谨慎驾驶,附近的汽车店检测到这一事实后会免费帮你安装雨刮器,或者在通勤过程中遇到交通大拥堵时,会有附近的餐馆给你提供一顿免费的美食。

    For example , careful driving during a storm may reward you with a free wiper blade installation from a nearby auto shop , or a stressful , gridlocked commute may earn you a free dinner from a local restaurant .

  30. 根据神经网络进行故障诊断的原理和要求,选择特征参数并整理训练样本集,建立了雨刮器故障标准样本库,以供神经网络训练的需要和雨刮器故障研究的样本。

    According to the principles and requirements of fault diagnosis based on neural network , selected the characteristic parameters and organize the training sample set , established a wiper fault standard sample database , as for the need of neural network training and the study of wiper failure .